
The First First Blood Hybrid

Viktor: "What is it that You Desire"

Katerina: "I want to be like you, I want power, power to never again be weak, to never give in to what anyone says and for that I want to become like you, a vampire"

Everyone looked at her as she said the last word.

Kol: "who did you hear that from"

Katerina would have just said Trevor's name and be done with it, but she wasn't a fool like him, so she kept quiet which made Viktor smile.

Viktor: [well, she ain't a snitch, and I'm assuming that's because she knows her life isn't in danger]

Niklaus: "well I could indulge you, since I haven't turned anyone for centuries now"

Viktor had warned the Mikealson not turn someone into a vampire recklessly, as he didn't want too much vampires that are unkillable around as to give the other supernatural creatures a chance, even he, has only turned one person into a vampire and that was in Southern France, 1002.

Viktor: "no brother, I got this"

Viktor then looked at Katerina with a smile.

Viktor: "well, do you know you might die from your transitioning?"

Viktor asked as he knew about the werewolf bite from teen wolf, a chance at death or rebirth, as the popular saying back on earth, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" and know joint with the vampire blood in her system, only God knows what will happen to her.

Viktor: "do you still want to proceed?"

Niklaus: "wait hold on, we all know that she is going to die, but when you meant dead, do you mean like actual death?"

Viktor nodded as he himself didn't now what will happen as he is using a method never seen in either of the series.

Elijah: "but from all our years of experience, we haven't seen the few we turned die, so why is her's going to be any different?"

Viktor didn't answer as he transformed, showing his true face and not just an ordinary true face they all knew but Viktor appeared to have grown side hair, grew extra fangs, his ears elongated, claws came out of his fingers and his eyes appeared to be blood red different from his normal eyes of both his normal transformation as a vampire or werewolf.

If it was any other people here, they would not know, but they knew or had an inkling to what he did.

Kol: "you've finally mastered that transformation Nik and you have been trying for ages"

Viktor: "yes, this is the completed hybrid transformation"

Katerina took a step back when she saw his transformation, he was different from what was described.

Rebekah: "bloody hell, don't tell me, you are going to make her a hybrid?"

Everyone one present there looked at Viktor wondering what was going on in his head except Niklaus. Niklaus had always wanted an hybrid army, but he didn't like the wolfs as he deemed them weak and were still arrogant on top of that and he still held a grudge against them for the death of Henrik even when he is still alive and kicking and when the current pack of wolves has no hand in it. But now a possibility has arrived at his doorstep, even if he will be limited to a quota, he wouldn't mind.

Niklaus: "Katerina, if you don't mind"

He said as he vamp - speed to her and brought her before Viktor.

Viktor: "brother, please don't force her, it should be her choice"

Viktor said as he knew Katerina will not back down, even if she is a coward when it comes to her life, she is willing to risk it if she knows she will come out of it alive.

Katerina: "what is this hybrid thing?"

Viktor: "hybrid is a combination of two species in one, like Nik and I, we are werewolves and vampires while Kol over there, is a witch and a vampire, so instead of calling him a hybrid, we call him a heretic, the first and only known one"

Niklaus: "and my brother here is forgetting something, you see, Kat, my brother is not only a creature of two species but of three, can you guess what it is?"

Katerina thought for a while as she think for the answer.

Katerina: "a vampire, witch and a werewolf"

A smile appeared on Niklaus's face when he heard her answer.

Niklaus: "you are smart, I like it, too bad you are not going to be turned by me. Yes you got it right, Viktor here is the very first tribrid"

When Katerina heard Niklaus, she knew that it will be in her favour if she was turned to a hybrid by Viktor even if there is a chance that she might die.

Katerina: "I accept, turn me"

Viktor: "this is going to hurt alot"

Viktor said as he bit her while injecting his blood into her which caused conflict between the two genes, that caused Katerina to scream in pain but the noise could not pass the living room as Freya has already cast a silencing spell.

Viktor looked at the screaming Katerina who was rolling on the floor when Qetsiyah came to him.

Qetsiyah: "do you think she will make it?"

Viktor still looking at Katerina replied.

Viktor: "she will, if she can't survive this, then I'm afraid nobody else will"

Viktor said as he knew Katerina that much, her will to survive comes first than anything else, she is willing to even sacrifice her friends, that's if she even considered them as one to save herself. She even managed to evade the big bad wolf for a whole 500 years, who could do that, nobody.

Niklaus: "I hope she does, she is the key to everything"

After sometime, Katerina stopped shaking and screaming which means, she has died.

The Mikealson knew death was part of a vampire's transformation so they waited for her to wake, but if she did not wake after some time, then they will have to label her as a lost case.

Viktor sent a telepathic message to Trevor to bring them someone because he believed in Katerina.

After a few hours of waiting, Katerina finally woke up with red eyes but not as intense as Viktor's.

Kol: "welcome to the land of the living, Katerina, how do you feel?"

Katerina: "thirsty"

That was when Trevor walked in, but froze when he saw Katerina bloodied on the floor, he thought he was done for but was relieved when he heard Elijah's word, but he was still scared.

Elijah: "Trevor, what are you waiting for, guide her on how to complete her transition"

Trevor: "yes, my lord"

Trevor took the human to Katerina and showed her how to feed properly thereby completing her transition to the first ever sired hybrid.


300 power stones - 1 extra chapter on Saturday

600 power stones - 2 extra chapters on Saturday

1000 power stones - 3 extra chapters on Saturday

2500 power Stones - 4 extra chapters on Saturday and bonus chapter on Sunday.

I guess this is it for now, what do you think.

Check out my novel

The Omnipotent System

My Infinite System

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