
Chapter 23: Animagus 101 part 2

( Dumbledore's office)

"Come again Harry? Did you say you are a Animagus?" Questioned Dumbledore Making sure he heard right, as He, Snape And Mcgonagall we're present in the office as Fawkes was on his perch looking at Harry in excitement.

"How on earth did you become a Animagus Mr. Potter? You'd have to be registered!" Said His head of the house Mcgonagall With Snape watching in silence wanting to hear what Mr. Potter has to say.

"Me being a Animagus is apart of my gifts and boon of being a Basilisk/ Phoenix hybrid" Harry explained telling them that he had to fuse his magical aura with Blaze and Toxine's magical auras to become the beast within him.

"And pray tell us what Animagus form you have Mr. Potter?" Asked Snape with a mild monotone in his voice.

"My form is the Feathered Winged Serpent Quetzalcoatl" Harry answered with three professors gasping in surprise that Harry has became the legendary mythical creature known to exist!

"The key to that transformation was fusing a Basilisk and Phoenix.." He finished as Dumbledore's eyes began to twinkle in excitement, Fawkes looked more pleased, Mcgonagall could only look astonished by her Lion and could feel very proud, Snape on the other hand looked on in disbelief that Potter has became the feathered winged serpent that rivals both Basilisk and Phoenix!

"I am very thrilled about this Harry, so that was what happened down in the chamber of secrets... you became a Animagus Quetzalcoatl.. Merlin it's remarkable!" Praised Dumbledore as Fawkes trilled in praise too.

Harry himself blushed at the praise as Both Toxine and Blaze within Harry's mind were snickering.

Snape remained silent as he closed his eyes mentally saying.

"Lily your son has indeed become something extraordinary and terrifying at the same time" He Said in Thought thinking of his former best friend and crush he always fancied.

"Thank you Professor Dumbledore. Now that I told you about my animagus form, I have an update about my evolution" Harry Said with Dumbledore, Snape And Mcgonagall looking serious now

"Tell is what has occurred to your evolution?" Dumbledore Said looking at the boy.

"Because of my animagus form my evolution increased my perks has evolved on a much different level" the boy explained Seeing Dumbledore stroke his beard in Thought as Mcgonagall raised a eyebrow, Snape just stared and showed no reaction but his eyes caught Harry's mouth and saw a forked tongue Which made his eyes widen.

"Mr. Potter... show us your tongue..." He Said sternly Making both Dumbledore And Mcgonagall turn towards him with confusion as they looked back at Harry

Harry of course winced, Snape caught him as he opened his mouth revealing his forked tongue and top fangs gasps were heard as Mcgonagall and Dumbledore looked even more concerned.

"That also triggered my evolution my tongue has been replaced with a forked tongue" Harry Said with Snape rubbing his chin in Thought

"Well Mr. Potter I suppose I could whip up a potion for you to hide your tongue casting a illusion on it" Offered Snape Seeing the boy turn to his direction

"Just stop by my office and I'll have it ready for you" He Said causally as the boy turned towards Dumbledore

"Will that be all Professor Dumbledore?" The teen Asked

"Yes. Harry you may return to your chamber of secrets" The wise wizard said Seeing him nod and walk away

(The Next Day)

Now at the library he needed a little knowledge on the Feathered Winged Serpent Quetzalcoatl as he turned the page on mythical creatures researching the ancient Feathered Winged Serpent until he finally found what he was looking for he stopped at the Quetzalcoatl page reading the Ancient text that The Quetzalcoatl is a Mayan Wind God and Serpent of the storms and winds.

Looking at the name of the Mayan god he spoke out


He said now reading Kukulkan's lore regarding the ancient beast as he began reading

"Upon the high winds of Mayan lands rides the feathered serpent, Kukulkan. Awesome and terrible to behold, majestic yet sinister, Kukulkan embodies the danger and beauty of a double-edged sword."

"Time has worn away knowledge of this God like the breeze over stone. Perhaps Kukulkan prefers this. He is known by many names and worn the face of man and beast - and worshipped with the kind of reverence born of fear."

"Dotted across the vast forests of the Mayan lands stand great pyramids bearing his serpentine likeness, architecturally perfect so as to catch the light and bring to life those slithering stone statues. Painted in blood, sacrifices were made upon these sites to appease Kukulkan. He is the lord of death and rebirth."

"To the world, he brought the four elements, but of wind he keeps control. A great gem, worn about his sinuous neck is said to be the source of all air."

"To the people, he brought the calendar. That glorious, portentous stone disk, which counts time to a distant future, only to stop abruptly and with horrifying finality."

"To the battlefield, he brings a legacy of power and domination. Sacrifices made for his favor were measured in blood, but mortal blood is weak. It seems that, for Kukulkan's ultimate appeasement, the blood of a God is required."

