
chapter 18

" Leila I love you and I will do whatever it takes to keep you by my side you are my baby mama you are my best friend , my girlfriend and please stop lowering yourself to that extent " he informs making his point clear

" Am scared and I don't want you to choose something that you gonna regret later or blame me for losing your company later " i could feel tears forming in my eyes I hate all these emotions but pregnancy hormones are messing with me really bad

"Babe I will never regret being with you we will find another way of fighting this together but leaving you is off the table that's not an option" he pulls me for a hug and " am sorry " I apologize holding him tight

" spend the night at my apartment " he asked me as if I was going to leave him now that I know that they are trying to take him from me I nod my head burying my face in his chest

I take my phone called Emily to unlock the door but it was not even locked all this time she was playing she didn't lock it God we just had sex when the door was not even closed when she told me that she had an idea I didn't know it involved threatening his brother to talk to me I know Emily has my back but she just proved it again we left the office and that night we fall  asleep in each other's arms

In the morning I woke up went to the laboratory for my intern which was great for the first time Luca told me good job I was thrilled after work I went to school I had some classes when I got home Palma was with her friends watching ' pretty little liars'

" hey girls" i greet them getting on couch being comfortable putting my head on Palma' s laps

" we are good Leila  what some" Kelly answers offering me some popcorn which I take some and we kept on watching a movie

When it's finished they all went home and I made some chicken curry and rice for dinner i was craving it

" Palma call mom and come for dinner " i shouts for Palma who just said yes she was studying they have some finals before thanksgiving giving its around the corner

" wow Leila that smells good" mom compliments my food they take their seats and I serve them i take mine and get some fruits covered with some ice cream

" you are first eating that" Palma makes a disgusting face for all the food I was putting in front of me mom just smiles at me she gets it I just shrug and we dig in

" so anything going on with your lives" mom asked she is getting better and better each day passing

" nothing special for me only studying for my finals " Palma answered " but I can't say the same for this lady who by the way we should thank for blessing us with her presence " she mocked me

" Palma stop exaggerating it's only last night and remember I work at the laboratory have classes and still manage to make dinner sometimes " I defended my self dismissing her

"I heard all my bills have been paid I called to the hospital today and I was shocked but they couldn't tell me who paid " mom changed the topic I stop eating remembering James it's him and I know I have to tell mom the truth

" it's James who paid it he told them not tell anyone that's him in my defense I didn't even know that he did until it was already done " I explained mom don't like us when we take things from people for free she always says that  we have to work for what we want but with James being my boyfriend she knows he helps me with things from time to time but paying my mom's hospital bills I don't know

" Leila you shouldn't have accepted that he is already covering for your college expenses you can't keep on taking advantage of him like that tell him we are paying him back" mom concluded

" and can I ask how exactly are we going to pay him that why don't you thank him and leave it " Palma asked mom it's a lot of money she does have a point

" am getting better in no time I will look for a job and we will pay him partially end of discussion tell him that we are paying him back " I didn't want to anger mom more so I just accepted what she wanted

We finish our dinner Palma did the dishes and we hit the bed I texted James telling him good night that I was going to bed but he didn't answer

In the morning I woke up rush to the toilet to vomit Ive been having morning sickness from time to time but this morning was not okay I look at my phone to a good morning text from James and Alice telling us that we are having dinner at her place I took a shower and went to my classes which after I went to the laboratory

I went through the day feeling like a zombie I was dizzy feeling nauseous and my head did hurts I went to the laboratory Luca was there but when he saw the condition I was in he told me to go home and rest I called James to see if he can pick me up I don't feel like being alone and I didn't want to go home but he was in a meeting told me he will call me later I texted in our girls group chat and Alice offered to pick me up Emily said she will meet us at the apartment

" you look horrible " Alice said as soon as I enter the car

" thanks Alice for making me feel good about myself " i said feeling tired and sick she drives we got to her apartment and as soon as I lay my head down I fall a sleep directly

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