
Chapter 10: Great Changes

"Hey, did you guys hear?"

"What happened?"

"Nephilim Pharmaceuticals finally released a new potion in the Breath Series."

"It's not surprising. It has been six months since they released the last one. What is the name of the potion?"

"It's called Breath of Soul. It increases the efficiency of strengthening the Soul Vessel."

"Are you serious? What about the side effects? Are they the same as the others?"

"It's mental exhaustion instead of physical exhaustion."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. Let's go and stock up before they run out."

Similar conversations were taking place all over the Earth Federation. Nephilim Pharmaceuticals has become a household name during the last year. To the general public, this company just popped up one day and changed the F-D Grade Players' lives. 

They released their first potion, Breath of Mana, an auxiliary potion that temporarily increased sensitivity to mana, effectively increasing the efficiency of strengthening the Mana Vessel. 

Six months later, they released their second potion, Breath of Body. This potion increased the efficiency of strengthening the Body Vessel. The best part was that all the potions were relatively affordable and had very mild side effects. The third potion was something that people had been anticipating a lot even without knowing its effects.

While the Earth Federation was in a frenzy, the mastermind behind those potions was meditating. Zeke had changed a lot, his body had become as muscular as Cass's and he had gained an intimidating aura.

It was as if it was being limited by his weak body and when it finally grew stronger, the aura broke free of its restrictions. He looked back at the last two years and was satisfied with what he had achieved.

Two years ago, after they signed the deal with Alessio, he owned 10% of their company. As a businessman, he wanted to know about the company's plans. Under a System Oath, they told him some details. Of course, they told him nothing about Zeke's memories.

-About two years ago, Nephilim Pharmaceuticals Headquarters-

"So, what are plans for this company? I have already taken that System Oath, so tell me already."

"As you already know, I am a biochemist. I tried mutating some common useless plants and herbs through genetic engineering to make them effective. Thankfully, I succeeded and created 15 potion recipes with those plants and herbs as the core ingredients. 

We plan to get patents for those mutated plants and herbs and the potions, then sell the patents for the potions to the military but control the supply of the core ingredients. This way the military will have no choice but to rely on us. We need-"

"How are you guys so dumb? I apologise for being rude but aren't you a scientist? Why are you so dumb? You have a literal golden goose that could make you the wealthiest company in the Federation and this is what you do with it? Give it away for a few golden eggs, no golden shit?"

"You have no-"

"Let me finish. First of all, you have no idea how the business world works. This company and those potions have the potential to change the economic landscape of the Federation in no time. Before I continue, can someone please tell me why is the kid here?

I get that he is your godson but he is still a kid. I know there is a lot that you aren't telling me but I need to know the truth before I can trust you."

Katherine and Alexi wanted to say something but they knew that Alessio was right. They were about to make an excuse when Zeke spoke up.

"The kid is here because he is the one that mutated those plants and herbs. My name is Ezekiel Ashbourne. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I answered your question so answer one of mine. Your daughter, is her name Rosaria De Luca by any chance?"

"Yes, it is. But how do you know that? And did you say that you, a seven-year-old brat, mutated those plants and herbs? Is he telling the truth?"

Katherine and Alexi had no choice but to follow his lead and indicated that he was telling the truth. Alessio sat down in shock at what he had just heard. A seven-year-old was the mastermind that created the golden goose. 

Zeke on the other hand was smiling ear to ear. He now understood why he found the De Luca name so familiar. Rosaria De Luca, known to the Federation as the Queen of Thorns, was the queen of the black markets in the Federation. Not just one or two, but every black market in the Federation was under her control in the alternate reality/future.

[I still wasn't sure if I had regressed or if I had gained the memories of an alternate self from another timeline.]

Very few knew her real name and even he had only ever met her a few times. They had gotten drunk and she had revealed that she was nothing. It was her father who was the real genius, who taught her everything she needed to know to run a business. They had hit the jackpot this time. 

Alessio had gotten over the shock and stood up. 

"The kid has the right to stay. But that doesn't change the fact that you guys have no idea what you are doing. Instead of selling the patents to the military, you give them the rights to produce but not sell.

In simpler terms, the military can use your recipes for their soldiers but they have no right to make any money from it. As for controlling the supply, it is a nice idea but you need to know your limits. You give the military a big discount, so that way, both parties are happy.

They can increase the strength and number of their soldiers, and we can sell the potions to the general public. There is no clash of interest, which results in flawless cooperation between the two parties."

