

Monday, August 31, 1992

I stood in the Mirror Dimension, starring at my target. The ghost of Cuthbert Binns.

I entered the Mirror Dimension outside of Hogsmeade Village and made my way into Hogwarts.

I was forced to roam the halls of the castle for several hours before locating the lifeless history professor. He was in one of the apartments used by the Hogwarts teaching staff. I assume this was his residence when he was still alive.

Taking a deep breath, I used human transfiguration to completely alter my appearance. I cast an illusion over my body as an additional layer of deception.

After casting multiple invisibility spells on myself, I exited the Mirror Dimension behind the ghost of Cuthbert Binns.

I immediately hit the ghost in the back with an overpowered banishment spell and retreated back into the Mirror Dimension.

The moment Binns was sucked into Oblivion, I fled the castle at full speed. I didn't want to take a chance of Dumbledore having knowledge of other dimensions.

Once well past Hogsmeade Village, I used my Sling Ring to open a portal directly to my manor. That should prevent anyone from being able to trace this back to me.

Safe in my home, I dropped the illusions and allowed my true-form to resurface.

I had initially planned to Obliviate the fraud Goldilocks and take the position of D.A.D.A. Professor but, I decided against it for two reasons.

When I saw how much free time I would need to work on spells from the Mystic Arts and my own celestial powers, I couldn't be bogged down with the hectic schedule of the D.A.D.A. post.

The second reason, I couldn't say for sure if I could break the curse on the D.A.D.A position. While I am pretty sure I can end it, I don't know if the magic takes effect immediately or in June. It was something I didn't want to risk.

After talking with Aurora about her schedule, she was able to shed some light on how busy she really was. Teaching astronomy to all seven years, required several hours a day, just in grading homework assignments. Especially when the fifth and seventh-year students began to hound her before the O.W.L.s. and N.E.W.T.s.

She also mentioned how envious she became at times when she saw some of the other professors who only had to teach five years to worry about. Mostly the elective classes, which started in third-year students and went to seventh-year students.

According to Aurora, she only had a couple hours of free time each day, and that's excluding the two classes she teaches at night each week.

That's why the Hogwarts staff are given small apartments in the castle. They are only required to stay overnight when it's their assigned week for patrols, but most professors find it hard to leave with so much homework to grade.

As the D.A.D.A. Professor, I would have to teach all seven years and would be just as busy. But as the history teacher, I would only have to classes for first to fifth-year students.

No sixth or seventh-year student takes History of Magic, and it's not required for any career at the Ministry. I wouldn't have to worry about the N.E.W.T.s, at all!

The extra free time, and the possible use of a Time-Turner once I acquire one, would give me plenty of time to continue my own training.

That is what led me to my current course of action.

Aurora gave me a general timeline of the first day of school. In the morning, all teaching staff is to be present for a meeting with Dumbledore, to discuss the upcoming school year. This includes Binns.

After the meeting, the professors would have a few hours to themselves until the students arrived.

In twelve hours, the Hogwarts staff meeting would begin, and Binns's absence would be discovered. At the same time, the students would be arriving at Platform 9 3/4.

Banishing Binns was a bit of a risky plan. That's why I waited until the day before the new school year began.

Dumbledore will be hard-pressed to find a replacement before the students arrive, and Aurora should be in a position to refer me. With classes not starting until the second day, there is the possibility Dumbledore gathers other possible candidates. Hell, he might even wait, to give Binns some time to reappear.

If all goes well, Aurora will be able to successfully refer me to Dumbledore, and the old goat agrees.

If that doesn't work out, then I will be forced to resort to Plan B. Which is Obliviate Goldilocks to high-heavens.

For now, all I can do is wait.

Tuesday, September 1, 1992

I had just sat down to eat my lunch when my magic, Two-Way mirror began to chirp.

The mirror is only linked to one other, so I had a pretty good guess who was trying to reach me.

Picking up the hand-held mirror, I immediately recognized the familiar face of Aurora.

I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful woman.

Before I could greet her, she quickly spoke up. Speaking in a professional tone, "Good afternoon, Mr. Dovahkiin. I am contacting you on behalf of Hogwarts Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore."

Quickly catching on to the situation, I just couldn't help myself. I loudly whisper, "You're not alone, are you?"

The look she directed at me said a thousand words. There was a question to my intelligence, annoyance at having to endure my antics. There was even a small promise of pain!

Giving up the small game, I assume a professional manner. "Good afternoon to you as well, Miss Sinistra. How may I be of service?"

Slightly raising her chin as she looked at me, I could make out the hint of a smile. "A teaching position has unexpectedly become vacant. Hogwarts is inquiring if you would be interested in interviewing for the role of a Hogwarts professor?"

Maintaining my act, I took on a surprised look. "Really? Dumbledore already fired the golden fraud?" I didn't bother to lower my voice. If Dumbledore is close enough to hear, my comment may gain some favor.

At my question, Aurora's lips slightly puckered. She was putting forth a great deal of effort to not smile or laugh at that remark.

Throughout the summer, I went to great lengths to prove to Aurora that Gilderoy Lockhart was a fraud. A talented writer of fiction, yes. But not the adventurer he claimed to be.

His books contained too many inconsistencies and fake spells to be anything but fictitious. I knew the events were lived by real witches and wizards, but Lockhart failed to steal all the names of all the spells used during those events.

His misnamed, misspelled, and inaccurate descriptions of certain spells screamed false to any witch or wizard with advanced knowledge in D.A.D.A.