Harry finished with the knowledge being absorbed into his head he seemed intrigued about Kukulkan.

"Very impressive lore about Kukulkan... so he is the Serpent of the nine winds" Remarked Toxine She herself has never heard of the ancient Feathered Serpent

"So if we're Quetzalcoatl and is a God-half god what does that make me?" Harry Spoken in his mindscape

"I suppose that would make you the Heir of Kukulkan..." Suggested Toxine frowning a bit.

"And if I'm his heir? Does that mean I inherit his Wind and storm power?" Questioned Harry again with both his tenants being silent for a moment

"It appears so Harry, meaning we're going to have to train you a lot harder to control your new found powers.." Blaze had Spoken

"Well now that I've read knowledge about it. It's time to go see Mione and Gin" Said Harry as left the book and left the library.

( With Harry)

Now heading his way to the great hall he was stopped by George and Fred, The Weasley twins.

"What can I do for you George and Fred?" Asked Harry looking at his quidditch team mates.

"Harry" started George

"Mind" Said Fred

"If we"

"Have a word with you"

"In private?" Finished Both Twins

As the teen nodded

They led Harry to a broom cupboard to have a small private chat.

"Look Harry, we've just received a message from our mum and dad about your secret" Fred Said seriously Making Harry widen his eyes.

"But no worries, your secret is safe with us, and we would never tell a soul about you. Mum also told us when Ron gets back she wants us to keep a eye on him so that he doesn't provoke you or start trouble" Said George Making Harry now sigh in relief as he looked at the twins

"Thank you guys, it means so much to me" Harry Spoken with a smile as the twins smiled back

"Oh no"

"Problem" They Said in unison leaving the cupboard with Harry now Making his way to the great hall.

(Great Hall)

Now in the great hall heading towards the Gryffindor table.

Hermione and Ginny along with Luna smiled seeing Harry now makes his appearance.

"Hey Harry," The three girls said In unison

"Hey girls, how's it going" He Said with Ginny looking extremely happy at him.

"What's up Gin? What you're so happy about?" He Asked Seeing her smiling at him.

"I'm happy that you've married Luna as Lady Ravenclaw" She whispered with Luna just smiling staring at her husband

"Oh.. so she's told you" He Said smiling Seeing Hermione nod.

Before Hermione could say anything she heard a screech and Hoot from Hedwig who is carrying a package as she landed it by her owner Harry Potter with everyone on the Gryffindor table looking wondering what did Harry get?

The boy in question looked at the package as he saw a gringotts seal on it meaning his dagger had came

"What's that Harry?" Asked Ginny

"It's my dagger, the goblins crafted it for me. I'm not going to open it yet, I'm opening it at the chamber of secrets" He Said with the last part in a whisper

"So did you hear of that tremor yesterday?" Hermione Asked staring at the boy

"Yes, we will discuss it in the chamber" He Said with a low whisper before anyone could hear him, the three girls had nodded in understanding Seeing it can't be spoken here

Fleur had finally made herself known to Arry coming from her Ravenclaw table smiling at her husband.

"Hi Arry" She Said with a beautiful smile as he smiled back.

"Hey Fleur" She greeted back.

"May I sit with you?" She Asked he nodded gesturing her to sit as she ignored the Gryffindor males who are drooling and staring at her of course.

"Luna this is Fleur Isabelle Delacour, Fleur this is Luna Lovegood a new friend and new member to our 'group'. " Introduced Harry as the two girls shook hands,

"Pleasure meeting you Ms. Delacour" Luna Said looking at the Quater Veela.

"It is good meeting you Lovegood" Fleur Said with a smile understanding what Harry meant meaning this is LadyRavenclaw.

The boy and his wives were peacefully eating their lunch as the rest of the afternoon went by. Going to their respective classes, every student in Hogwarts seemed to notice Harry has himself quite the harem, they always see him With Hermione, Ginny and Luna and let's not forget The dashing beautiful Fleur Delacour.

(Chamber of secrets)

Now in the chamber he unwrapped his package knowing his dagger is inside widening his green eyes he saw the gleaming silver blade of his dagger he could had swore he saw a ethereal green light illuminating around the dagger, it's hilt had Basilisk scales on it as the bottom of it has a Basilisk head on it with a black gem in its mouth, the dagger was curved and was Steel. It was a big dagger the size of a Club the beaters use in quidditch it was that size as it came with a snake covered sheath, he knows the blade is coated with Basilisk venom now sheathing it he smiled knowing the dagger could be useful but he wasn't going to keep it on him while he's in his classes. Now he just needs to wait for his Basilisk armor and new Wand.

Now onto topics he decided it was time to have a meeting with the werewolves. He decided to meet them at midnight knowing that's the logical time to meet them.

