
Future Plans

Sona looked at the selection of eggs on the table; these are dragon eggs.

Part of her wonders how well people can raise these dragons.

From seeing Verrmax, she can safely tell that they are dangerous if appropriately raised and they get enough time to mature.

They take in air and convert it into mana, so magic generators.

"What are your plans?" The Sitri Heiress asked him after pondering. She needs a course before she can think more about this.

"Plans? I suppose I will collect the remaining eggs from Valyria and check Summerhall. At the same time, you can experiment with your education system here if you want.

Smarter small folk are good for more complex work."

"...Are you sure?" She asked with wide eyes. Part of her started to gush about this. It's like those UFO stories! Where intelligent life forms educate primitive life forms!

Her devil instincts are starting to flare; she wants this!

"Well, yeah? I am the ruler of this rock. While I will turn this place into a haven, I still want to give these people a chance."

"I see. So I must make a specific system and think long term!" The Sitri Heiress started to think about what kind of system she would develop.

Seeing how her little sister was gushing about this made Serafall's eyebrows twitch. It appears Raynor has caught her baby sister in a massive rabbit hole.

"Yes. I want balance, Sona. Not rocket science."

"Yes, Yes, I understand. However, I suggest conquering a place in Westeros itself. If we are to start expanding and bring 'knowledge', Dragonstone will become a massive city." The glasses-wearing devil girl walked over and stood around next to Riverlands.

"For example, if you take Maidenpool, you could build a massive city—a Centre of your power." She pointed at the village next to Trident's delta.

"That location is a good one; it's next to Reach's controlled land." Margaery nodded as well. She wouldn't mind getting out of this dreadful place.

"Hmm…" Raynor looked at the map.

He pondered on the cons and pros. If he is to neglect this, people will, regardless, want to live under him.

Some of them even worship him as some sort of God of Hunt.

'Having cultists? Possibly, a proper army as well. If I neglect this, it will turn into something I could end up disliking later; I should guide it.'

He started to stroke his chin while everyone simply waited for his decision.

A city? Or maybe a civilisation of Shamans? Perhaps even showing the middle finger to Faith of Seven?

It's not like he needs to do extra things. He has his devil girlfriend who wants to run administrative work.

"Fine. The weather in the Riverlands is good. We can invade there and carve a slab of land. Knowing Westeros's chaotic situation, we could have an entire kingdom." Raynor casually said that as he looked at the map.

"From what I remember from my brother, Rivelands became a land of petty Kingdoms." The Tyrell Princess said that.

"Then it's better for us. I could go there next weekend and clean it up." The Wolf King casually said that.

"...Hold it! I have done all of my preparations! I need to organise! Make some plans!" Sona quickly panicked! She immediately stopped him!

"Sure. Then, I will return to my lodge and totem making. Once you are ready to tell me, I will carve up that land.

For now, the rest of you train, study, and make progress; once I see something, we can discuss dragons and beast taming."

After the meeting, Raynor collected the eggs and left the painted room.

"So… umm… you don't expect me to march to a war?" Arno said with a nervous look. The hunter's blond friend asked nervously.

"No. Even if we march, it will be under our terms."

Arno sighed in relief.

"True. Knowing your current fighting style, you would backstab enemy armies from behind and kill their leader."

The blonde said that more like he told it to himself after thinking about how a hunter wages war.

"Indeed, and I expect that from my enemy as well. Who can thrust that knife first to who's neck? That's the question." Raynor said that while pulling out that ivory knife and swirling it swiftly between his fingers before sheathing it back into its leather armour.


"Yep. Now, let's go. We need to make you into a hunter." The Wolf King starts to pull the blonde towards the outside.

"H-Hold it! My fingers and hands are sore from all that bowstring pulling!" Arno tried to resist, but the amount of energy he had was nowhere near Raynor's!


There were several hours left of daylight, so Raynor decided to continue working on his lodge.

"So when will I be getting a Dragon of my own?" Serafall asked him with a cute voice.

"Hmm? I suggested it to you, but it doesn't mean I will give it to you soon."


"You inflated my hopes and then crushed them?" She pouted at him. She realised that this was the case.

"Yes, in layman's terms, I do what your kin does daily. I offer deals and possibilities you can get when you are fully mine." He lowered his carving knife and said that with a smirk.

"You do know that you are my summon? My magic has fermented you and turned you into a summon. I know when my 'pets' are disloyal to me."

She paled the moment she realised that he knew that she was trying to find different ways to remove his control over her.

That moment, she stopped being 'cute' and shifted into a 'Satan'.

The very same look she had the day they fought.

"You do know that you enslaved me? You thought that I wouldn't try to escape?" The current Leviathan said with an indifferent voice.

"Not at all. I am a backstabber, and I expect others to backstab me. That's how the wilds work.

I wanted to see how much control I have over you, Sera—tan~."

He teased her with a smirk; the former Sitri slightly blushed when she heard that.

