
Tough Choice

An amount of time passes, and I slowly open my eyes, but even that's a tough thing to do now. After focusing, I open my eyes to see what's happening, and I slowly begin to look around, wondering where I am.


First, I notice I'm lying on a couch in what seems to be some type of cabin, from the wooden walls and fireplace. As I slowly try to move my body, I let out an "ow" after moving my leg. I looked down in surprise to see it's bandaged up. I tried to tenderly put it on the ground; it still hurts, but it's not as much as before.


"What the hell?" I ask myself how that's possible considering that I just broke it—at least I believe I did. Observe how much time has elapsed. I attempted to stand up, but the discomfort persisted, so I started to explore every inch of the space. The house appears to be one story and has a living area with a desk, fireplace, and wardrobe, as well as a bedroom and possibly a kitchen.


To get my mind working, I repeat aloud, "All right, (blank), give it some thought. But wait, why can't I utter my name? (Blank) fucking (Blank) (Blank)." "Odr" sigh. Goddammit, it appears that I am only able to utter the name that I have been given.


There goes my plan to pretend to be someone else. If anything, I can introduce myself using my new last name.


Alright, it looks like I have some time before my kind host returns. Gods/Goddess (I have to choose one to pray to and curse later), please let them be a decent person. Hopefully, like in any novel I read, they may be an amazing hidden mentor who lives in the woods and provides me with the really difficult training montage and source of information I desperately need.

Sigh. "If I'm lucky, which I know I'm not, I hope they're beautiful elf women." Don't judge me, this is ever guys dream. It's a man's romance to meet an hot elf. So, Sue me.

I had to devise a plan. I walk over to the cabin's desk and hastily apologize to the owner. I grab a piece of paper and a pencil to rapidly sketch up a plan of action.


1. Meet the host and learn everything I can from them, if they are reasonable.


2. Heal up


3. Find God to get Falna to access enchantment magic.


4.Start business 





"Ok, that seems legit." Number one is the most important priority because it'll help me to know what time frame I am in and how far from Canon it is. Also, my current location and how far Orario is If the person who owns this cabin knows their dates right and has good information about the world currently,


Number two seems easy enough, and looking down in my leg, my kind host at least seems willing enough to help me instead of leaving for dead. If they were willing to use supplies to help me,


Number 3 is the most difficult. I must find a god if I want to get a falna. The problem is that most of the gods that I know of are in Orario, where Freya is. I suddenly got goosebumps just saying that name.


A couple gods or goddesses that's outside the orario that I can think of can only be counted on one hands. The first one, I think, was the Amazon goddess, which is a big no since I don't want to die, be it by death battle or snu snu "But what a way to go".


The other is Njord God, from the beach place where the Leviathan remains are. I just don't remember the name. There's also Ares, but I'm not in the mood to be put into military-type work.


Depending on whether this is Canon's timeline with the movie, they also have Artemis. However, if it's before or after she loses her family, there isn't a chance she will not take me in. The last is Astraea, the goddess of justice. She had lost all her familiar members except Ryuu; however, Ryuu sent her away from Orario. Anyway, she's the one I want to find the most. I think I can have the easiest time convincing her to give me a falna, but she's also the hardest to find. She can be anywhere, I have absolutely no clue, where she is.


I would prefer not to go anywhere near Orario, but it will be easier than anything. Like Miach or Hestia.


"However, everything depends on what time I'm in, because some gods could still be around, like Zeus and Hera." Hmmmm, so before I make a decision, I have to know exactly where and when I am.


I really want to avoid Orario if I could, because any place that's close to Freya is dangerous on so many levels, not even taking accounts for evilus. I would have to register my name with the guild, and the falna will always show a person's true name. Also, if I do level up, everyone will know with denatus. Which, can lead to Freya taking an interest in me just with my name alone. Godsdamn it, fucking wheel.


After that, it's just working and developing my magic, which will help me succeed in life. Logistically, I want to either make magical items or anything that can help make me money. Hard to say, without knowing exactly what type of enchantment magic I got. I tap my chin and say to myself, "Really, I wouldn't mind making cafe where my food or drinks can offer benefits to people. There seems to be that one anime, where one guy makes food that has a stat boost and an exp amplifier effect.


Choices all depend on what time I'm in. Hopefully whoever owns this place knows; if not, I have to go find out in the nearest town. If I'm lucky or unlucky, I'm close to Orario itself. Always go there just to look up what time it is, and then leave to find a god outside of the city.


But the choice in the end is whether I want to stay in Orario, where the crazy yandere is, or take my chances outside and experience slower leveling. I really want access to my magic, and I hope it doesn't depend on leveling up to develop it.


Well, I spent the next hour contemplating my life choices, which will determine how I live my life. I don't notice the door opening to the cabin.


? "Well, look who's up and who said you can use my stuff".


I jump out of the seat, bumping my injured leg against the desk. "Goddammit," why is my luck still so shitty?


I spent 5 minutes complaining to every deity while my host just stood there looking at me like I was an idiot.


I stop after awhile and focus. I had to make a good first impression. "Umm, hi." Nailed it.


Oh it seems like our unlucky MC is about to have an interesting talk. Let's see if his game plan works out for him or not. I mean how hard can it be....I think I just invoked Murphy's Law or raised a flag. Well it's not my problem, sucks for Odr though.

Finally meeting the person let's see what they look like.

What do you think his plan? Foolproof right?

Who do you think is the best god/goddess to go to?

Are these the questions that I should be asking or there is something else?

Well Folks, Tune in to Find Out!

Again, my writing is a work in progress. I'm just putting whatever I'm thinking on to paper or on the web novel. Just to get it out there. I really appreciate some feedback cuz I want to work on my story. I know it could use some work I have the general idea where I wanted to go but writing has never been my strong suit.

I know people are adding this story to their collection which I appreciat. Also thanks for the power stones.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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