

Gremmy's first step was to learn discipline and focus. He began with meditation to gain control over his racing thoughts. He struggled, but with patience and determination, he made progress over time.

He had no idea how much time passed and how fast time passed in this prison. So he imagined a clock. He got it almost perfectly the first time he tried it but he noticed the strain it took for him to keep it up.

He guessed that the seal was stopping him from using his powers, but slowly he was getting stronger and he could use more and more of his strength. He just hoped that he would not get noticed by Juha Bach. Although he should be sleeping right now.

Gremmy knew that he had 1,000 years to get stronger. But optimally he had plans that could not wait so long. He had to be out before the deadline ran out. The story would start about 990 years from now. But he wasn't sure how time passed when he was in here.

So he got back to training.


Gremmy understood that he had to train his body as well. It was not enough to just have a strong imagination. If your body couldn't handle the strain, he would still lose, just as the original Gremmy did.

So he added the basic and overused Saitama, workouts into the mix apart from his usual meditation.

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull-ups 100 squats and 10-kilometer running. How did he do the pull-ups? He imagined a bar on which he could pull himself up. When he was finished with all the workouts, he was exhausted and lost focus, making the bar disappear again.

He truly had to work on that. He had to become so proficient in the use of his power, that no matter what he focused on, the things he imagined would stay the way he imagined them.


Time passed. After weeks of following the same training, he finally managed to keep the bar up permanently. He also moved from basic meditation to building mental defences. This meant that he tried to recreate Occlumency and Legllimency as well as create a mind palace.

Although he had no success in the beginning, after not giving up for two days, he managed to do it. He did not know why he could do these things. Occlumency and Leglimency were magic spells. That was a completely different type of energy than spirit energy.

He could not understand how he could do it. But maybe ... Gremmy thought back to the potion he drank. Was it truly more than it seemed?

Gremmy focused and imagined the label to appear before him. Success! The label he remembered from the potion appeared before him and he could read it.

"Essence of the Blank."

What is the Blank? Was it like a blank canvas or did it mean that the potion was a blank? Hmm, once again he tried to use his power. He imagined a guide that told him what this Essence of the Blank did.

He could feel his energy draining and then ... he held a book in his hands. He opened it and began to read. It was not a lot of text so that was good. It was short and clear and it made Gremmy very, very happy.


Essence of the Blank:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it, and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible, and develop in ways beyond their initial purpose.


So then this meant ... that no matter what, as long as he trained, he would continue to grow stronger. With no limit, whatsoever. And not only that, he could learn any skill he wanted, even if he should not be able to normally.

This meant that he could gain a Zanpakuto, even if he was not a Shinigami. And he could learn all four of the Shinigami battle arts. Kido, Hoho, Hakuda and Zanjutsu. Wait! He could also learn the abilities of Hollows and Fullbringers as well.

Oh my. The possibilities were endless, just like his power. He truly hit the jackpot with that. And yet it still required him to train to grow stronger. The speed at which he would grow was also not accelerated, or at least it wasn't mentioned.

The good thing though was that he would no longer forget anything he learned.



Gremmy got back to training. He didn't need food for some reason. Probably because he was just a brain.

He began to add different things to his routine. Mental visualization. He began to visualize basic shapes and then worked his way up slowly.

There was no rush. He took his time. At first a rectangle. He made it 2-dimensional at first. Then he added another one and tried to keep them both up for as long as he could. He would try and do other things while keeping the shapes.

As soon as he could have two rectangles up without thinking about it, he added another one.

This continued for a few days until Gremmy moved up and made the shapes different. He did one rectangle and one triangle. And then the same story, he would slowly add more and more until he could keep thousands of them up at the same time.

Then came the third round. He added the shape of a circle to the mix. So that was three shapes he had to keep up at all times.

You understand where this is going. He did three shapes, added more and more, and then went to four shapes, added more and more and then five, six ... up to ten. When he managed to keep ten different shapes up at all times and multiple thousands of each, he moved the difficulty up again.

Gremmy did the same with 3-dimensional shapes. After weeks of training, he had the shapes move all at once, each in a different pattern.


Gremmy's energy was growing the longer he trained. He could go on for longer each day. And whenever he noticed that he had energy left over, he would do some creative visualization.

He would imagine a snowflake for example. And then he would slowly add more details to it. Or he would create a bicycle and try it out. And then he would add special things to it. Like changing the handle, the seat, making the tyres thicker and so on.