"You can expect my full support when you are entirely under my wing. Until then, you can watch from the sidelines." He plainly explained the 'requirements'.

"... That's a tough bargain; expect me to betray my kin?" She frowned at him.

"Hmm? Is your kin preparing to 'attack me'? I wonder if I can make a totem from a devil?" He looked at her for a bit as if she was his prey. This look made her uncomfortable and even sent chills through her body!

As Sirzechs said to her before, this guy was a predator in human skin!

"N-No, there could be an alteration between you and my race. I don't want to fight devils while under your banner." She fiddles with her clothes for a bit, explaining in more detail.

Under that gaze, she was feeling very vulnerable. Maybe she got trauma from fighting this hunter freak!?

That is a possibility!

"Hmm, I see. Well, it's your choice. If you want my full help, then you are to help me fully. That is to be fair. It's bad business to invest in someone who is not entirely yours."

Serafall sighed upon hearing that. For a moment, she thought about seducing him— she was already his; he played with her last night.

But she doubts that would work. Raynor could be saying one thing and doing the next thing the next moment.


"Fine, Fine, I am to quit my job as Leviathan; that is already in progress. I suppose I can wait until then." The Black-haired devil in front of him sighed in resignation.

She might be 'giving up', but her race won't be giving up in trying to seduce him over to their side.

'But then again, seeing Sona…'

Serafall is slightly nervous; Raynor could be unleashing Devil Kind on Westeros.

Seeing Sona gushing with possibilities, he could easily win devils over and enslave THEM with much more sinister binding magic.

The older Sitri needs to be careful about this.

After her failed attempts, the Hunter returned to his objective of building the lodge. Raynor made The foundations with Terramancy; the earth was raised and solidified, and he used oak trunks for the house.

The Wolf King found these trees on the island.

One thing he is sure about: Targaryens have good taste for trees because he is confident that the dragon lords brought over these oaks.

He decided not to use stuff like nails. He remembered the impressive art used in Japan to build temples, almost like Lego but made from wood, and how each part fits.

That's what he was doing, testing out the waters before doing it on a larger scale.

He finished the walls before awakening from the tutorial; he was now doing the roof.

"Are you going to install any of the modern stuff?" Arno asked him as he came over to procrastinate. It was Sunday, the last day, and he didn't want to start the school week tired.

"Totem magic," Raynor said from the open roof; he was standing on a log at the top of the lodge house.

"... Isn't totem magic using souls for power?" Arno asked him with a raised eyebrow. Were ordinary people using electricity or firewood? This guy is powering his house with souls!?

"Yes and no. It's more like a natural phenomenon, totems with 'settings' like weather control, which can alter and interfere, requiring souls to change the weather.

Like our current weather changes, it doesn't require souls, but it requires at first. The water totem which I use for drinking water doesn't need—"

"But needed at first, I get that."

"Yep. That's how it works." Raynor nodded before looking at the totem

"It's all about 'sacrificing' to change. I burn my soul to make a totem to adapt to 'new nature'."

"Though there are different totems I used for war against Stark's forces casting lightning storms, it was directly linked to me. That one was burning souls like a furnace." Raynor recalled how he slaughtered Starks around his hut.

He still feels—annoyed how they dare call themselves 'dire wolves' when he, as a 'wolf', killed them. He feels like it's a mockery to him.

Well, they can 'redeem' In the Harrenhal tournament once he is there.

Raynor still needs to visit Winterfell for a second time. He needs Bran the Builder's magic.

Maybe with that magic, he will reach Sauron's level of crafting. Reforging Dragonmount into a forge, aspects of a magical volcano in his weaponry will be absurd; he can already imagine the symbolism in that.

"You can have all sorts of totems, right? Did you consider a totem for power growth? Or strengthening your physique?" The blonde suggested to him.

"Hmm, that's an interesting idea." Raynor nodded; he did have similar ideas for his wolves. Such totems could let them grow and evolve into something more.

"Yeah, I could carve something. But something like 'dragon physique' won't work. Totem guides magic; it has to be something like 'nature nourishing body, restoring and augmenting'. But then again, such a thing has to stick in the body and not leave."

"So it can't be something 'trolls skin regeneration.' trope from The Gamer?"

"Not quite; it could work as an AOE field, but it wouldn't stick with you the whole time, once you leave the AOE field the effect is gone."

"But your totems?"

"They are carved into my body. For this to work, I must kill a troll to have the beast's totem." Raynor sighed while scratching the back of his hair.

"What could work is some sort of natural interpretation. Like mother's womb, I used for rebirth totem."

"Then… hot springs? They heal or volcano baths to reforge the body?" Arno suggested as he looked at the volcano.

"As absurd as it sounds, that could work," Raynor smirked as he realised this could work. He is planning to build an 'infrastructure' around the volcano. He could make some unique 'bath' areas.

