
Are you going to open a school?

"Oi! Ichigo, you remember when you went 'they are going to show you who is boss' hahaha you were so cool."

"Shut up, Satoru."

"No no no, how can I be quiet when you show me something so amusing, I can't wait to tell Suguru and the others."

"annoying son of a b-"


"Son of a beautiful woman."

"O my Ichigo, are you trying to hit on my mom."

"I'm trying to hit you."

"Ichigo, I am glad you feel that way, but I only see you as a friend."

Ichigo and Gojo were arguing back and forth, or more like Ichigo was trying to make Gojo shut up while Gojo just kept throwing jabs. 

"hmm, Ichigo-san."

"Oh! Yes, Mai?"

"What is going to happen with us now?"

Ichigo looked at the girls, and patted their heads.

"I told you not to worry. From now on, I will take care of you."


Jujutsu Tech

Shoko was sitting at a lunch table enjoying her meal with Nanako and Mimiko.

"I am so bored. When is everyone coming back?"

"Ne ne, Shoko-san."

"What is it? Nanako."

"Do you like Ichigo-san?"

"Phssss, cough cough!! Nanako-chan? What are you saying?"

Surprised by the girl's question, Shoko spilled her drink. 

"I mean, when you are with Ichigo-san, you usually speak more and have the same look Riko-san has when she is with Suguru-san."

"You are pretty observant, but why are you suddenly asking me this."

"I was curious to know what you do if Ichigo-san had children."

"C-children? I-I think it is a little sooner to think about that. We are not even dating."

"No, I don't mean if he had children with you."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, if Ichigo-san suddenly appears with a pair of green-haired twins."

"You are being awfully specific."

"Just look behind you."

"Behind m-"

Shoko did just as Nanako told her and turned around. She saw Ichigo, Gojo, and Megumi, but a pair of girls was with them this time.


"Hey, Shoko."


"How you doing?"


"The Zenin clan was quite eventful, as you can see."


"Hey!! Say something. You are starting to scare me."

"Do you guys need to collect children or something? Would you die if you don't? And why does it have to be two all the time?"

"No, I didn't bring these kids on a whim. There were some circumstances I couldn't leave them in the Zenin clan."

Shoko wanted to chew Ichigo up, but when he spoke to her, he looked at the twins with a serious and sad expression.

'Something must have happened.'

"Just so you know, I am not ready to be a mother."

"Did you say something?"


"Ichigo-san is kind of dull, isn't he?"

"Nanako that is rude."

"But don't you think the same, Mimiko?

"You are not wrong, but still."

While the girls were talking, Ichigo introduced Maki And Mai to Shoko.

"Anyway, Shoko, these girls are Maki Zenin and Mai Zenin. I am going to take care of them from now on, so please get along, you too, girls. Please become friends with them."


"Hi, I am Nanako, and this is my little sister Mimiko."

"Nice to meet you."

"Hello, Maki, Mai, my name is Shoko Ieri. Nice to meet you."

"N-nice to meet you too."

"A pleasure."

"So, Ichigo, what are you planning to do now? Are they going to stay in jujutsu tech like Nanako and Mimiko?"

"We will stay here for now, but I want to rent an apartment outside of Tokyo."

"Why outside of Tokyo? Isn't more convenient to live in the city?"

"It would, but I want them to be far from the Zenin clan, that is better for them but right now there is something more important we have to deal with."

Ichigo suddenly got serious and Shoko thought that something else was going on.

"What is the issue?"


"What do you think of this Maki? Do you like it? I think it looks pretty."

"Huh? I'm not too fond of it. It's too cute. I think it suits you more, Mai."

"Really? Ichigo-san, can I get this?"

Ichigo was sitting with Shoko and Gojo on a bench inside a clothing store.

"Like I told you, you can get anything you want; don't hold back."

"Okay! Than you!!!"

With a smile that reached from hear to hear, she thanked Ichigo and returned to her sister.

"You know, when I saw you being so serious, I thought something bad happened but you only wanted to buy clothes for the twins. Could you be more misleading?"

With a hand on her cheek, Shoko spoke to Ichigo.

"Hahaha, sorry, but honestly, I was angry."

"Yea, after what you told me, I understand why. I have heard rumors about the Zenin clan but to think they would actually treat kids this way."

"Uh, before I took them out of the Zenin clan, I told them to get their stuff but to think that they would come back with a small bag of clothes and some items, not even a toy."

"I told you the Zenin were thrash, you should have blown half of the Zenin as you say."

Gojo, who was stuffing his mouth with cake, finally spoke.

"I was tempted to do it, but just think of their expressions when these girls return and thrash them. Don't you think that would be more fun?"

"Hahaha, true, but that would take some time, you know?"

"That is fine. After all, revenge is a dish best-served cold."

"Hmm, Ichigo, if you keep being so cool, you will make me fall for you."

"Feel free to do so, I don't mind."

"Can you two stop flirting in front of me? Please."

"We are just fooling around, Shoko, but don't you want to get something too?"

"You sure?"

"Yea, and I am sure Maki and Mai can use the advice of an expert like you."

"You know your stuff, okay."

Shoko Stood up and went with Maki and Mai.

"So cruel, Ichigo, you are not getting me anything?"

"You can get anything you like."

"Seriously, I was kidding but you sure?"

"I am sure. You are going to pay anyway."

"I see, thank yo- wait, what!?"


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