
Kill and Cuddle

How did he know Sans loving name for her? Okay. Concentrate, Frisk. Let's see. Oh, I have to get out, I don't want him touching me. No, I have to concentrate. I am probably on my own . . . It was hard to concentrate. Facing 04823 was supposed to be terrifying, but this? This small, simple man. He was. No, I don't want to marry him! I don't care if Sans loves me as a human or not, I love him and I don't want this! It's wrong and it's sick, no, I refuse! I'd rather die a thousand deaths! Okay, concentrate. Petrified but I have to. Most of the Frisks are dead, HONEST is in a mental hospital now, and Friskarino is in the Underground unaware of our plan at all.

She closed her eyes, trying to think. Let's see. Two guards. Humans. No honor for Classic Monsters. I can't use my marriage as an excuse. She looked towards Conner. He's just rattling on thinking life is great. That lowlife.

Think. If Farrisk made it, her next ACT was obvious. Win. If he didn't, then she had to figure out how to get out and over there to accomplish their personal mission. There was no use in fleeing, 04823 was waiting for her no matter what. Her determination was toast. What made her Frisky was toast. What gave her a reason to live would be toast.

And Frisky didn't really care for toast. Too dry and final, but sometimes it was the only thing left to eat. If she had to eat that toast though, she was getting her personal butter rubbed on it. At the very least, I have to get away from Conner. I can't get married to him, I won't do it.

Then, she saw it. One of the guards was paying less attention to her, his MP going off. He tapped the other guards soldier. While Conner rattled on, one of them bent down to her. "Was . . . was it you?"

She just glanced at him and nodded. Maybe not honor for Monsters, but she knew from their looks at each other, they had honor. For humanity. One of the two guards went over to the negotiator who was just shaking his head and whispered something to him.

He moved out of the way. "I need to use a small break. Go ahead and continue", the negotiator smiled at Conner. "I will approve the changes when I get back."

"Yeah, don't go too far. This won't take long." Conner kept working on the papers himself.

She looked toward each of the guards. Even if they were PACIFIST, this duty fell higher. She glanced and watched one of them grab a long light fixture toward the end of the room.

"I've got a compulsive need to make sure everything works right," the first guard said to the other. He put it lengthwise. "Does it look okay to you?"

They didn't even need to use an ACT, Conner was still unaware of what was happening. Frisky moved down deeper into her chair slowly.

"That just about seals that. No, we don't need to add in any holidays, and that's about-what are you-?!"

Frisky watched as the guards took off over her head and using the light fixture knocked Conner back.

On the ground and sprawled out from the injury it created against his arm, one of the guards dragged him over to a window while another brought Frisky over.

She didn't know if the fall would kill him or not, but if it didn't, he'd have one hell of a time at the hospital. She looked toward the guards.

"Don't know your name. Just get out," one of them said. "Quick."

"The high soldier is the only one who knew, and after the news we just heard, this place won't be standing long anyhow," the other agreed. "No one can match your bravery."

"Some could," she answered back, "but most of them are dead now. I appreciate your help, truly, but running isn't an option. Someone powerful will be after me, and I can't involve you."

"Maybe so," one of the guards grabbed her, "but going down in flames with this place soon, it's not a death sentence for a hero like you! Come on!"

On the Ground of Station 229's Ground Area . . .

"Oh, damn it!" Conner tried to bend his knee. "Good think it wasn't high enough to kill me."


Ooh. Oooohhh . . . Conner looked behind him and saw Sans. Around him was Friskarino and a group of Balancers probably assisting him. But none of those mattered really. Not looking at Sans.

Who was looking back at him. With a brightly colored eye in blue and yellow. Funny. He always thought of hell as red fire, until he witnessed Sans' eye first hand.

Everyone stepped back from him.

Oh. Damn. "Uh. Hey, Sans. Checking out the surface, huh?" Conner said. "Different. Always wanted different, right? Pretty view?" Conner felt him grab his shoulder, and hoist him up. He got stood up roughly next to the building he just fell out of.

He yelled. He couldn't stand up on his broken leg. He tried to support himself on his other leg. "So? Uh. You . . . "

"Remember? Yep."

"Oh. And. Um. You . . ."

"Upset you took my wife? Yep."

"You know, in the scheme of things." He tried to move away slightly. "I never took anyone's life or anything. I clearly can't marry her now. You win. So. Why not just settle things like gentleman?" He got his answer as Sans just swiped his injured leg out from him. He yelled as he hit the ground again, now his leg in a different position that wouldn't let him stand.

"Oh. The human fell." Sans grabbed him by the shoulder again. "Here. Let me help you up."

