
Dogo the Wolf

As a deer finished drinking water it lifted its head, though it was the last thing it did at that moment. An arrow with a swish sound slammed into its neck.

For a second it released a pained sound and tried to run away but it was too late as this deer quickly collapsed on the ground.

Seconds later Raynor rushed out of his cover and swiftly went over to his latest prey.

He quickly pulled his knife and sliced the deer's neck.

After he did that he pulled out his rope and tied up the legs and started to pull the carcass to his temporary camp.

To test out more of his new power he activated the Wolf Totem and got quite a leap in strength. The thing he noticed was that this strength power inflates his muscles. This means after using this power often would improve his muscles and adjust to access strength a human body should not have.

In other words, it's meant for constant use.

Once he was in the spot he chose he started to work.

First, he removed the organs, (keeping the liver for himself) and then started to skin the deer.

As he was doing that he started to think about other things he could do as a hunter. For one, his mind could constantly wander to gear he could make from leather, clothes, and things like that.

He does have a certain amount of understanding that symbolism is extremely tied to his ritual's magic. That's how the totems work.

This means that he could do similar things to his clothes and weapons.

'Though I should check how leather works… or should I follow my 'gut' feeling?'

Regardless, after dealing with the deer's skin he left it to dry up while he proceeded to cook some meat.

After all, he wants to attract predators.

The best way to do that is to make some fire and let the meat cook.


It took several hours but I did attract some predators.

It was my favourite, the wolves, they were back. Sadly not the same pack from before, a different one, a bigger pack.

My gaze scanned them, looking for the alpha dog.

The thing about this alpha dog is that I should leave him for the last.

As I take it out, the rest will scatter and run. As these bad boys will be terrified after seeing their leader kick the bucket.

For that, I proceeded to swiftly target and shoot the arrows.

This time I was ready and waiting, so my arrows were close and ready for swift use.

One after another arrows rained down on these puppies.

My targets were heads, necks, and spines. The reason for this is that I am aiming for instant death.

If I hit other areas these doggies will escape and survive for a few more hours and I have no patience to run around looking for terrified and cornered animals. Those kinds of things are dangerous.

My aim was true and the first arrow slammed into a spine, the second one into the back of the head of another wolf, and the third one into the neck of the third one. And the fourth one lucky or not went right into the eye of the fourth wolf.

Angry and pained barks escaped from the wolves before 80% of the pack just died on spot.

'Rapid target shooting practice paid off…' I said with a smirk.

Seeing that the alpha of the pack is about to run away with its last remaining pack member I jumped down from the tree.

Animals are all about their instinct. So when a boy smaller than them appears just like that, it SHOULD stop them from running away.

Sure enough, alpha stopped thinking about running and proceeded to growl and bark. I could see how furious it was.

Well, let's test out my knives mixed with Wolf Totem.

Just like that, I pulled out my knives and activated my totem.

I have no idea where my fear of wolves disappeared too, but I started seeing them as just another prey to be hunted down.

As the alpha was lunging at me the other puppy was circling from the side.

The basic tactics were not bad, a normal person would have pissed his pants seeing a large wolf lunging at him. But I didn't feel any of that.

That's why I swung with my knife as well. It was more like an uppercut. As I jammed the knife into the Alpha wolf's mouth. I could hear how the skull cracked like a porcelain vase.

Then with a spin, I used the alpha's body as a shield for the other wolf which was circling me.

Sadly for the other one, he ended up smashing into his boss' body.

This is where I pushed the body away. The puppy meekly started to sound like he surrendered.

My eyebrow went up. I looked at the big puppy.

The wild canine was struggling to push his boss' body up.

'Hoh…this is a good opportunity, I should try taming him!'

Even if I fail the taming I could dominate their mind which is the same thing. Only the side effect is that they are slightly dumb.

Regardless, I had my chance.

So I quickly walked over and grabbed the beast with my hands and forced it to look at me.

Sure, I was going by instinct here. But this was pretty much my whole time here. Instinctual, symbolistic ritual magic. I don't know what to do just follow my gut. Nature will do the rest.

Sure enough, that's just how it works. As I felt a tug.

Tug of war has started.

Though I quite easily crushed the opposition. The beast was terrified of me. Before long I could sense a connection and I could 'take over'.


[Reward: Summoner Interface]

'Hoh…it only took me half of a day to get another achievement?'

Brushing this aside I paid more attention to myself, I felt some sort of shift, an activation of some sort.

'It appears my bloodline magic is starting to kick in. If my vague memories of Game of Thrones are right, the kids only started to have their moments when dire wolves and dragons have returned.'

