
Chapter 121 Merpeople_1

"Captain David, what's wrong with you?" Robert tried to approach but was stopped by Qian Cangyi. He looked back at Qian Cangyi, unable to comprehend why he was holding him back.

"Didn't you hear the collision just now?" Qian Cangyi released his grip.

"I heard it, but..." Robert was interrupted by David's voice.

"Run ... run..." David managed to utter before collapsing unconscious onto the ground.

At that instant, a monster appeared behind David. The sight they were met with was similar to a fish walking down a corridor. This fish was oddly shaped compared to what they were used to seeing. It had a larger head than a regular fish, its body resembled a person suffering from rickets, and its feet were like duck webs. The overall image suggested a merman, rather than a mermaid.

Despite the considerable distance, they could clearly see countless viscous fluids constantly oozing from the merman, dripping onto the floor and forming an unidentifiable sticky substance.

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