As I stared onwards, I saw it. It was a melanistic deer, Its coat darker than midnight however it had a sheen that could not be seen in other animals. It held a certain sense of beauty that could not be topped by any other animal, and yet here it was about to have it's life ended by a arrow, that is the beauty of life. Nothing is planned, and you must always be ready.
Looking towards my father, I pulled out my bow and knocked a arrow in, getting ready to fire an arrow I waited for his instruction, " Aim for the back of his shoulder, breathe in and only shoot when your ready, after all one miss is all it takes for our hunt to go awry. "
Nodding at him, I slowly stood up and pulled the bow string back as far back as possible and gave a small arch to it, looking at the deer's shoulder. I aimed and fired, the arrow caused a whoosh to occur throughout the air and made a loud thud as it struck the deer opposite shoulder, seeing this I quickly shouted to my dog, " Fetch him boy! " Pointing towards the deer, the dog took chase quickly catching up and clamping its teeth down on the deer's neck while pulling it down, causing them to tumble and causing me and my father to give chase.
"That was a good shot, Lad." My father commented, "It's good you pick up on things fast."
I smiled happy that he acknowledged it as even I was surprised by my shot after all it landed practically perfect even if it landed slightly off. As we neared the deer, we could see it's muscles spasm, causing me to close my eyes and think how this is for a good cause, after all it is for our survival.
" So, What are we gonna do with this now?"
" We'll take the corpse with us back to the village and hang the deer's head on your wall and use the pelt to make you a cloak after all it seems like winter is approaching even as the weather is getting extra cool now." My father voiced.
Hearing this I couldn't help but grin at the fact I'll have this beast of a deer as a trophy for my first hunt, pumping my fist in the air. I couldn't believe I had accomplished something like this, maybe this life will be better than my old one. A life of adventure and mystery, well not really mysterious when I know the plot to the story, but mysterious to my families lives and stories. After all my father seems like a big shot, and my mother, well I don't really know much about her. Only that she is most likely someone from the north.
"I'll carry the deer boy, just be careful." My father spoke, " Can't have you tripping especially when the wolves will be looking for us now that we have a carcass. "
Hearing him I nodded before humming a tune I used to hear when I played a game called 'Bayushki Bayu' It has been stuck in my head since I mained that character, however I didn't mind after all I was becoming similar to her, although different in the same way. I looked at the dog and ran my hand through its fur causing it to wag its tail.
As we further trekked out of the forest, it became less and less dense until we could eventually see the road again, the stone roads felt strange compared to the grass and dirt my feet were used to. Sure my shoes helped but it seemed as if my body found the stone roads unnatural and out of place in this wide stretch of land.
"Boy, we'll head to Winterfell and hitch a ride to our village. It wont take us to long, you can sleep in the caravan like you used to. " Father remarked
Still humming the tune, I just nodded. "Tell me boy, where did you learn of that tune?"
Hearing I stopped humming, "I heard it in my sleep, It was a sweet lullaby so I learned to hum it." I voiced to not make it seem to suspicious.
"I see, well you should teach it to me, I find it to be catchy." My father ended his sentence and tried to follow along to my humming while also bobbing his head, side to side. I found it nice, how he tried to pick up my interests. It brought a smile to know that not everyone in this world are scheming men but just men that have a lively hood and wish to protect and enjoy that lively hood.
The man seemed to be a harsh man to others but is just someone that wishes good health to his child. However, I guess that's what being a parent is about even if some don't abide by such rules.
Looking at the gazehound, I saw it was also bobbing its head as if it was dancing to the tune, the world seemed lively when you spend it with the people that care for you, such happy lives when you don't need to care for so many things.
I saw the walls of Winterfell appear in my view, It was colossal and imposing on those that try to enter, and to think its one of the castles that can be easily conquered. As we neared the gates, I saw guardsmen talking to the people with a smile and laughter, enjoying the peace, something that is never long lasting.
"We'd like to enter Winterfell, Names Jakob here with my son to catch a caravan to our village. " My father stated his reason and the guards looked at us before letting us through and carried on their routine inspection of caravans.
"Son, to enter a city you must be firm and give a quick reason. After all if you try to make something long, It'll seem suspicious after all, we're Northman, simple and harsh. Such should be our reasons."
"Yes father."
My father walked and eventually saw someone who he waved down, "Oy Connin, when your not busy can we hop in the caravan and head to our village." My father shouted out
"Aye, I'll be done in a few seconds. Just restocking the beer for the tavern." The man shouted back, my father hearing this simply nodded and stood in the same spot waiting for him and after a few minutes a caravan pulled up with Connin inside, "Hop in, Throw your deer in the back. We'll be back in five days, these horses move fast."
My father hearing headed to the back and tossed the deer inside before jumping in, to which I followed helping the dog before I enter. Laying my back against the barrels of what is probably mead, I started to doze off.