
Regret (1)

"Why aren't you making use of the large dining hall you have here? Your guests may be confused as to why we are having dinner in one of the bedrooms instead of there," said Renee.

"The doctor has given me a list of food from his test which he thinks I should avoid if I want to keep this hidden a little longer, but he says all women are different so there might be something he hasn't added to his list to upset me. I don't want any of the maids inside or outside the dining hall to see me covering my mouth or vomiting," Hazel explained.

Once the maids knew that she was expecting a child, it would spread like wildfire through the palace. The bedroom Hazel picked gave them more privacy to speak as they liked. 

"I see. Well, at least if your father passes out from the news, there is a bed for us to place him on and go back to dinner. You can sit while I finish tidying up."

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