
Chapter 365: Super Civilization

To reach the clock tower's main door, they had to first climb ninety-nine steps. Gu Fan and his group took a short break before they gathered their strength and climbed up. After breaking through the electronic protective barrier, everyone started to feel optimistic, believing they could overcome any difficulty that came their way.

The path was clear, and their earlier worries that the steps could have been booby-trapped proved to be unfounded.

When they finally arrived at the main door of the clock tower, no one dared to touch it. Everyone was cautious, but Lu Yi couldn't stand it anymore, saying that they couldn't just stand around staring at it, it would be better to use an object to try and check it.

"Good idea, I agree." Lin Xi agreed, and with a motion of her finger, she levitated a slab of stone from the ground to slam into the door.

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