"That's okay!" He screamed as he was thrust back up against the building again. He looked down slightly and could see his bone sticking out now. Crap. "Hey! If it makes you feel better, she never intended to marry me, she was here to do something else. Yep, we were on one big mission together!"

"Doing what?" Friskarino asked.

"Well. It was big. It should be all over the news and everything."

"Yeah. What was it?" Friskarino asked again.

" . . . really big. Really, really saving the day big," Conner said again.

Friskarino rolled his eyes. "Frisky didn't plan on marrying him, but she duped him into coming here for some reason it sounds like. Which means . . ."

"He still planned on marrying her."

"She needed assistance?" Conner yelled as Sans grabbed him by the shoulder and started to drag him inside. "Hey, hey, hey! My leg is broken here!" He hopped to try and stay up. "I was trying to help out a friend from getting killed, come on! Where are we going? We don't need to go back in there. Let's not go in there!"

Inside the Ground Area Discussion Area. . .

A person was at a table as they entered. "Hello there. May I help you?" He looked toward Conner. "Oh. You lived."

"Those guards told you? This is ridiculous, why did they help her?" Conner muttered.


Oops. Conner looked toward Sans. "I mean she probably went with them."

"That's not really what it seemed like to me," the Negotiator said. "Anyhow, Sir, here are your papers." He went over and handed them to Conner. Directly. Smiling. "Everything you wanted forced on her for her attempt to retrieve her memories has been initialed. You are ready for marriage, but I suggest you leave. This place won't be standing soon. Have a nice day." He whistled as he walked away.

Oh. Crap. Oh. Crap. Oh. The papers were yanked out of his hands as he was tossed to the ground. Ah! Busted leg didn't make this an easy situation to escape from. He backed away towards the wall as Sans looked through the papers and right toward him.

"Oh, come on. You know? It was a joke, Sans, joke! Joke, joke, joke! Jokejokejokejokejoke-"

Sans looked back toward Friskarino. Even though Conner was a creature with no power and already injured, probably due to Frisky's own ACT? It still felt pretty damn good. He tried to wipe the blood off his coat. It may not have been attempting GENOCIDE like the only humans he ever killed, but he was already dead as soon as he took Frisky. He wanted to use him to find her quicker, but as soon as he saw those papers, it was just over. "Friskarino. Can you find her with an MP up here, Buddy?"

"Don't need it." Friskarino gestured behind him. Sans turned around.

Frisky. She was carrying something small in her hand. She took a step back and gave him an awkward look like she couldn't believe he'd been there. "What? What are you doing here?" She looked toward his hand at the papers, marched over and took them. She took the small thing in her hand and placed it beneath them, setting them on fire. "It's the only proof of my involvement." She didn't quite meet his gaze again. "Friskarino? We need to get out. I had to come back because I couldn't be sure about the papers being found or not, but this place is going to go."

"Why?" Friskarino asked. "What did you do?"

"I woke them up. We woke them up." She watched the papers finish burning and let it fall to the ground. She looked over toward what remained of Conner. "Friskarino. Conner killed KINDNESS. And, she said he-"

"Murdered PATIENCE, I know," Friskarino uttered. "Friskay. Hey, where's Farrisk?" He stepped closer. "Frisky?"

"He went in. It was supposed to be me, and your brother and Friskay were supposed to escape. I'm sorry," she said softly.

Sans didn't bother to look back as he heard Friskarino leave. Hearing a brother was killed was never easy. "Frisky."

"We woke up the resets," she said to him. "I suspected the connection for some time, but I never had the will to get it done. I always had to live for something." She shrugged, much like Sans. "It only woke up the small portion that are controlled here, but everyone knows now. Ongoing satellite footage couldn't miss it. MP news all over is covering reports of outbreaks taking down similar areas like 229's Ground Area." She pointed to her head. "Mindwipe. Just one simple mindwipe on a re-reset and they woke up, body and soul. Not bad for a human I guess."

"We do need to get out of here then," one of the Balancers said. "The objective is reached. Let's go." The Balancers took off, leaving just Frisky and Sans in the room.

She was about to turn to go, but he pulled her back. "It's dangerous to stay."

"Hm. Kay." He grabbed her and lifted her up into his arms, bridal style. "Let's go."

"What are you doing?" She said crossly. "Put me down."



"That's my name."

"Not now, Sans. Really," she complained. "What are you even doing here yet?"

"What?" He looked down at her. "Didn't think I'd want to remember you so fast? He closed his eye sockets. "Frisky the Skeleton, you shouldn't have done that. I was just . . ." He shrugged. "A Monster can only take so much. It's not like I tried to kill you like Undyne always did."

