
chapter 51:He appears

Back in the desert ..

Red lightning rained down from the clouds destroying everything it hit , and since the sand guardians were right in the middle of the attack they suffered the most . The lightning destroyed two out four sand guardians , luckily Faro and Esther's battle was a hundred yards away coupled with the fact that they were so fast the lightning couldn't even touch the two people who were in the middle of an intense hand to hand combat with faro on the defensive , Esther moved behind him and striked out a palm covered in dark breath but faro dodged and sent out an elbow hitting her jaw , the force behind the blow was so powerful it sent her crashing into a wall . Esther quickly got back to her feet but faro was already Infront of her.

Drawing his arm back, faro drove his fist into Esther's nose. Head flying as her eyes locked on the sky, Esther stumbled. Her left foot slid on the sand and she braced the heel of her boot against the soft ground. Her hands rose to cover her nose, eyes squeezing shut. A single tear leaked down her cheek as she snapped her nasal bone back in place. Head coming forwards, nose throbbing, she glared at faro over her fingers.

"You are going to pay for that" she said getting up from the ground

Faro shrugged his shoulders, smiled, and slowly brought one foot behind his back. He put his weight on it and he signaled for her to come at him , Esther rushed at faro. She dipped and weaved right as she was about to reach him and slashed downwards revealing a dagger she had concealed. Faro dodged to the side and the blade clashed against the wall on the side with a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air. Esther was quick to move and uppercut slashed at faro who seemed pretty much composed for a person in the middle of a battle, attempting to catch faro from stem all the way to stern.

Faro sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from his face.

Quickly, before Esther could respond with a follow-up, faro swiftly punched Esther in the solar plexus with enough force to shatter a huge boulder, knocking the wind out of the doom's general, and stunning her for a brief moment.

The quick blow had opened esther up for another attack and faro happily complied , putting a simple sidekick into the doom general's stomach, doubling her over. Faro followed that up with a quick rising uppercut sending her flying once again

"You are clearly no match for me but yet you are still fighting , it would have been a little better for you if you had fought together with your partner but you were overconfident in your abili- *cough cough* .mmm what the?" Faro didn't even finish his sentence before he started coughing blood , his body felt heavy and his eyes lost focus

" Men will always be men , and here I thought you were smarter than the rest but reality is often disappointing " Esther got up slowly and walked towards faro

"Why did you think I resorted to close quarter combat with you ? I knew I couldn't beat you but I knew you could beat me and that is what I used against you by coating my body with the element , everytime you made contact with me a miniscule amount of my breath invaded your body as you know the darkness element also has decaying properties though not as potent as the ones shown by the foul but it did play it's part by decaying your internal organs slowly without you noticing a thing . It's safe to say that your strength was your own down fall , you are a fierce warrior Faro but you have to know that strength doesn't always guarantee a win ."

Esther touched the side of Faro's face stroking it with her thumb before she let him go and pressed her palms together and looked up to the sky , releasing her dark aura of a soul tree Konqueror pressing Faro unto the ground. A sword made of darkness slowly conjured between her palms up until the sword was formed

"Goodbye Faro jorn" she raised her arms preparing to plunge the elemental sword into faro

"You seem to have missed one little detail ." Faro spoke his body still pressed down on the ground by Esther's aura

"Huh, what detail?" Esther paused a bit amused by his words , to her it all seemed like a dying man's last attempt to buy himself some time

Faro raised his head revealing a pair of yellow eyes just like the sand guardians " you are still inside my scape" Faro's voice came from behind her and a powerful fist landed on her back , the power of the fist broke through her armor and connect with her back .

This blow didn't send her flying away but instead it seemed to have been aimed at her internal organs

" ESTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!" Holt's cry could be heard from a distance

Esther spat out blood with tiny bits of her liver , she looked at the faro Infront of her and he turned into sand . "Neat" she said falling to her knees

"But like I told you before strength doesn't always win fights" with that she fell down , her condition unknown

Before Faro could check if she was dead , a foul disgusting aura spread out from within his scape making him frown . His scape started falling apart , the houses sank disappeared and the dome covering them vanished showing the beautiful night sky above the desert

Faro watched as his scape collapsed and the sand guardians fell to the ground their bodies disintegrating, Holt's eyes were fixed on him or to be more precise behind him . Faro turned around quickly and Infront of him stood a person in a white and gold mage robes with a demon mask on , holt spoke from behind

"You are late , zenoki"....


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