

"Hmmm, I wonder if Kokichi would like sushi. Should I buy pizza, too? But buying so many different kinds of foods can be bad for his stomach, ah, whatever there is a first time for everything."

Ichigo was in a restaurant ordering food for Mechamaru, he thought it would be an excellent idea to let him experience the wonderful world of food.

'Till now, he couldn't eat anything good because of his condition, I can't wait to see his face when he tries new things, now what else should I buy, Oh! Tacos.'

A few moments later

"I think I brought too much."

After looking around for various food, Ichigo realised he had too much food.

"Even with the kids, Gojo, and Shoko, this is too much, I can also invite Geto and Riko."


Jujutsu Tech

Ring Ring 

"Geto, your phone is ringing."

 "Hmmm, oh! It's Ichigo."

After looking at the caller, Geto picked the fun and answered.

"What's up, Ichigo?"

"Hey, Geto, I was wondering if you and Riko want to eat something. I brought too much food."

"Sure, it's okay if I bring the girls? And why do you buy too much food?"

"Oh, I wanted Kokichi to try all kinds of food."

"Who is Kokichi?"

"The boy I adopted."

".....Can you come for us?"

"Sure, where are you?"

"At Jujtsu tech."


After the small talk Ichigo hung up.

"Riko, Ichigo invited us to eat."

"Really, what are we eating?"

"Everything, it seems."


"Oh! And Ichigo adopted a boy."


Suddenly, a garganta opened, and Ichigo came out.

"Sorry I took so long, I didn't ask where in the school you were, hahaha, come lets go, I want you to meet the kid I adopted."


"Riko, are you okay?"



Ichigo's Apartment


Coming out of the Garganta, Ichigo saw Gojo and Shoko speaking.

"ah! Welcome back, so what did you buy?"

Seeing him, Shoko welcome him.


"AH? Oh, Geto, Riko, Mimiko, and Nanako too, you came. How are you doing?"

Seeing everyone together, Gojo had a smile on his face, and they met each other a lot but nowadays, with everyone having more responsibilities, it is hard for everyone to gather like before.

"We are doing fine, ready to eat and meet the kid Ichigo adopted."

While they were talking Ichigo looked around and asked.

"Are the girls here?"

"Yeah, they are with Mechamaru, and Yuji is with them."

"I see."

Ichigo made his way towards the guest room, now Mechamaru's room.

"So you are a puppeteer. This puppet is really cool, Mechamaru."

On his way to the room, Ichigo heard Yuji speaking.

'Hmmm, puppet? Don't tell me you Yuji saw m=Machamaru's puppet. That is not good.'

The reason why Ichigo panicked was simple: Yuji didn't know about the Jujutsu world, during the time they had known him, Ichigo made sure that the girls and everyone else didn't tell him.

'No need for him to know about this chaotic world.'

Reaching the room, Ichigo looked inside and the Mechamaru, Maki, Mai, and Yuji.

"So you use special strings to control it, it must be hard for how big it is."

Ichigo saw Yujio speaking to Mechamaru while touching the puppet.

"Hey guys what are you doing?"

"Ah! Ichigo-san, Good afternoon. We are getting familiar with Mechamaru. He is telling us about his puppet hobby."


"Is that so, I am glad you guys are getting along. By the way, I brought a lot of food so you kids can go and eat all you want, but before that, Yuji, can you lend Kokichi some clothes? And Kokichi, can I talk to you for a bit?"


getting out of the room and going to the balcony, Ichigo sit down and Mechamaru did the same.

"Kokichi, just to make sure Yuji didn't realize what that puppet is, right?"

"He didn't, when I was investigating you, I realize you didn't tell Itadori Yuji about the Jujutsu world."

"I see that is good, but how did Yuji find the puppet?"

"I was gathering my puppets from my previous place, the one that Yuji found was the first one to arrive. I didn't bother to hide it, since I didn't think a non-sorcerer would come to the house so suddenly; I am sorry."

"Don't worry about it, it's also my fault, anyway I got all the food you will ever taste, and there are some people for you to meet."


Looking towards the living room, and saw how Gojo was fooling around with Geto, Riko was already eating the food, the kids were stuffing their mouths with food....and Shoko was just sitting looking at them with her beautiful eyes.

"My family."

Going back to the living room with Mechamaru by his side, Ichigo spoke to everyone.

"Everyone can I have your attention for a bit."

All the people present turned their eyes toward him and Mechamaru.

"Almost everyone here already got to know him, but there are some who just met him today, so I want to take this opportunity for him to introduce himself."

Looking down at Mechamaru, he nodded at him. Understanding what he meant, Mechamaru stepped forward and started speaking.

"Hi everyone, my name is Kokichi Muta, but you can call me Mechamaru. Starting from today, I am going to live with Ichigo-san and his family. I know it's weird for someone to suddenly appear and declare such a thing, but I hope we can get along from now on."

With those words said, Mechamru went quiet and stood in silence. It was obvious he was nervous, and he was fidgeting a bit.

'Calm down, it's not like before, you can speak with people now, they won't look at me as if I was some kind of freak.'

In the past, the people who used to take care of Mechamaru, didn't feel comfortable with him, maybe because he was too pitiful or some thought he looked horrible. Whatever the reason was, it made Mechamaru conscious of the gaze of others.

"What a stiff kid, stop the formalities and come to eat, by the way I am Suguru Geto, nice to meet you, Mechamaru."

"Hello Mechamaru, I am Riko Amanai. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hi, I am Mimiko."

"Nanako, a pleasure."

Mechamaru stood there and didn't say anything until he felt Ichigo's hands on his head.

"Do you feel better now?"


"Pffft, it's pretty obvious you were nervous, but Kokichi, when you met me, Shoko, and Gojo, did you feel that we looked at you disgustingly? We indeed pitied you, but that is an obvious thing to do when you see a kid suffer like that."

".....No, you didn't, you only try your best to help me."

"Yeah, and these people are the same. They won't look at you with disgust no matter how you look. Do you know why?"


Smiling again, Ichigo looked at the group.

"Because they are idiots, and idiots don't care about such thing."

"...Doesn't that make you an Idiot too?"

".....Yeah, I am the biggest idiot of them all, come on is time for you to try the wonderful world of food."

Ichigo went ahead, and Mechamru stared at his back.

'An idiot.'

Moving toward the group, Mechamaru had a thought in his mind.

'.......I wonder if I can become an idiot like you.' 

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