
Chapter 704: Saying Goodbye to Daughter_1

"It's okay, Auntie Yun, if you're feeling unwell, go lie down. Don't push yourself," Nan Feng looked again at Lin Qiaoyun's belly, noting that it seemed to be protruding. She asked, "Auntie Yun, how many months now?"

"Four months," Lin Qiaoyun replied. "The bump just started showing. It was hardly noticeable last month, but it's prominent this month. I don't know if it's because I'm older, but I'm constantly feeling sleepy."

Nan Feng then asked with a smile, "Did you have the same symptoms when you're carrying brother Fu? I heard everyone's body responses differently. Now that you're pregnant again, maybe you'll have other kids in the future."

Lin Qiaoyun answered, "I didn't feel much during brother Fu's pregnancy. I consulted Dr. Liu from our village. He said it's just because I'm older. After all, many women my age in the village are already grandmothers."

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