
Chapter 204 Sunlight_1

"I speculate it's true," Qian Jiangyue uttered to Qian Cangyi, then lied down on his seat.

"What is our altitude now?" Qian Cangyi asked the pilot.

"About twelve hundred meters," the pilot replied.

They had all witnessed what had happened in the plane cabin, but no matter how they pondered over it, they couldn't comprehend why Qian Cangyi would suddenly appear on the side with the cargo door open.

"What's the maximum height we can climb to?" Qian Jiangyue asked.

"A stable hovering height is around two thousand meters," replied the pilot. Even though they found the situation regrettable and felt slightly annoyed, they replied seriously.

"If we descend rapidly from two thousand meters and slow down just before hitting the ground, is that achievable?" Qian Jiangyue continued.

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