
11: Hero

Rimuru's POV:

It has been about 10 years since guy became a demon lord. He did his duty quite seriously. First he destroyed a bunch of corrupt nations and used the human souls and bodies to summon his subordinates. And after that he left the heavy duties to them and lived quietly in the ice palace.

Since Guy was terrorising the world, the nations pleaded to their god (which is technically Veldanava since he is the one responsible for heaven and earth) for salvation. At first they wanted him to help them but the request somehow changed to summoning a hero which is technically asking me to give another world soul a body so I did just that. I summoned a hero and a saint which are technically Rudra and Lucia and gave them a good tutor to reach their full potential. 

As for the tutor, who is better to teach them other than my big brother who seriously needs a vacation. 

-flashback -

Veldanava is currently being sandwiched between stacks of paperwork. Why is there a lot of paperwork you ask? Well let's say the angels don't dare to take a big decision by themself. 

Well they can't be blamed since not all of them have a lot of life experience.They are only given limited knowledge due someone saying it is good to let them learn. Well that said someone is regretting his decision but what can he do instead of facing the consequences. 

Well it's not that Veldanava can't finish his work in a matter of seconds. It's just that he is bored. For almost every day he does this work making it quite bothersome for him. So currently his morale is at an all time low. 

And he was about to spend another monotonous day until his cute little sister came with a proposal. 

In his office a space tear appeared and opened. From it came Rimuru. Rimuru observed him for a whole minute before finally saying, " Hey big brother I have a proposal for you and trust you will definitely enjoy this "

Hearing her words Veldnava's hands stopped. He put the pen down and looked at Rimuru with a gaze with such intensity that a normal human would be scared. It was a gaze full of expectation. A gaze of someone who eagerly wanted something in his life to cure his boredom. 

" I'm listening, " Veldanava said, his voice barely hiding his growing expectation. 

And his sister didn't disappoint him. She said , " Say how about taking in some disciples "

Rimuru opens a portal and enters and says,

Veldanava did a thinking pose and said, " Hmm that might be fun so who do you have in mind? " He is super interested already so he honestly didn't care who it would be. If that person has a good heart then even a monster is fine. 

Rimuru smiled at his antics and said, " Your disciples are the soon to be summoned Hero and Saintess. The human kingdoms are getting restless due to Guy's work so I think it is time for the summoning. And why are you even asking me this Don't you read these reports or hear prayers these guys give to you "

" Well I mostly do this work with my mind shut and as for prayers I never actually listen to them. It is quite annoying hearing their unreasonable requests after all. " Veldanava said with a huff. Human prayers are mostly them asking more things. 

" And besides you are the one who is responsible for the soul side since you didn't want me to meddle with it. Honestly can't you just let the V.O.W handle the summoning matter it would be way better and more effective " He added in the end. 

" And leave a backdoor for anyone to use. Brother you are taking this too lightly. If someone has enough understanding about the summoning technique it isn't hard for them to use the Hero summoning on their own behind our backs. " Rimuru rebuked him harshly. With her future experience she knew what the humans would do with the summoning technique. 

Veldnava looked away in shame. He sometimes wondered who the older one was amongst them. His sister seemed to think about this more than he the creator does. 

" Okay okay, let's come back to my new students. How would they be able to reach me? " Veldanava said, changing the subject. 

" Don't worry about it, I will handle this matter, you just have to focus on what you will teach them " Rimuru said with a mischievous smile. 

-flashback end -

After their conversation the two of them went to do their respective preparations. After a whole month the fateful day arrived.

A human kingdom successfully summoned two teenagers from another world. But even so they were quite surprised to hear the announcement that was followed after the summoning. 

Just after the two of them were summoned V.O.W announced that they will be trained by the creator and no one is allowed to interfere. After telling them that, they were teleported to the God's forest where Veldanava currently resides. 

Due to the fact they will be staying there Rimuru created a house big enough for all of them to live in. As for the food she usually sneakily comes and brings them herself to act all mysterious. 

Like that 2 years went by. Because of Veldanava's guidance both of them managed to improve their skill drastically. Well the only problem they have is acquiring a hero's egg. And since that is the case Rimuru and Veldanava decided to let them meet Ramiris at their graduation day. Since they have worked hard there for years Rimuru decided to throw a party for them. And she especially invited Velgrynd to participate in it. 


Rudra POV:

 My name's Rudra. I am a hero and the first otherworlder to be summoned in this world.

Although I have dreamed of being a leader, being one in real life sure is hard. I still remember the day when we were summoned to this world. 

Just when we were summoned in a castle there was a big announcement from someone saying that we will be taught by God himself. Before we could even realise we were teleported into a forest. 

And in that forest we met God. He said his name is Veldanava and he explained our situation. 

In our original world we were killed and our souls were transferred here. He said that our mission in this world is to create a balance in the human kingdoms. 

According to him humans have gone far from the right track. So to balance them the demon lord was born. The demon lord will restrain human ambition. And to balance the power scale a hero is needed. 

