
Chapter 53

[Cid's pov]

Showing off always really does feel great, although I had to teleport everyone outside of the range of the attack for it.

As I slowly walk towards where I teleported the shadow garden members away from everyone I thought about what just occurred. And I found out a few things about myself through that.

I apparently love to show off. I guess it's no wonder I went into the movie industry in my first life and into the music industry in my second one.

I also have a weird obsession with strength and always growing in power, but where does it come from? I can understand showing off, but not this hunger for power. I can confidently say that I'm the strongest person in this world so why, why am I not satisfied. What goal am I trying to reach.

I'm already the strongest, I'm already immortal, I even have a freaking harem with great beautiful women. This is so frustrating. Do I want children? Is that the thing the pushes me... no it can't be it, it doesn't feel right.

I feel lost... just what is my purpose

While deep in thought I heared the voice of a little boy shout out "ANIKIIIIII-SAMA"

When I turned to look I see Zeto running towards me with a happy expression I can feel myself smiling while looking at but that smile quickly turned wearly when I saw what Zeto was carrying above his head

Crouching down to meet his eye level I asked "Zeto... what's that in your hands?"

Zeto just gives off a proud expression "It's my offering for Aniki-sama, my very first prey and I got it just for you"

Sighing I just started patting his head with his little cat ears which caused him to let out a little giggle "hehehehe, Here you go, I hope you like it"

. . . Seriously what does he want me to do with this. I just gave him a smile and encouraged him "Thank you for you gift, I really like it, I know just where to put it too. It'll go right on my place of trophies."

Zeto's expression then grew really smugged. He turned towards Zeta and just continued giving her the smuggest expression his little face could make.

You can practically see a tick mark appearing on Zeta's head. I can hear Zeta whispering to herself "hold yourself back Zeta, hold yourself back, it's not worth it Zeta he's just a little kid, he's your little brother and your supposed to love him"

While looking smugly at Zeta Zeto says "Hear that sis, my gift is going right where Aniki-sama keeps his trophies" Zeto then put a hand over his eyes and started looking all over the place

"Hmmm, HMMMM, I wonder where your gift is sis. *exaggerated gasp* cou-could it beeee, you didn't get one for Aniki-sama. Tsk tsk tsk sis I wonder how disappointed Aniki-sama is for not getting a gift from you"

Everyone one could practically hear something snap inside Zeta as she then screamed and started chasing after Zeto "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT, I'LL SHOW HIM WHAT GIFT I WOULD GIVE HIM, IT'LL BE YOUR CORPSE"

Zeto then got terrified and started running around while crying and screaming while being chased by Zeta "WAAAAAHHHHHH ANIKI-SAMA PLEASE SAVE ME... THIS BEAST IS TRYING TO KILL ME" 

All I could do was shake my head seeing their antics. While Zeto was running and begging for his life Alpha came towards my direction while carrying the body of a little girl.

When I looked at the body my shadow started to move frantically trying to reach out, it was pleading to be let out. Which I obliged since I know what's going on.

Grease practically leaped from my shadow as he ran towards the little girl in Alpha's arms "My daughter, please i beg you please let me hold my daughter."

Alpha just looked at me confused to which I just nodded.

When his daughter Millia got into his arms he broke down in tears and sobs while on the floor with her in his hands. While holding her tightly and crying, Millia's reached out her hand weakly due to the months of abuse and experimentations and caressed his cheek while softly saying in a distorted voice "Daddy... you came for me... thank goodness... I missed you"

Through his tears and sobs Greased asked "You can still recognize me like this? Sorry I couldn't come any sooner I'm truly sorry, I missed you so much all this time my little angel"

Millia just smile and said in a still distorted voice "of course I still recognize you silly your my daddy"

Alpha then came forth and asked "Shadow-sama please allow me to be the one that heals her and who she works under"

"Very well, you did save her after all" I said seeing nothing wrong with this.

Alpha nodded and crouched down alongside Grease, she then put her hand on Millia's head and started using curing her of the magic overload affect, which I taught her.

Millia started to then heal which made Grease expression soften.

"Grease I have a job for you" I said.

Although reluctant he nodded, he didn't want to be away from his daughter but his masters order takes priority over whatever selfish wish he has, or at least these appear to be his thoughts at the moment.

I just smirk "Forever protect your daughter" I don't really need him if I being honest, plus i can use him as an anchor for when I use the Black Rose.

Grease looked shocked "but... but"

"Are you disobeying my orders" I asked

He quickly dropped on one knee and in a serious voice said "I would never do such a thing my Liege"

Always get them when I do that, so easy.

"Good so now follow orders"

Grease stayed kneeling down and put a hand on his heart, he then bowed his head deeper "My Liege I will forever be grateful for your grace and help in keeping my daughter save. When you are in need of me don't forget to ask and I shall always answer. I shall be awaiting your call"

When he finished he stood up and hugged his daughter before going into her shadow. Seeing that everything I taken care off I call for everyone to gather.

"Zeta, Zeto it's time to go" both of them stop running around and get serious, while Zeto just climbed unto Zeta's back like usual.

Seeing them I just nodded. I surround the current area with my shadow, everyone that was apart of Shadow Garden started to sink into the shadow, completely submerging into it.

When we reappeared i was sitting on my throne room while everyone else was by the kneeling down at the bottom of the steps awaiting orders.

Seeing them I just smirk "Good job everyone, You all did wonderfully in today's extermination..."

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Shadow_D_Monarch3creators' thoughts
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