"Rachnera!" He called out as the acromantula made her appearance crawling out of her hollowed pipe.

"Yes Master Potter?" The spider asked

"Meet me at the forest at midnight I want you to locate the werewolves location I'm going to meet them tonight" Harry Said as Rachnera hissed in response she crawled out of the chamber of secrets heading to another secret exist that leads her to the forest.

He wondered should he bring his dagger.

No, probably best to leave it here as he went inside the statue of Salazar Slytherin.

Getting a nap first.

He married Fleur, Hermione, Ginny and Luna. That leaves him with Lady Slytherin, Lady Hufflepuff and Lady Black. He knows he's going to have a talk with his wives parents he didn't know who he should start with, maybe he'll start with Fleur's family then start with Hermione's and Ginny's then Luna's parents to tell them he's married their daughters but he would also have to tell them his condition of what he's becoming.

Another thing that worried him He knows Ron has been suspended for about two weeks and the red headed git will be back in a few days from what Ginny told him since she's written to her mum.

He was glad the twins were on his side and keeping his secret safe but Harry was worried about Ginny's other three brothers if they found out he's a magical creature and married their little sister adding that he turned her into what he is..

Only Weasley Brothers he'd have to worry about is Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley with Ron included.

He drifted to sleep and waited until it was midnight.

( Midnight Forbidden Forest)

A Flare of flames erupted by the entrance of the forbidden forest revealing Harry, he seemed to be getting the hang of teleporting via through fire. It's a Phoenix ability, Phoenix's can teleport in flames Blaze had taught him this in his dreamscape holding a lamp, Rachnera dropped herself off the tree and landed beside Harry.

"Have you found their location?" He Asked Seeing her nod.

"Father says the beasts live west of the forest, I'll lead the way master" She Said now leading him to the west as he followed his acromantula familiar

15 minutes later

They've reached their destination when they heard howls.

"Rachnera Stay in the trees and wait for me." He Said

"You don't need me master? What if they attack you?" She Said in concern not wanting to leave her master's side.

"I'll be fine Rachnera, just stay put" He Said with her obeying as she crawled up the tree to wait as he went inside the Werewolf Colony's den and territory

As he walked into their territory he heard them growl and snark as almost every werewolf made themselves appear keeping their amber eyes on Harry but their noses sniffed catching Harry's scent it confused them he didn't smell human.

"Who are you? And what business do you have with us outsider!?" Demanded one Werewolf with a scar over his left eye as his pack of werewolves brothers and sisters surrounded Harry.

"I mean you no harm, I'm here to talk my name is Harry James Potter, I wish a alliance with the werewolves I am the Basilisk King" Harry introduced with the werewolves now looking in surprise and murmurs and growls could be heard.

"Harry Potter? The boy who lives? Basilisk King? So the rumors were true about you in the forest, my name is Bloodfang, Greyback's lieutenant acting Alpha until our true Alpha is free from Azkaban what do you want Potter?" Said Bloodfang keeping his steel gaze on Harry as he smelled Harry too.

"He smells of that of a snake... and bird... just what is he?" Thought Bloodfang for some reason he felt a chill down his spine.

"I'm here for unification of all forbidden forest creatures, I'd like a alliance with all werewolves" Harry Said with many of the werewolves growling with Bloodfang snarling

"Alliance? You want us werewolves unified with other creatures in this forest! Never! Greyback would not approve of us siding with other creatures! Especially not following someone like you!" Bloodfang growled baring his fangs

"I need you werewolves to side with me to unify against Voldemort and of course the ministry of magic that hates your kind." Harry Said hoping to reason with the beast

"The answer is NO! We will do nothing of a sort not as long as I am in charge of this colony and our pack!" Bloodfang sneered

"Then what can I do to help you gain your trust to join the unification?" Harry Asked Seeing there has to be something to convince the werewolves to join him.

"Hmmm... Hmmm... well there is one thing you can do for us" Bloodfang Said stroking his chin.

"And what's that Bloodfang?" Harry Asked staring at the grey werewolf.

"If we were to join you, could you allow us to infect the younger children of the wizardly world to turn them into werewolves by taking them from their families in order to strengthen our pack. That's what Greyback's plot and agenda is" Bloodfang Said with a low growl

Harry of course felt disgusted he was not going to strip away children from their families to be brought in Werewolf packs, so with a glare Harry Said.

"No, I will do no such thing we will not strip any child from their families it's not the right way" Harry Said keeping his glare on Bloodfang who snarled.

"Then get out! No alliance Potter!" He glared at the boy as Harry remained in his spot.

"I'm not leaving until we settle this alliance" Harry Said with defiance as Bloodfang growled much louder.

"Rip him!" Bloodfang commanded to his pack as one werewolf leaped at Harry ready to slaughter him.