"...We never thought of it that way."

"Of course you didn't. It is not your area of expertise. This brings me to my last point, the division of workload. We need to create three departments if we want this company to work like a well-oiled machine.

First, Business and Administration. I will be the Head of this department. Anything on the business side of things will come under this department. 

Second, Research, Development, and Production. The name pretty much explains it. Research and development of new potions as well as their production will come under this department. It will be headed by Katherine on paper but Ezekiel will be the hidden Co-Head along with her. 

Finally, Security, Acquisition, and Intelligence. This department will be responsible for the protection against any threats to the company, and the acquisition of ingredients that cannot be bought on the market, and it will also be our secret intelligence agency. Alexi will be the Head of this department. Any doubts?"

Katherine, Alexi and Ezekiel looked at the man in shock. They could instantly envision the benefits of this arrangement. They agreed, but Alessio wasn't done yet.

"I can see the potential that this company has so I have decided to go all in. Give me the list of the core ingredients and I will buy all the plantations, farms, anything to control their supply. Because once we start, the military will pay very close attention to our actions. If we try to buy anything later on, they would just buy it before us."

"That will take a lot of money."

"I have money. Just give me the list."

Zeke gave him a list of six names. All the names belonged to plants and herbs that were either useless or had very little use. 

"So, can you do it?"

"I can get us what we need. I will have to call on some serious favours and about 1.5 billion credits but yeah, I can get it done."

"You have 1.5 billion credits?"

"I have 2 billion. You guys forget that I am a third generation and we were all the rage when my grandfather created Azure Beauty Cosmetics. A true pioneer in the field. The only reason that I hadn't done anything with it was because I hadn't found anything worth investing in. Give me a month and we will have what we need. You need to find a way to quickly mutate all the plants in that time."

"Already done. I just need the number of the fields on which each of them will grow. You just need to sow a seed that I give you in those fields. In the dead center to be precise. In a maximum of two weeks, all the plants will mutate and the ones that don't will die and become fertiliser."

"You certainly are prepared. Good, I like people who prepare for future situations in advance. Let's get to work."

-Memory Ends-

After that, Alessio did as he had promised and successfully obtained every piece of land that produced those plants. Alexi retired from the army and contacted his other retired comrades to see if they were interested in joining their company.

Zeke also did his part and created seven groups of mutated seeds. These seeds would link up their root system with every plant in their vicinity and start influencing them to mutate. They also got patents for those seven genetically engineered plants and herbs. 

Katherine used her contacts to recruit chemists, biologists, and even a few alchemists to see if they could turn the potions into pills.

[The main difference between a chemist and an alchemist is that a chemist brews potions, whereas an alchemist creates pills. Potions need some time to manifest their effects and last longer. Pills on the other hand, usually take effect almost immediately but last for a shorter period. Both have advantages and disadvantages. It depends on the situation. But if I have to be honest I find the distinction between chemists and alchemists very stupid.]

Then they applied for a patent for the first potion. After it got approved, they officially started production. For about six months, all they did was produce and build stores in major cities of the Federation. By the time they were done, the company was on its last legs and had exhausted 95% of its funds. 

Finally, it was time to start selling. It was Alessio who suggested the order in which they released their potions. They spent about 3% of the 5% left on advertising and finally opened all the stores. In the first three months, they made a profit of 3 billion credits. And that was after they took back all that they had invested, a grand total of almost 2 billion. 

Then the military approached them. They dealt with them as they had planned. They signed a contract according to which, the military could produce all potions of the Breath Series but not sell them. If the military made any money off the potions, they would have to pay the market price for every potion that they had produced by that point. 

They also gave the military a whopping 60% discount on the core ingredients. The military wanted a deal similar to the potions but they resolutely refused and said if the military insisted on it, they would not make any deal with them. The military finally relented because they could see that they were suffering no particular disadvantages. 

Zeke was immersed in his thoughts when he suddenly got a message from Alexi. It was not a normal message as it was in a secret code that they had created in case their texts were being monitored. It said, 'I finally got them. Come quickly.' 


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

Tell me your thoughts about what happened in these two years.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout-out to @Suctiom and @romance_guy for being one of the first five members of the Discord server.

Join our community on Discord for sneak peeks of future chapters, and other stuff. I actively come online to chat with you guys. The first five members get a shout-out in the next ten chapters.


I'm happy to announce that this book now supports voting.

So gimme them Power Stones.

Thanks for the support guys.

See you next time

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