

Maybe people think this is the most fun place to be. But not for me. New York's most beloved bar was extremely crowded. The hustle and bustle of people and the smell of alcohol was overwhelming. The gambling of motorcycle gangs and the smell of cigarettes made me want to scream.

  Unfortunately, one of the employees couldn't make it today. That makes me even busier.

  I actually had to work the night shift today. Because I have to pay the rent. This month I have to pay it. Because my boyfriend has been paying for my daily meals. Yes, the two of us have been living together for a year. 

  "Hey pretty girl! Look at table number 8! I asked for five glasses of Texas root beer! Why aren't there any!" the loud voice annoyed me.

  I rushed to the table and brought them what they asked for. Unfortunately, I stepped too fast and bumped into a motorcycle gang member.

  The glass shattered on the floor. It was so messed up. The biker gang guy's gaze was like he wanted to strangle me. I knew the jacket with the lion on the back was very feared here.

  "Sorry, sorry I'll take care of this," I said guiltily.

  "Oh shit! This bar is so bad!" the motorcycle gang guy's face was creepy.

 Now the boss came with a face as if he wanted to eat me up.

  "Selena, you really messed things up today!"

  "Fire him! He's a slow and sloppy employee!" said the biker gang who were customers at this bar.

  I looked down at those words. My eyes were glassy now. My heart was in turmoil.

  "Selena! You're such a stupid employee! I'm firing you right now!"

  "Please, don't fire me! I have to pay the rent," I said in a pleading tone.

  "Leave right now! Pack your things now! I won't let this business go down because of you!" my boss said in a high tone.

  I tried to plead by kneeling down to him. But he kicked me violently. I hurt my temple. The people around me laughed at what happened to me.

  I walked out of the bar cursing. I hoped the bar would burn down soon. Damn that boss is really crazy.

  I don't know what else to do now. My only job is gone. I don't know where to work anymore.

  I arrived at the front door of the house. I opened the lock quickly. Hoping Cody will hug me because I'm not okay.

"Cody baby, I'm home," I said as I walked to find him.

  My eyes widened when I saw my messy room. Was there a thief here? My closet was also very chaotic. Even my mother's precious necklace was missing.

  My boyfriend's belongings were also missing. His clothes, shoe collection and laptop are all missing. I looked at the messy kitchen. I wanted to scream. On the kitchen table was a dirty milk glass and underneath it was a paper. I read it with a pounding heart.

  "I'm sorry Selena. But we have to part ways soon. I'm sick of being in love with a poor woman like you. You always make my life difficult. Don't look for me anymore. Let's just say we never met," my hands trembled as I read this letter.

  I was devastated. My hand immediately threw the glass to the floor in a fit of rage. Suddenly, the phone rang. I think it was the rent bill.

  "Hello, sorry I can't pay the rent yet. Give me some time," I said quickly.

  "Oh my! How unfortunate for you. Hey dummy, I'm calling from a loan. Are you the woman called Selena Watson?"

  "That's right, I'm Selena Watson. What's going on? I feel like this must be wrong,"

  "You are Cody Simpson's guarantor. All calls and bills are directed to you. So you have to pay all the debts,"

  "You mean Cody borrowed money on my behalf?" I asked quietly.

  "Yes, you are absolutely right ma'am. Please pay off the debt."

  "How much do I have to pay?"

  "Five hundred thousand dollars,"

  "How soon do I have to pay it?" I asked swallowing.

  "Three weeks from now. Please pay immediately. Good night," a beep sounded and I could only stare at it with glassy eyes.

  The next morning I woke up very badly. The sound of banging on the door woke me up. I walked over lazily and opened the door.

  "What time is it Selena? You should have gotten up earlier!" the owner of the house looked at my messy hair. Last night was a mess and I was a mess right now.

  "Now you just leave this house! I know you can't pay the rent, right? Heh, you lazy girl. Never mind, I'm sick of you. You pack up all your stuff right now. I'll be here in an hour. Hurry up and do it!" Patty snapped with bulging eyes.

  "Please Ms. Patty. Give me one more month. I promise I will definitely pay the rent," I said with a pleading face.

  "Oh no, I hate that face. You're really poor. Pack your things already!" said Mrs. Patty then turned around and left quickly.

  "Shit! You fat bastard!" I said softly. I could only snort in annoyance.

  Now I was walking while carrying a suitcase. I was actually confused about where to go. So I just went to the park. I sat on a chair with my mind in turmoil. Hoping that a miracle would come and I could live comfortably.

  Just as I was leaning back from the chair, my eyes suddenly caught my boyfriend's presence. Oh my gosh he was with a girl in the car.

  They were making out. I couldn't let them be happy on top of my misery.

  I banged my hand hard on the windshield. My face was so angry.

  "Get out Cody, you ignorant man! Get out right now!" I shouted loudly, making pedestrians spray me in the face.

  "Shit!" Cody opened the door with an exploded face.

  "Hey! You're not my girlfriend right now. So just get out of my face!" Cody said loudly.

  "Cody? How could you do that to me? You used to tell me that you love me a lot. You also said that you would marry me. But why did you go with that ugly woman, hm?"

  "Don't you just talk!" Cody came closer to my face.

  "You're a useless woman. You're just an employee at the bar. Your salary is small. You're so poor and ugly!"

  I stared at his face with anger in my chest. She had the nerve to cuss me out in public.

  "What about your debt, Cody? You're the one in debt, why should I be the one to pay it? You're so mean, Cody!" I yelled. I wasn't embarrassed at all.

  "Come on baby, let's get out of here," said the woman in the car.

  They both drove the car quickly. While I saw the departure of the car it could only be silent like a statue. Cody really destroyed me.

  "Oh my God? How can I pay five hundred thousand dollars in debt?"

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