Gremmy never stopped practising Occlumency and creating his mind palace. He felt himself get a clearer head and he was faster mentally as well. His reflexes got stronger due to that as well. He still kept up with the physical training as well.



One year has passed since Gremmy has started. After one month he had found out what time it was right now. He had managed to create a clock for himself that showed the years and months as well as the weeks and days that went by. He didn't need to know the seconds or minutes. He had a separate clock for that.

Gremmy was sitting on a comfortable chair. In front of him was a big Television that showed the Sereitei from a bird's view. He could see the different Shinigami as well as the Shin'o academy. He also saw some familiar faces. Kyoraku Shunsui and Jushiro Ukitake.

They were currently being taught by Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

Gremmy had come a long way since he started his training. He was so much stronger that he had imagined a limit counter for himself.

What was a limit counter?

Well, Gremmy wanted to know how much stronger he got to motivate himself and show him his progress. So he imagined his progress as a graph and managed to see that he was now over two times stronger than he was when he started.

But was that it? What did that mean? Being two times stronger meant that he could now kill two versions of himself as easy as breathing. His imagination was twice as strong, his mental capacity was twice as strong, his processing speed was twice as strong, and physically he was now more than twice as strong.

In every category, Gremmy was now twice as strong as his past self. And this gave him a massive motivation booster.


As Gremmy was watching Yamamoto teach the young Shunsui and Ukitake, he wondered if it would be better for him to also have a teacher. He would surely profit from it and he would grow even stronger.

So Gremmy put everything away. He focused on what he wanted. He wanted to have a place where he could be trained by a sensei in many things like martial arts. This included weapons and unarmed combat. And he wanted to learn other things like Hakuda, Hoho, Zanjutsu, Kido, Sonido, Bala, Cero, and more.

When he was done he would be a completely different person. He would then no longer be defeated by Kenpachi as he did in the story.


After weeks of collecting his thoughts and imagining what he wanted he started. Gremmy found himself in a dense forest and stumbled upon a hidden dojo nestled deep within.

At the dojo, Gremmy met a man who called himself Master Kaito, a wise and experienced martial artist. Kaito recognized Gremmy's potential and agreed to take him on as his student. Gremmy's training was about to begin.


Master Kaito's training was rigorous and demanding. Gremmy's first lesson was to learn discipline and focus. He was told to begin training in meditation. But he was allowed to move on as he was already very good at that.

In the following weeks, Gremmy trained in physical combat. He learned various martial arts techniques, gaining strength, agility, and confidence. His body became a vessel for his imagination, ready to bring his thoughts to life at a moment's notice.


Master Kaito saw the potential in Gremmy's unique abilities and decided it was time to test his control over imagination. He set up a sparring match, where Gremmy had to create imaginary opponents to fight against.

At first, Gremmy's creations were chaotic and uncontrollable, but he slowly learned to channel his thoughts and create opponents of his choosing. He started with the stick men from Alan Becker's YouTube channel. They were actually fun to be around. With every battle, he gained better control over his powers until he no longer noticed that he was using his powers.


As Gremmy's training progressed, he discovered the true strength of his imagination. He began to create weapons and defences, manipulating the battlefield to his advantage. With his newfound skills, he could manifest his dreams into reality. He mimicked the wizards from Harry Potter when they used transfiguration.

Master Kaito knew it was time for Gremmy to face a powerful adversary, a test of his abilities. Gremmy imagined a formidable opponent, a manifestation of his inner fears and doubts. And who better than the man he lost against, Kenpachi Zaraki?

The battle was challenging and even with the use of his new power that surpassed the Gremmy from the story, he still lost... That was a painful defeat for Gremmy. However, he didn't let it pull him down. He battled against Kenpachi again and again.

Over and over again, he got more and more proficient in the use of his powers and adapted to the wild Kenpachi and his maniac-like fighting style. And then after nearly two years of training under Master Kaito and close to EIGHT MONTHS of fighting against Kenpachi ... he finally won.

It was a challenging battle, but with his growing skills and unwavering determination, he was victorious. The euphoria he felt when he finally killed Kenpachi, was unreal. He was so proud of himself and he celebrated it with Master Kaito and the Stickmen.


Gremmy had come a long way since the beginning of his training. Master Kaito was impressed by his growth and control over his powers. With a nod of approval, Kaito acknowledged that Gremmy was ready to go out into the world and use his abilities for good.

The next thing Gremmy wanted to train was the specific techniques of the Shinigami and Hollows. But he would learn those in this prison. He wanted to get out and maybe see some things other than this darkness.

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