
Capital crime

 "Boss?" Derrick said turning to Andrey

 "Derrick" Andrey hugged him. "How are you? Where were you? Did they hurt you? Are you alright?"

 "Boss, calm down. I'm okay. As you can see, the prince took very good care of me so you don't have to worry about me. Worry more about yourself. How are you feeling? How's your waist? Let me see" Derrick was about to touch the bandages when General Lucas stopped and glared at him

 "Mine. Don't touch" General Lucas said

 "Oh sorry" Derrick stood a distance "Did you screw each other? I'm guessing you did. He's so possessive. Jealous" he fan himself with his hands

 "Why bother asking when you already know?"

 "So, how was it?" Derrick raised a brow and grinned happily

 "Derrick.... It was heavenly. The moment he asked me serve him, I was already thinking with my d**k. I couldn't think of anything else. His d**k is mighty. I want to suck it every day"

 *They were whispering the entire time*

 "Derrick, why don't you and your friend excuse us for a moment. We need to discuss in private" The prince said gently

 "Of course" Derrick smiled

 "Don't go too far. It's cold out so stay somewhere warm and don't stress yourself"

 "Okay, my prince". Derrick went out first. Andrey knew more about courtesy so he wouldn't leave without greeting them properly.

 "Sire" he bowed to the prince "My Lord" he bowed to General Lucas and then left them.

 "This man knows how to please another but his friend is the complete opposite. Don't they have a king where they came from?" The prince said

 "Andrey said they came from advanced Rome"

 "Oh, where is that? Or are they maybe spies?"

 "I don't know. He said it was around here somewhere. All I know is they're not foreigners. The speak the same tongue as us"

 "You're probably right"

 "I am right, my friend"

 "Something skipped my mind a second ago"

 "What might that be?" General Lucas asked while drinking some milk.

 "You said the boy is yours. Did you two have s*x together?" The prince asked with a cheerful face

 "How could I not? Just look at him. His looks just makes me crave him all the time. I want to have him all the time"

 "You talk about it so casually. But I can't blame you, I also have interest in his friend but I don't know what he thinks of me" The prince said looking a little disappointed. "Tell me Lucas, how did you court him?"

 "I didn't do much. I just blackmailed him into doing it. He wanted me to release his friend, I wanted to fuck him. Simple exchange"

 "But his friend is with me"

 "No no, they're three. The one with you"

 "His name is Derrick, Lucas"

 "I don't care. The one with me and their friend that insulted me"

 "Oh how?" The prince asked, treating himself to a cup of butter

 "He hit me in my head and called the entire Roman army a show

 "That's rather irresponsible"

 "He also touched my armor"

 "He made a huge mistake doing that.Even I'm not allowed to touch your armor. I'm surprised he's still alive. Where is he now?" The prince asked with a cup of butter

 "He's with your sister" General Lucas said

 The prince spat out the butter. "What?"

 "Stop shouting. I just got up from bed" Lucas said while massaging his temples with his other hand.

 "Since when had that bothered you"

 "Since today. Your sister took him away this morning" Lucas said as if he didn't do anything wrong

 The prince was infuriated. He smacked the cup of butter on the table making it splash a little on his hand "And you just let her take him away?!"

 Lucas was confused. He didn't do anything wrong so why was the prince so angry at him. "Why not?! I had no need of him anyway. What did you expect me to do? Keep him as another of my assets? I wanted to behead him which if I see his stupid face again, will"

 "Lucas! How could you do this? You just helped my sister commit a capital crime"

 "I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman taking a man home" he slurped his cup of milk

 The prince was angry at him and slapped the cup right out of his hands. "Stop drinking that. Princess sphep is getting married in two days to a pharaoh. A pharaoh, Luke"

 "First, I was still drinking that and second, it's not my problem. If you're so bummed about it, go and fix it already". He went to the window to spy on Andrey and Derrick 

 ""It's my problem, Lucas. And my problem is your problem too"

 "How so, prince?"

 "Because, you're my best friend" the prince crossed his arms at the man. "Will you stop spying on them already? Pay me some attention too! We have to fix this. My father must not hear of this" he began to pace back and forth 

 "She came with a few handmaidens of hers and two guards. We both know well that the palace is a house of gossip. Words would have circulated already. Don't bother yourself my friend"

 "No! Words would have gotten to my chamber if they had started to circulate it. We still have time. What do you suggest we do?" The prince sat him down

 "I still remember some faces. We could find them and have their heads"

 "Not everything is about having people's heads, Lucas. How about we threaten them?"

 "*Groan* sounds boring and a lot of work too. I love my idea better"

 "Cool, so we're going with mine then. Come by my chamber in the evening and we shall discuss" The prince left and took Derrick with him.

 Andrey went back inside and saw General Lucas sitting on a chair, staring at him with an intense gaze. "My Lord, why are you looking at me so seriously? Did I do something wrong?"

 'I won't let let you have my head so I'll behave and enjoy you before going back home'

 "Come! I want to have you again" Lucas said and carried Andrey into the room they had just came out from.

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