He already witnessed that around magic, common sense doesn't work. Fire doesn't burn wood, or the amount of water can fill a bowl.

It's a possibility that lava won't melt if one were to submerge into unique 'lava' under a specific totem.

However, he needs that unique magic. Otherwise, he would be playing with fire in the most literal sense.

"Yeah, but test out first before offering to people." Arno 'smiled,' he might have suggested, but he is not the first person in the line.

"Don't worry; I will drop some bandits in one first before testing out myself." Raynor casually commented how he would drop bandits into a pool of lava.

~~~~~~Later, Same Day~~~~~~

With new ideas, the Wolf King only spent half of the day working on the lodge, as he decided to spend the rest of the time learning High Valyrian.

As he wanted to learn more about working with fire, the Valyrian people were the premier civilisation for such knowledge.

With six thousand years of knowledge, they know a thing or two about how to build something related to Fire and Dragon Fire.

For this, he 'kidnapped' Daenerys.

"So umm…" The silver-haired beauty looked at Raynor, who was pulling her by her hand. They were going back to the hidden library.

"I need your High Valyrian knowledge."

"...Okay!" She smiled hearing that.

As they entered the library, she waited for him to say what he wanted.

"Try finding anything related to construction, construction methods, and crafting-related things." He asked her while looking around.

Raynor could have brought Serafall or Sona here BUT, he doesn't wholly trust both yet. Maybe after a while, he will get them here for Valyrian knowledge, but not now. For now, he is watching how things are going to develop.

He is still waiting for devils to turn hostile in some sense.

"Okay…" She started to look around and read the covers and front pages.

Going through rows and until, eventually, she found something. Raynor could see that Daenerys, occasionally, got quite disgusted.

"...There are some books on… flesh alterations? Or something called flesh alchemy."

"Ah, yes, I remember they used to experiment on people in prisons."


She looked disturbed when she heard that.

"You do realise that your people called themselves Gods?" The Wolf King joked, seeing that disturbed look.

"...I see…" The girl was very disappointed to have such roots. It clashes with her Westerosi-like upbringing.

"Let me guess, your brother never talked about them?"

"...No, you are the first person to know so much about Valyria." She shook her head, explaining what he already expected to hear.

"I see. Then give me that book, and I will learn this art."


"But…" While she complained, she still handed it over to him.

"It may sound bad, but fire can be as dangerous and as good simultaneously. I don't see you being disgusted about fire even though it was the one thing which killed off your people, ended the 'greatest civilisation ever', and killed many more through the thousands of years."

"...I thought the Doom ended Valyria?" She looked ashamed for her 'biassed' looks; fire is okay, but alchemy is not.

"Yeah, fourteen volcanoes like the one outside erupted; it spits out molten and burning rocks. So it is fire." He rolled his eyes.


"Yeah 'oh', your people again settled next to a thing which could erupt and kill them off for good." Raynor said with a 'smile', making her blush from embarrassment even more.

"...I am sure they didn't properly understand such a thing." She said that while looking at her dress, thinking of a reasonable excuse.

"Good enough, I guess. Well, I am thinking of proper containment and methods of harnessing the volcano. It would be a perfect forge."

She looked at him with wide eyes. He is planning to make that mountain into a forge.

"Is that even possible?"

"We will see. I do hope it will work." He said that as he motioned for her to return to look for the books.

With a nod, she returned to skim through more bookshelves.

"Because the symbolism of a volcano in a weapon would make it extraordinarily powerful."

As he said that, he realised he could mould something like a civilisation-ending concept in the weapons. That could extend further into even into god-slaying as civilisation is closely related to gods. Faith-based gods die when people who believe them die off.

Such a thing is well documented in Essos: Valyria and their Gods, Rhoynar, the people who lived around the river.

Faith dies when people die.

"...Here, this book describes Valyrian roads."

"...Oh, what an excellent find." The Hunter took the offered book from Daenerys.

It was pretty thick.

"I don't think there is anything else. Maybe the book will tell you how my ancestors built those spires. Viserys talked about them when he talked about Valyria." The Silver-haired girl hopefully said that.

"...Good enough. If we don't get anything from this, we can check Valyria. Think of it as another shot at discovering lost knowledge." Raynor said that while holding a pair of books.

As the girl nodded, he stored the books away.

"Now, why don't we go and learn the language? I will need your help." As he said that, he hugged the beauty.

She bashfully blushed at his actions. She always appreciates affection like this.

After visiting the library, they returned to living quarters, where Daenerys spent the remainder of their time teaching him the language of her ancestors.

Regardless, since the tutorial has ended and his tutorial world is now open to him, the time flow is now synchronised. It was late on Sunday, so Raynor needed to bring everyone back.

So, after returning to his world and sending everyone on their way, the Hunter was in his bed, thinking what to do.

With one check on the clock, he realised that he had enough time to learn a little bit more.

"Let's get Dany here."

And just like that, Raynor summoned his Dragon Princess


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