
Chapter 280 Picking Treasures_1

Strolling leisurely down the street of the antique market, Xiao Qiang noticed a larger crowd than usual, possibly due to the weekend. To an outsider, it looked as if he had walked into a fair with all the hustle and bustle.

There were quite a few shops lining the street, but Xiao Qiang had no intention of stepping into any of them. He knew all too well that these shops, unlike the street stalls, catered exclusively to regular, long-term customers. The rule of thumb was, 'three years not in business, three years feed on one opening'. Everything openly displayed on the shelves was fake — plain and simple.

Besides, the shop assistants in these stores could really spin a yarn. They could have you believing that the spittoon you were interested in was once used by the emperor. Xiao Qiang was not in the mood to entertain such fanciful tales.

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