Once I pointed those out to Aurora, she became quite upset. She was disappointed at herself for falling for the conman's ploy and angry at the man himself for portraying himself as a heroic adventurer.

Needless to say, we made many jokes at the golden fraud's expense.

After a herculean effort, Aurora was able to continue her professional appearance.

I spoke up before she could reply. Speaking softly, "Aurora, we have talked about this. I'm not thrilled with the idea of teaching D.A.D.A." Taking a small breath, "But if you need me, I will gladly..."

"The D.A.D.A. position is currently filled," Aurora loudly interrupted. "The vacancy is for the History of Magic Professor," Aurora continued with a hint of a smirk.

I schooled my face to appear excited. "Are you serious?" I made sure to add a bit of hope in my voice. At her delicate nod, I immediately spoke up. "Yes! Yes, of course! I would love to!"

"You are being asked to interview for the position, Mr. Dovahkiin. This isn't the post offering. Yet." She lightly whispered the last part.

"My apologies, Miss Sinistra. I got ahead of myself. I can be ready for an interview in one hour. Will that do?"

Looking rather dominant, "That is acceptable, Mr. Dovahkiin."

Tilting my head slightly and lowering my voice again, "What should I bring?"

Aurora's dominant look briefly turned smug before she whispered, "Everything." Resuming her professional tone of voice, "The Keeper of Keys, Rubeus Hagrid, will meet you at Hogwarts' entrance to escort you in, Mr. Dovahkiin. We shall see you shortly."

Aurora ended the communication with a wink.


Hogwarts' Deputy Headmistress and Griffindor's Head of House, Minerva McGonagall, stood by the Headmaster's desk. Silently watching her fellow professor talk with a candidate for the position to teach History of Magic.

Having known Aurora Sinistra for over seven years, Minerva was a bit surprised at the astronomy professor's antics.

Minerva knew Aurora had a great love for gossip, but she always conducted herself in a professional manner. To see her acting like a giddy school girl with a crush was rather revealing.

Minerva silently watched Aurora conclude her conversation with Mr. Xavier Dovahkiin. Seeing the way Aurora glowed, Minerva was beginning to understand why Aurora was so quick to refer someone when Binns disappeared.

As shocked as she was to hear how aggressive Aurora was with setting up an interview for Albus, Minerva was willing to forgive her. After a bit of subtle teasing, of course.

Minerva silently watched as Aurora placed the two-way mirror in her bag-of-holding, both gifts from Mr. Dovahkiin, no doubt. Those two items would cost a small fortune to purchase, and the look of the artifacts makes it unlikely they're family heirlooms.

With a curious expression, Minerva arched a delicate eyebrow and stared at the giddy-looking Aurora.

Minerva took great enjoyment as seeing the embarrassment on Aurora's face when she noticed her present company. Hogwarts Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress, both silently watching her.

Forcing down her embarrassment, Aurora turned to the Headmaster. Looking directly into Dumbledore's twinkling-eyes, "Mr. Dovahkiin would be delighted to interview for the open post, Headmaster. He shall be here within the hour."

Minerva nearly broke out of her stern character to laugh at the deeply embarrassed astronomy professor! It seems she finally realized she was making decisions for the Headmaster while standing in front of the man!

Albus stared into Professor Sinistra's eyes for a moment. With a jovial smile, "Thank you, Aurora. I am looking forward to meeting the young Dovahkiin. Perhaps, you could inform Hagrid of our impending guest?"

With visibly pink cheeks on her dark-skinned face, Aurora stammered out a reply before fleeing the Headmaster's office.

Alone with Albus, Minerva let out a small chuckle. Albus quickly joined her with a laugh of his own.

After enjoying the moment for a bit, Minerva schooled the humor from her face. Looking towards Albus Dumbledore, "Were you able to uncover anything?"

Standing up from his desk, the Headmaster gracefully moved towards a tall bookcase. There wasn't a single book to be found on the wooden shelves. Instead, there stood a wide assortment of magical items.

Some of the magical items were slowly spinning in place. Several were moving about in a set pattern, and a couple would frequently change color.

Carefully looking over each one, Dumbledore released a defeated sigh. "I combed over every inch of Cuthbert's apartment and surrounding areas. I couldn't find the slightest hint at foul play."

Turning from the magical trinkets, he turned to face his closest confidant. "As unlikely as it may be, it is still possible Cuthbert decided to finally pass on."

Minerva seemed to mull this possibility over for a bit. Focusing back on Albus, "This whole situation seems a little too... Peculiar." The word she was really thinking was convenient.

Slightly shaking his head, "You can rest assured, Minerva. Aurora has played no part in any of this. She is innocent."

Quickly grasping the insinuation, Minerva's eyes grew large, and her fists clenched tight! With a voice filled with anger and righteous indignation! "Albus Dumbledore! How could you?! I never questioned Aurora's innocence for a second! She may not have attended Hogwarts, but she has proven herself to be a trusted member of this staff! To use Legilimency on her is... is..."

Raising both hands before him in an attempt to soothe the enraged Transfiguration Master, Albus spoke with a voice filled with remorse. "I know, Minerva. I know."

Slowly lowering his hands to his side, Albus stood firmly in front of his Deputy Headmistress. "I'm afraid dark times are upon us once again. I can not freely give out my trust when it may jeopardize the safety of the students and staff."

Pausing for a moment, Albus turned his attention to a specific corner of his office. "I do not take pleasure in such actions, Minerva. But... I will continue to do what I must. For the greater good."

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