Internally I snorted, it took me a day to awaken my blood magic, I guess my Shamanism kick-started the process of several years into a single day.

Though now that I have a wolf I have a recon unit of some sort I can sense a connection and it can tell me if he can sense anything.

"...Hmm…I guess I will name you Dogo for the wimp you are." I said without much hassle. I wanted a small pup that I could raise into a beast. But now I have to deal with this…Dogo.

Even then Dogo whimpered, to my words I rolled my eyes and walked over to half-dead wolves and started ending their misery.

Once that was done I decided to give some stag meat to Dogo as the dog could stay away from what I will be doing for several hours.

I had to skin 5 wolves… The process was long, but that's what I had to do to get their spirits. In other words, processing the hunt fully. This ritual is tightly connected to the hunt and acquisition of everything the beast has to offer.

Once it was done then I had to hang the pelts to let them dry. This will take several days. For the reason that sun exposure here is miserable.

Though I prefer it here, away from pesky uneducated people.

North is the best place for someone like me who is digging myself into the supernatural.

As this was happening I spent those couple of days carving small statues of two stags and a boar.

One thing which made me slightly intrigued is the boar…the boar carving will give me piercing and a speed boost.

This is just curious…I never considered making a Boar Totem.

'Didn't a boar kill Robert? The Demon of Trident killed by a pig?'

Internally I snorted at how silly humans can be. Game of Thrones knows how to picture people. Especially Robert. The dude in his early 20s rebelled and became a King for a woman. Though the woman died. Because of that, he became an alcoholic and fat. That's how a goddam boar ended his life.

Thinking that he was still great. Went on and tried to hunt a boar while being fat and dead drunk.

It's embarrassing just to think about it.

Yes, I would rather think about that piercing power. Something like that… mixed with an arrow…

I looked at the wooden boar carving…

For now, I pocketed the boar and instead pulled out the spare stag.

I looked at the tree and pulled out my bow and arrow. That moment I activated the stag statue which turned into dust.

Then I guided the spirit energy into the arrow. The arrow at that moment turned into pure white.

It was brimming with power.

Without much waste I released it.

With a wind cutting blast the arrow slammed into the tree. Well, the arrow was gone by the point of impact. What was left was a big punch-like crater in this ancient tree trunk. If the tree was much younger one would have fallen by this point.

'Impressive power… detonating animal souls like bullets…'

For a second my eyebrow twitched realising how brutal this is. However, this is something I can't casually use. My bow will break.

Though my gaze went to Dogo who was looking at this with a weary gaze. He dropped his stag's bone from his mouth when he saw what I just did.

"Silly dog, get back to your bone chewing."


The animal summons interface is very basic but very useful.


[Type: Northern Wolf]

[Skills: Augmented Smell, Augmented hearing, Spacial Forest Awareness, Night Vision, Blood Frenzy]

'In other words, Dogo has everything that a basic wolf should have. The best part is that I can now summon or recall him with a few swipes of my finger.

Not only that but I have a lot of slots…in truth I have no idea how many slots I have. There is no number.'

After checking my summon interface I resumed doodling. There was not much to do. I should, however , take a bath. All that blood is starting to get annoying.

So after the pelts dried up I rolled them up and proceeded to walk towards a water stream.

The issue was that I might learn how to carry stuff but having this much fur on me is starting to get in the way.

I do wonder if I can unlock an inventory interface.

Well, let's just continue with this.

After walking for half of the day and looking for signs of water I finally found it.

Water Valleys are something one could notice from some distance. After all, running water does erode the ground, eventually creating valleys.

Though I quickly freaked out when I saw myself in the water.

Long hair. I mean I stopped bothering about my hair after I realised that I can't deal with it. But damn now my hair was charcoal black and my eyes were stormy grey.

I looked like Stark…

Regardless, I started washing myself. After that, I started to clean my clothes.

This was honestly bad, I need new clothes as my old stuff is getting worn down and they are getting small as well.

If my guess is right I could make my clothes from stuff I hunted down. And if I am right about symbolistic rituals I could add spirits into my clothes.

Guess I know what I need to do next. After all, I need to do something with the pelts I am gathering.

Once all of it was washed down I already had the fire ready for drying.

In the meantime, I already started to play with the leather. I do know basic leather work from the 'Hunter' as it comes with skinning. But taking it to another level? Now that is something I will be doing on my own.

Apart from this, I decided to play with my magical powers. Thankfully my Greenseer powers are still semi-dormant and I don't get any weird visions or prophecies, yet.

