

Lila snatched her hand and dragged her inside and up the stairs to Luna's room.

"W-What are you doing?" Zari was unsure what to do at the quick turn of events.


Luna stepped out of the hot tub, dried herself with magic, and teleported to the bottom of the stairs. She walked upstairs and into her room where Lila had taken a slightly embarrassed Zari.


"Zari doesn't have a swimsuit. Which one of yours should she wear?"

"She can wear any, deep blue or warm red one is best tough. Nona, do I have any of those?"

Nona came inside the room from the door and went into her walk-in closet. She came back with several options.

Luna gave them to Zari, "Put one on."

Zari was reluctant, glanced toward the bathroom, and I could see her wondering if they would be offended if she went somewhere else.

Lila pushed her into the closest and shut the door. Half a minute later, Zari came back out in a navy bikini, hugging herself in a soothing way and looking a little bit uncomfortable.

Lila grabbed her hand before she could stall some more by saying she should try the others or pick up her clothes and dragged her off to the pool area.

All three of them entered, with the other four closely behind. Nyla looked like she was going to go swimming though.

This was the first time I'd seen Zari without a baggy hoodie or shirt. She truly was beautiful with her shape and sizes, similar to Luna but different; she was a little skinnier in the waist, and her muscles weren't as defined. Where Luna's stomach was flat with the slight presence of muscles, Zari was just flat.

I imagined her after cultivating; her already clear skin glowed radiantly. Her breasts full, squishy with some bounce as she walked. Her hourglass waist leading to hips that made you want to slap them, with a plump and shapely butt in the behind her. Long legs that I'd have a wonderful time kissing upwards to their meeting place.

Lila entered the hot tub and sat Zari down beside me, close enough her skin was brushing against mine; the water felt cold in comparison to her hot touch. I really wanted to give her a hug and tell her how much I missed her, but I couldn't yet.

Lila sat on her other side, not allowing her to move away, and Luna sat on my other side. I leaned my head back against the cement edge behind me, closing my eyes in silence.

Nyla's swimming and the sound of the hot tub jets were the only noises to be heard.

After a while, I thought it was probably time to go swimming in the pool and got up, helping Luna up with me. We went over and got in the pool.

Lila started to pull Zari out when she spoke quietly, clearly embarrassed, "Lila, I'm sorry if I'm letting you down. But I'm not... I'm not..." She means to say she's not gay; she was thinking too much instead of relaxing.

Lila isn't, not at all. She only likes to play with other girls because of me getting excited by it. Of course neither of us would allow playing with some random girl, but Luna or Zari was fine. But she wouldn't without me. Well, I think maybe she might when imagining me if I were to be gone for to long and she started hallucinating, but definitely still only with Luna or Zari.

Lila also knew what she was getting at and grinned, "Me either." She pointed to me then Luna while we were swimming and spoke at the same time, "I had one of the worst childhoods you can imagine, with my family members wishing me to kill myself and trying to encourage it. He took me away when found me and became my first-ever friend. Then I met her since they knew each other before, and she became my second friend. Now I met you, and you're my third friend."

There was a little more to it, but that wouldn't make her sound crazy. Lila kept talking and pointed at Luna again, "She didn't really have the best life either; she and her sister were abandoned by their parents, and the person who was supposed to take care of them tried to sell her sister off for their gain. Her sister couldn't survive it; then the person tried to sell her off in the place of her sister. Maaalexander, found her and found out; they formed an alliance since he also hated the person she was being sold to. Then, they killed the bad guys."

Lila almost said Max...

She pointed to Elaria, "A, what we'll just call a gang, killed everyone in her village but kept her since she's pretty. She escaped before anything happened but was recaptured when Alexander found her. Now that gang is dead, and she works for Alexander."

Next was Alexis, "She was a slave bought by some rich guy and taken by Alexander, she was given the option to leave but didn't want to."

Then Nyla, "An orphan whose parents died in war. She has good senses for danger having survived on the streets without becoming some rich guy's toy. Now she is trained as a bodyguard by Alexander."

Next she pointed to Nona, "Sold to slavery by her brother after he was put in charge of the family business. Elaria found her and brought her to Alexander; she made a deal for revenge and in exchange she would work under Elaria."

She looked at Zari again, "They are a different kind of friend than you and Luna. It just isn't the same, so I'm glad you're now my friend."

Zari's eyes softened a little at the stories, and I was able to see a little genuine emotion from her. She squeezed Lila's hand that was still holding hers, "Ok, I'll be your friend."

