
Getting to know my new self



[Are you still mad at me?]

Talia sighs and tries to move, but she's still swaddled too tight. 'Not really, it was just too much at once I guess, but in the end, it was my choice to reincarnate to have the opportunity to have new adventures and meet new people, who am I to complain about a little raise in difficulty?'

[Thank you, that's very sweet of you to say, but fear not, I'll do what I can to help and we'll get through this. Together?]

'Together!' Talia smiles.

[Okay, so I was thinking, and technically you can start gaining some skills and trying to discover your powers even though you can't talk or walk yet]

'That's great, so what can I do?'

[Okay, first say status, we'll analyze it together and work from there, though however it looks you can always start with mediation, it's great for you]

'If you say so, status'


Name: Talia Georgia Ravenheart.

Species: Human witch.

Charm: 16

Dexterity: -2

Intelligence: 9

Luck: 10

Stamina: 1

Strength: 0.1

Will/Persistence: 1 or 15

Skills/Special Skills: None

Innate Power(s): Undiscovered

Protection Chosen: Protection of the Mind]

'What does 1 or 15 means? Wait, -2 Dexterity? 0.1 Strength and 1 Stamina? Seriously?'

[It's pretty self-explanatory really, you're a 6-month-old baby, what did you expect? 1 or 15 goes with your personality honestly, you're either incredibly persistent to the point where no one can change your mind or you go along with anything even if it goes against your own goals, charm is high because you're an adorable little baby, Intelligence and luck are unchanging in this new body]

'That's really sad actually, I have to learn how to move and communicate as fast as possible. Oh, I know, I'll just cry until they free me from this baby jail so I can start practicing' Talia starts crying.

[Or you could start mediating first]

Talia continues to cry.

"Well hello baby girl, someone woke up early today, did you have good dreams?" Georgia asks Talia making her baby voice and picking her up.

Talia keeps crying trying to get rid of the blanket she's been swaddled in. "Oh sweetie, is it bothering you? Here you go" She frees Talia from the blanket and Talia smiles victoriously. 'Finally' She thinks.

"Are you hungry sweetie?" She puts Talia in her highchair, and some cut up fruits and vegetables in front of her. "There you go, now, today is a very important day, so you better be on your best behavior, ok? Daddy was able to get someone to come here later to test your affinities, isn't that exciting? You see, there's all kinds of witches out there, and due to your bloodline it's really hard to predict which kind you have without some testing"

Talia eats enraptured in her mom's explanation trying to learn all she can about it. 'Do you know what kind of witch I am, Clover?' She questions to know if Clover had any say in it or if it will just rely on her own luck again.

[No, not yet anyways, it's not really something that's fixed, it's like your mom said, an affinity, which means it will be easier for you to learn the things that match with it, but it doesn't make learning the other types of magic impossible, like for example, not all witches are born witches, anyone can learn magic and became one, what changes is the difficulty level they'll come across, but with enough strength of mind, focus and perseverance, nothing is truly impossible in this world, it might just be harder. Your mom is probably testing you now to understand how you'll learn better, it's really thoughtful of them to try and be prepared this early, it might even help to get you ready for the event in three years]

Talia smiles thanking her lucky stars for ending up in this family. Georgia kisses her baby's head and starts cleaning up around the kitchen.

'Wait, there's something I've been forgetting about' Talia thinks back to the items she took before coming to this world. 'What happened to those things I took? And what were they, exactly?'

[Yes, you got three of them back there, the gloves, the ring and the little box, if I remember correctly, there were actually 10 hidden items in there but you did well enough]

'Wait 10? I knew something was important about them, you kept the lights off the whole time and then when I find the gloves you just start counting down. So, what did I get and where is it?!' Talia exclaims excited about what she got.

[The gloves will amplify your powers by 10%, the ring is actually a spatial ring that can store things inside it without them going bad or anything, the blue one you got actually can actually hold an unlimited number of things, objects, plants, though no living beings. And finally, the little box that you just barely got it, that one holds the spirit of a familiar, it's currently incubating within your soul and should hatch in around another six months, and no, we can't tell what it will be before it hatches, there's no way to know beforehand, the ring is on your finger, but melded to your skin and cloaked, so no one can take it, find it or actually see it, and the gloves are inside the ring]

Talia grins wide with happiness, 'I'll have my very own familiar? Endless storage and a power boost? I did so well I'm honestly awesome'

[Again, 3 out of 10 items, though the little box is one of the top 3 rarely found ones]

'Exactly, quality beats quantity any time, I'm still awesome' Talia smirks enjoying messing with Clover 'Honestly you should be thanking your lucky stars for ending up with me'


'You're no fun' Talia finishes eating and watches her mom clean up the kitchen. 'Hey Clover'

[Yes, Talia]

'Do I look like my mom now? I haven't really gotten a chance to see what I look like yet, but she looks so pretty' Talia wonders looking at her mom. Georgia has long curly black hair, brown eyes and a beautiful sun-kissed skin tone, she's around 5'6 (+-1,67m), and is currently wearing casual clothes while cleaning up.