Our duty is give the hope to the humans so they won't go on a suicide run. And he also said that he won't restrict us in this world. Whether we want to go around the world or build a kingdom we could do it without any disturbance. 

But for us to survive in this world strength is necessary. So he decided to train us so that we wouldn't be caught up in anyone's foolish plans. 

And from that day we trained. I was trained in the use of swords while my sister was trained in the use of magic. Well Velda Sensei said that we could always train different weapons and don't need to hold back sticking to a traditional template. 

But even if he said that we can't just learn everything you know. Well that's what i thought at first but my sister may have a better talent in bo staffs than in magic. But if someone asks her she would just say that she is a healer. 

Well putting my sister's weirdness aside, I didn't need to learn much about magic. For me a sword is enough. If I can cut the magic spell with my spell, why bother with learning magic. 

Like this 2 years went by. In those years we got stronger. Our techniques and endurance improved. Velda sensei estimated that we could fight any A rank monster without any problem. 

And today was supposed to be our graduation day. As usual we went on our daily monster hunt and walked back to the house we lived in the past 2 years. But surprisingly apart from Velda sensei there were two other individuals. One was a silver haired girl and the other was a Blonde haired one. 

As I was about to question them a dragon suddenly attacked me. Yes you heard me a dragon suddenly came and attacked me from nowhere.

In a hurry I pushed my sister to the side and tried to parry the claw that was heading towards us. But I underestimated the power of that claw and was flown away. The dragon also followed me. 

And so our legendary fight began. This fight was unlike what I had faced in the past 2 years. I could feel my body adapting to the pressure slowly. The more we trade blows the more I feel myself improving. And just when I was going to get a hang on this a voice suddenly stopped the fight. 

" Okay you two that's enough " 

Our bodies unintentionally stopped. We both looked at the source and saw the silver haired lady walking towards us. " Velgrynd since you had your fun transform back into your human form we have a part to start " She said as she eyed the dragon.

The dragon nodded and her body began to glow. Soon her shape changed. When the light died down a beautiful lady with Blue hair and golden eyes appeared. 

' Wow that girl is hot 'I thought in my mind. 'But wait 'after seeing my surroundings I was a bit confused. 

 That's when I saw everyone with my sister including watching my battle as something like an entertainment program. 

' what the hell if you could watch this much at least help me 'I wanted to say those words but I held my silence. 

After that Velgrynd girl went to talk to that silver haired girl Velda sensei came near me and said, " I know you are confused about what happened but let's discuss the details after you freshen up. Don't forget today is your graduation party. "

I could only nod in agreement. I was too tired to argue with sensei. And besides, I'm looking forward to that party. So we all teleported back into the hut. 





Rimuru POV:

After Rudra and Lucia came prepared, Big brother began the party. He first introduced me and Velgrnd .When they realised I was the one cooking for them they almost bowed to me . After a few small talks we began to be serious

" Ok Big brother may have already informed you about being a hero means but I will give you a brief summary. Hero is in short a person to a person who has the power to keep the demon lord and humans in check. Their primary mission is to install hope in humans so that they will stay away from the dark path. " Rimuru said as she looked at both Rudra and Lucia seriously. 

" But for all of this we need overwhelming power. Although in the past years we have grown powerful I still don't think we have enough power to challenge a demon lord."Lucia said as she asked a valid question. Although both of them may be able to take down a A rank monster with ease it still isn't enough to challenge a demon lord. 

" This is why we will give you two hero eggs. When you go on your journey you will face hardships and gain enough experience. And at the right time your hero egg will hatch making you a True hero who could rival a True demon lord. " Rimuru said as she gestured to Ramiris to do her thing. 

And Ramiris without any hesitation did her part and let two light spirits inhabit both of them. It happened too fast for both of them to react. 

" Now then it's time for gifts. " Rimuru said as she made two weapons appear in front of them. 

In front of Rudra appeared a sword that looked like a katana but with a longer blade. It had intricate designs carved into it. 

In front of Lucia appeared a bow staff that looked like the famous staff of the monkey king had. Although it had less designs compared to the sword the staff can channel magic like any excellent wand could. This makes this the perfect weapon for Lucia. 

"These two are from me. Since in your journey you might need some good equipment. Also these weapons have the ability to evolve with the user's growth. So look forward to it when you manage to hatch your hero's egg. " Rimuru said with a smile.

The next was Veldanava. He smiled at his two students and said , " Although it may not be as much, I also decided to give you two little presents. " . And with a flick of hand The V.O.W began to give an announcement. 

" commencing operation. Evolving unique skills < Wisdom > and < Protect >. Assignment complete unique skills have evolved into < Wisdom King Raphael > and < Covenant King Uriel> "

" Be safe out there and try to master and refine your skills just like I taught you. '' Veldanava said after their skill evolution was over. 

To that they both nodded and we resumed our party. The next day they departed on their journey leaving me and big brother the only ones staying in the now quiet hut. 








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