Zari also seemed to understand our relationship; I was rich, and the girls were people I'd saved, and we became friends, now living in the same house, we weren't actually doing anything weird, just roommates.

Lila grinned and pushed her into the deep end of the pool; Elaria had it built a nice depth of 30 feet at the end.

The pool was 25 meters long and 15 meters wide, with half the opposite end of the deep part rapidly sloped up a short ways from the end with sand in a sort of beach. The other half was a normal wall that could be used to turn around while swimming. The 30 feet depth was deeper than a normal person could go without training, but like nothing for us. It would be ridiculous to build a pool as deep as we can go; just go to the ocean at that point. The shallow end was only 5 feet, and everyone could easily stand except Lila.

Zari and I had been on a swim team for almost 2 years, so it was no problem for Lila pushing her into the deep end. Her head popped above the surface, and I could tell she was shivering; the water would be quite cold for her. Fortunately, she'd long mastered the fastest way to warm up in a cold pool. She began swimming laps while adjusting to the temperature.

I sat at the bottom of the deep end in the opposite corner, watching her swim back and forth from below, Luna came and joined me. Zari had her eyes closed as she swam and didn't notice us watching. Lila was paddling in little circles on a pool floaty while waiting for her to finish.

Pretty soon she was finished and swam over to Lila, "It's so cold! You pushed me in and have yet to touch the water yourself!"

Zari flipped the pool floaty over, dumping Lila in the water. Lila's head popped above the surface with a smile, "It's not cold."

Zari was looking at Lila like she was crazy, probably thinking it must take her a lot of effort to keep her teeth from chattering.

I swam across the bottom underneath Lila and swam towards the surface like I was going to come up behind her. Just when I was a little deeper than her feet, I reached up for her ankle; she noticed and tried to yank her feet away but didn't succeed. My fingers wrapped around her ankle, and I dragged her under the water. She made a little screech as she disappeared from in front of Zari.

As I pulled her deeper, she tried to get free, turning herself around and prying at my fingers. Zari put her head under the water and tried to look but everything must have been blurry to her. Elaria came over and gave her some goggles that she accepted with thanks.

I'd gotten Lila to the deepest part of the pool, and we were having a little wrestling competition at the bottom. Zari tried to swim closer now that she could see but found it difficult to go past the 10-foot mark. She swam back to the surface and looked over to Luna, "How are they so deep and still have so much energy to move?"

"Practice, want to try?"

Zari nodded her head, and Luna came over while waving to Nona, "Bring a mask instead."

Nona brought over a dive mask and gave it to Luna who exchanged it for Zari's goggles, "It wouldn't do for your eyes to become bloodshot. Use these so you can change the pressure underwater by breathing into them."

Zari put them on, "Ok, now watch me as I go down, how I swim down. The deeper you go, the more the water wants to push you up when you have air in your lungs."

Zari nodded and watched as Luna dove straight down, using the breaststroke to propel herself down in a streamlined fashion before going back to the surface. Lila and I stopped messing around and watched them.

"Ok, now copy what I did."

Zari copied her while Luna expelled most of the air from her lungs and used a very light gravity spell to overcome her natural buoyancy and sink down feet first beside Zari. At the Quasi-Immortal realm, she still needed some oxygen but not much and not often.

Zari swam down until Luna stopped her at about the 20-foot mark and motioned for her to go back up. Zari complied and made it back to the surface where she took a breath.

"Do you want to go farther?"

Zari nodded, "I think I can."

"Alright, but if I think you can't, or it exceeds 1 and a half minutes, I'm pulling you back up."

Zari nodded, took a breath, and dove back down towards us with Luna beside her. She was able to get close and waved to us before touching the bottom and going back up. Lila and I went up with her and emerged right beside her. I heard her take a deep breath as soon as we surfaced.

She smiled, seeming happy, "It's fun." She pointed at Lila and me while asking Luna, "How come they can hold their breath so long?"

"Practice, they're fine for probably 10 minutes."

Well, way more than 10 minutes but that was reasonable for a mortal human with lots of practice.

Zari looked shocked but looked at us and determined she must be right; we weren't out of breath.

I was ready to go back into the hot tub after being in the pool for a while and climbed out of the pool before helping Luna out and sitting down in the hot tub. Lila and Zari got out also, Lila sat her down in the same spot, so close we were touching before sitting down next to her blocking her escape again.

After soaking in the hot tub for half an hour or so, Zari decided she had to go home for the day, "I have to go home. I still have homework from class."

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