"Well, that's different," Frisky admitted. "I know her limits. But . . ."

"I've got Monster Instinct too. It's just . . . tuned in a different direction sometimes." He pulled her closer into his grip. "If you were a Monster, you'd be less trouble, but I don't care. You are who you are, and I love you for it." She went quiet. "We're going back home."

"I can't now."

"Yes, we are."

"You don't get it," Frisky warned him. "This was a one way ticket, Sans."

"04823 is on his way you mean?" He asked her. "I know, but I told you before. He's mine." She started to struggle more in his grasp. He just used a little magic to make her heavy enough that she couldn't move as well.

"Hey, don't do that," she complained.

"That is just a little magic, Frisky," Sans said. "You are human. He will tear you into pieces. An ACT won't win. Turning people around and into allies won't save you and." He stopped a second and pulled her head closer to him. "Damn it, Frisky! Do you know how risky that was? Did you see those papers?!"

"I'm Frisk," she said. "I take risks. Before I-" She didn't get to finish as Sans pulled her mouth open with his hand and kissed her briefly.

"He could have married you."

"That wasn't in the plan. I just needed to get permission access, but plans do go awry," she insisted. "You still shouldn't have come. I broke my promise and left. I did let Friskarino stay so that maybe one day-"

"I'd see that you didn't marry Conner and instead could take care of not only yourself but free humanity too? Yeah? Don't care," he said rudely. "I'd rather have you safe at home in the Underground any day of the week. You're my wife, and you shouldn't be anywhere near here. Now, say your sorry."

What? She tried to struggle again, but she got heavy again. "I am not a little kid, Sans. If I say sorry, then I will say sorry, not because you are demanding it. That takes everything from the gesture."

"Not a little kid? Well, not this time."

"What do you mean?"

"I know when you fell in love with me."


"Excuse you. Kid."

Sans looked at her. She was blushing a ton. "So you fell in love with me meeting me inside our kid's body. Like nobody's ever done that?" He joked.

"No one can . . . "

Ha. His speechless Frisk. "If that barely recognizable thing on that wall married you I never would have stopped coming for you. You think I'd be happier without any worries? Like my old days?" He bounced Frisky lightly in his arms. "I love you." That was supposed to be his entrance for his joke, but it was instinctive. "I love you and if you ever try that again I will kill anything in my vicinity to get back to you." Monster instinct. Her face looked really surprised by that one. "It hit hard today, Frisky Faith. I mean it, if you ever do that again, I will chase you down and I will use soo much magic on you to stay in one place that-"

"I love you, My Legendary Fart Master."

Well. That was it. Any sane piece left was going to be leaving soon.

"And . . . I was scared too. Not of dying. I felt . . . when I realized I botched the mission . . . before my luck changed, I." Even with the magic, her determination brought her closer. "I didn't want to die being someone else's Sans! I love you!"

Yeah. That was it. Sans let go of her, and held his magic on her until she drifted to the floor. When she came down, he kept his magic off and brought himself beside her, pulling her closer to him. He needed to cuddle. He needed to cuddle her closer.

"Sans?" She sounded concerned. "This building could be hit any second."

Which meant no one was around. And, she really didn't understand his power level sometimes. If he could keep a ship from getting smacked by Balancers while he worked on it, he could handle a few bombs. Anyway, it really didn't matter because the only thing that mattered was he had her back. Safe and sound. His wife. His Frisky. And he needed to cuddle closer. "Trust me, we're fine."

She seemed to understand that and relaxed her body. He could feel her willing trust in him. At the same time as he reached to open her mouth, she was already opening for him. He lied there, tasting her. Feeling her pressed up against him, but it wasn't enough. He shook his coat off. Closer. He wanted to be closer. He pulled away long enough to get his shirt over his head and went right back to her mouth.

Even that wasn't enough though. Hearing how much she really needed him, how much she really loved him, and getting her back from almost being claimed by another. He just. He felt his human lust kicking in, but right now, Monster instinct was so much stronger. He just wanted to be next to her.

He started with her ear, trying to be romantic. Without lips, he was more resorted to licking at her. As he licked at her though, he thought he couldn't get away with it when she laughed.

But when she laughed slightly, she also moaned. That's right, Frisky loves to laugh. A lot. He tested it again, not hearing an audible laugh, but feeling her chuckle slightly. Not much, just slightly. Just a little tickle. That seemed to encourage her to kiss him more openly. There wasn't a single guard up against him.

Until. There was a slow clap. Far at the other end . . . was 04823.

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