[I haven't seen much of you either, but your hair seems to be the same color as hers though your skin tone might be a touch lighter, or you might need a bit more sun, babies coloring, eyes, skin and hair can be very deceptive until it just settles and stays that way forever]

Talia shrugs 'Oh well, we'll find out soon enough'

The front door opens and Timothy enters with his guest "Honey, she's here! is Talia awake yet?" He enters the kitchen and finds the girls there, he goes and kisses Talia's forehead, to which she giggles then goes and hugs his wife and kiss her cheek. "Are you ready to find out your affinity sweetie?" He asks Talia smiling at her.

Talia makes a serious face and nods. Get parents smile at that. "Okay then little princess, daddy will take you to meet the nice lady and take your little test in the living room then" He takes her and looks back at Georgia "C'mon love, let's find out what our little princess is all about"

"Georgia, Talia, this is Mary, she's a Witch as well and will be helping us find out Talia's affinity" Talia studies Mary with all her focus trying to see if there's some clue to her power or something she can learn just with her presence. Mary is blonde with blue eyes a bit taller than her mom, really skinny, with pale skin and doesn't seem to be older than 16.

"Nice to meet you Mary, I'm Georgia, Talia's mother, thank you for helping us with this today" they pass Talia to Mary.

"Oh, the pleasure is mine really, to get to know such an adorable little witch" She tickles Talia which makes Talia laugh.

"Can we start now?" Mary asks, Talia nods enthusiastically and they all smile at her. "She seems to understand us already"

"Yeah she's like that sometimes, which is why we tend to talk and explain things to her so much, just in case, though she can't talk yet she does try to do so and mumbles a lot sometimes, like she's taking to herself"

Talia goes a little pale. 'Have I been mumbling to them when I'm talking to you?'

[Sometimes, but it was mostly recently, a bit before you got your full conscience back]

'As long as they don't actually hear us talking that's fine, they would probably freak out'

[Or think you have an imaginary friend, you're just a baby remember? They were there when you were born, they won't easily start suspecting you of this kind of thing]

'You're right, for now at least, I don't really know all the possibilities in this world so I rather not risk it if we can, better safe than sorry'

"Okay Talia, I'm going to hold your hand now and let a tiny little bit of power flow through you to see what happens, you'll just get a vague warn feeling and then we're done, got it?" Talia gets back from her contemplation with Clover and nods. Mary takes her hands and it all goes just as she said, they wait for a little bit.

'Is it not working? Why is it taking so long? Do I not have powers? Were we wrong?' Talia starts spiraling in her thoughts. Then the air starts gently circling them, with specks of fire, earth and water in the mix.

"An elemental witch with focus on the air element, they tend to be friendly, easy-going and very patient individuals, you're very lucky Talia" Clover tries really hard not to laugh but fails.

'What are you laughing about, the elements are a really good thing to have an affinity for, and air is everywhere so I'll always have something to rely on'

[Sorry, sorry, you're right, but patient?]

'I can be patient'

[You started spiraling less than 30 seconds in]

'I meant on the outside' Clover laughs again.

"Here, I have your payment and I'll accompany you to the door" Georgia tells Mary, and Tim takes Talia.

"Are you happy little one? you're gonna have nature wrapped around your little finger in no time" He tells Talia, who smiles and nods excitedly.

'Clover, what can we do with this new information?'

[I'll update your status and you can start a simple training regimen involving meditation and elemental magic, nothing too big or complicated for now, but it should give you a good baseline by the time your familiar hatches]

'I can barely wait to meet them'

"And that was how we met" Tim says to which Talia looks at her parents confused, wondering when her mom got back and what was the story she just missed. 'Oh well, if it's important they tell me again at some point, I'm just a baby after all, status'


Name: Talia Georgia Ravenheart.

Species: Human witch.

Affinity: Elemental (air).

Charm: 16

Dexterity: -2

Intelligence: 9

Luck: 10

Stamina: 1

Strength: 0.1

Will/Persistence: 1 or 15

Skills/Special Skills: None

Innate Power(s): Undiscovered

Protection Chosen: Protection of the Mind]

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