But there is one thing that I want to test out.

And that is Skinchange.

So when it was time to sleep I decided to possess Dogo.

Let's just say that it was strange.

For one my senses bombarded me, stronger smell, stronger hearing I could see extremely well at night time. And everything was much lower. As I was standing on all fourth and it felt extremely natural.

Though this was not all… I got assaulted by instinctual things as well. Like hunger and the need to eat. Since there is food not far.

I could smell slabs of meat not far from here hanging on a rope.

Though I didn't expect such a feeling to be so strong. A strong nose means it's almost like the meat is hanging in front of you even if it's several metres away.

Regardless, I decided to explore. I want to see how natural and good it is to be a predator in a natural habitat.

So I proceeded to explore a few miles around my body. With such superior smell, eyesight, and hearing I simply know where I am.

It doesn't help that it's extremely fun to be a wolf.

After a while, I noticed and smelled something that made me change the course and rush over there.

A few metres later I saw a bear in the distance. It was munching on a fish.

'A river? Curious…'

I thought about this for a while before rushing back. I finally found a bear. While not big or as mighty looking as a grizzly bear. It will be nice prey for my totem.


The next morning when I woke up I proceeded to return to my hunt.

Hunting a bear is something any hunter would want and having such prey under my belt is a must.

I followed the trail that I left when I possessed Dogo.

I swiftly found footprints of the bear's activities and proceeded to trail.

"Dogo help me with the trails. Sniff that bear for me."

The wolf nodded as it started to sniff around, looking for some trails.

It's amusing how quickly the wolf became useful and understood what I meant. I guess there is that underlining instinctual understanding.

Though after a while of walking, we arrived at the river which made me look at this for a bit.

The river was not wide and not that deep. I could see boulders sticking out of the water.

'Oh, this place is perfect for bears.'

At that moment I recalled that Bears are good at fishing.

"Dogo, does the trail end here?"

I asked my puppy. Which used its pawn to point at the boulders.

"I see… Crafty thing."

I said with a small frown while looking around. Looking for a place where I could make a camp. I still have some meat. I didn't take all of it which is absurd and wolf meat ain't that good.

So I am sticking with Stag meat.

'I should start smoking meat. That stuff is lit. My grandmother used to do…wait! she still does…'

Now that I am in my…third life? Stuff started to blend in.

Regardless, smoking meat tastes good and stays fresh much longer.

'But a smokehouse…'

For a second I thought about the possibility of building a smokehouse but then I remembered that I have zero steel or iron.

But then a solution popped into my mind.

"Logs of course… just do it how Vikings did…" I said that to myself while rolling my eyes. Who needs tech? I can do shit by myself.

"I guess nature is taking over me…" As said, the wolf looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Don't look at me like that Dogo." I smacked on his head for a bit more while proceeding to walk on the river shoreline.

Smacking a Wolf on his head? Like seriously? My life is so awesome now!


A while later I found a spot next to the river and proceeded to build my camp.

I started to think about how to work the leather which I had in spades. If my guess is right I should get some sort of interface related to craft or inventory as it started to get difficult to carry my stuff.

For a bit, my gaze went to Dogo. I should enlist this wimp to carry my shit!

"Don't look at me like that buddy I am going to make you work your ass off."

I said with a frown. Does this dog have a sixth sense or something? Or am I channelling my intentions?

I wondered for a bit before I proceeded to cook another meat stew. Honestly, this stuff is lit! I can believe I am having fun while cooking!!!

Just in case I made sure the smell spreads as far as possible. This way is the best way to get that bear's attention.

Though I didn't need to wait for long as by the time I was feasting I could hear a distinctive bear's roar, but it was not towards me or anything.

In truth, it was a painful one!

"What on…"

My gaze went to the side, toward another side of the river bank.

It was the same bear I saw yesterday, only that it was running away from a swarm of bees!

I could not stop myself but started laughing my ass off. But then I saw the bear start running into the river and towards me!

"Oiii! Where do you think you are going!? Dogo! Do something!" I said that while looking at my dog.

Though he gave me a look as if 'what can I do about this?'

"You are useless mutt aren't you?" I said that while chewing on my meat.

I eventually took my bow and proceeded to aim at the rogue bear. That thing is a lot of problems, I don't want a swarm of bees on my ass. No thank you.

So I proceeded to aim. Thankfully the bear is going straight in line towards us. Is he thinking of ditching the bees on us and grabbing my meat? That's quite a bit of arrogance.

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