Harry however acted on instinct and dodged the Werewolf that nearly clawed him as the werewolf turned around to swipe its claws but Harry caught his arm swiftly and bit down hard on werewolf injecting venom into him who roared in pain as the werewolf stumbled back and collapsed squirming on the ground withering in pain shocking the werewolves who saw what happened as the werewolf who was bitten just laid there dead.

"He killed a pack member! Get him!" Bloodfang roared as he and five other werewolves lunged at Harry who had his back turned.

Before Bloodfang and his five pack members could even jump on Harry and rip him to shreds, Harry turned around with his eyes closed as he instantly snapped them open revealing his Golden Yellow Deadly Eyes, And instantly Bloodfang and his five pack members instantly died unprepared for the deadly gaze.

The other werewolves who witnessed it also instantly died just from looking into Harry's eyes.

Those who indirectly stared were pretrified the more smarter werewolves quickly turned away afraid to be killed by his gaze.

Seeing that no other werewolf was going to attack him Harry closed his eyes returning them to normal then opened them Seeing he killed over 28 werewolves and pretrified 16 werewolves.

"Do I have your attention now?" He Said towards the surviving werewolves who cowered in fear.

"All I Asked was for a alliance I didn't want it to be this way but you forced my hand. As of right now I'm your Alpha you werewolves no longer follow Greyback. Are all of you with me or not?" Harry Said glaring at the other werewolves who shivered at his gaze.

"We're with you Basilisk King..." Said a black werewolf speaking for his pack and brethren

"Very good, I'll be seeing you all again" Harry Said as he walked over the dead werewolves and left.

(3 three days later Transnfiguration Room)

"Can I have your attention please?" Said Professor Mcgonagall Getting all students attention

"The Yule Ball has always been a tradition to the Tri-Wizard Cup tournament, on Christmas Eve night we and our guests will have our ball in the great hall, the Yule Ball is a dance for you young gentlemen and ladies." Mcgonagall Said with many in murmurs

Harry looked surprised, who was he going to take to the Yule Ball? And one thing: He can't dance. As he continued to listen to Mcgonagall talk more about the Yule Ball... he was going to need some practice... serious practice but the main topic who is he going to take to the Yule Ball? Fleur? Hermione? Ginny? Luna? He was going to have to figure that out himself as his thoughts were broken by Mcgonagall calling his name.

"Mr. Potter?" She called out

"Yes Professor?" He Said

"Will you join me please?" She Said holding her hand out, Harry of course became nervous as she led him in the middle of the room to show a demonstration of how the ball will be like.

"Now, Mr. Potter put your right hand on my waist" She Said now Making his cheeks go red as he could had swore he heard the Weasley twins whistle then some of the boys snickered as the girls giggled mainly coming from Hermione and Ginny.

"W-Where?" He Asked pretending he didn't hear her.

"On my waist" she grabbed his right arm placing his right hand on her waist.

"But Professor I don't know how to dance..." he whispered in embarrassment

"Which is why you are going to learn now" Mcgonagall Said turning to Mr. Flich

"Mr. Flich if you please" Mcgonagall spoke out as the man played the record player as formal music played, she placed her arms around Harry.

"Now one two three, one two three" She Said as Her and Harry taking steps in dancing still blushing in embarrassment as from the corner of his eyes he saw George and Fred grinning then shifted his eyes towards Hermione and Ginny who were enjoying this as they giggled.

"Everyone together! Boys on your feet! Everyone take a dance partner and practice!" Mcgonagall has said as she continued to dance with Mr. Potter

"I'll definitely need some more practice but need to figure out who I'm taking to the Yule Ball...?" HeThoughttrying to process how to dance and get the hang of it

Both Toxine and Blaze snickered watching their host dance with the Deputy Headmistress

Blaze looked at Toxine as she stared at him.

"Shall we have our own Ball? Just us dancing together?" Blaze offered holding his hand out surprising Toxine.

"Are you asking me out?" She stared at him.

"Why of course? We've been together for a year training and teaching young Harry here, so yes Lady Toxine will you take my hand in our very own Yule Ball?" He Said in a like gentlemanly way

Lady Toxine Basilisk Of Salazar Slytherin has been Asked out by a Handsomely gentleman Phoenix and he's offering her a dance? What is her response?

"Why Yes Blaze, I'd like to dance with you" The Serpent lady said with a genuine smile.

(The next day)

Ronald Weasley was now off of suspension but he will take detention with Serverus Snape As the boy had been brought by floo powder through Mcgonagall's Office who picked him up was his head of the house she already filled him in about the Yule Ball and that he has a chance to go.

Meaning he can try to ask Hermione to the dance he must get her before Potter does and he has a way of just getting her to have her dance with him.

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