
Still have time

With big smile on my face, I strode out of the Favonious Headquarter. Pfft that was cute. Although, it would take some time to make her interested me. However, I already planted some seed in her mind.

It would only take a matter of time...

Before going in the HQ, Lisa told me some interesting things about Jean. What a bad lady, Lisa, She sold her friend off, what a witch.

Well, it's Lisa we are talking about so it's not unexpected.

She told me that Jean has already someone on her mind but Lisa, instead of rooting her friend with that guy... Well, yeah Diluc, she rather would love me to take her friend.

I really don't understand woman's heart ya'll. She for real?

I mean, who does that?

Kidding aside. Lisa also told me how such rumors became a hot topic. Apparently due to some unfortunate events in the past, Jean and Diluc became a center of attention when the two of them formed a team together to defeat some enemies.

In the end those who saw that scene excitedly ship both of them.

Pfft, just thinking about it made me laugh. This world is not far from mine. Those people who is a higher status would always be in other people's eyes.

Even without internet this kind of rumor still existed.

Now then, doesn't that mean I'm a third party? This could get hard in the long run. What a bother.

You see, Jean and Diluc is cemented on this paparazzis so, If I appear. That would cause a commotion or a scandal. Not to mention my relationship with Eula should have publicize.

Hahaha, now that I'm thinking about it. This is like a shitty drama I always see on TV.

They would label me as a unloyal man and a bad guy not for long. So in the end Jean and Diluc would be their main couple. Damn, what a shitty plot.

Argh, troublesome... Should I continue?

Sigh~ let's just let the nature take it's curse.

However, now that I have clear understanding. I should not actively pursue Jean, it would make me a bad guy. I should let Jean pursue me instead!

But to do that is a little bit challenging. We are talking about Jean here you know? An Upright and Strict woman like Jean would not actively chase a man? Right?

Even I couldn't imagine her doing that.

While I was walking down the street, I did not notice I was being followed by someone. I was too engrossed ok making a plan.

Also, I have some time before meeting Lisa. That's why I wasn't in a hurry.

Jean, Jean, Jean, Jean~ how should I deal with you?

No use overthinking about it. I should consult with my lovely girls first. Eula for example is still in the dark about this. So I should let her know.

Oh right! I forgot about Eleanor!

She should have become my slave... Ugh that's offensive word. She should be an obedient no? I think I could let her out.

The street on Mondstadt is lively and full of joy. The street lamps lit up the street making it brighter and have a medieval feeling. People merrily enjoy themselves, drunkards laughing, little children dancing and singing.

I woke up from my thoughts and saw this incredible scene. A smile formed on my face. The atmosphere was entrancing and I cannot help but feel the joy with them.

"Big Brother do you want to sing with us!?"

A bunch of children approached me and asked cutely.

"This is..." I don't know how to answer.

""Please!"" Said in pleading tone. There little voice and cute face, it was hard to decline.

"Hey Kids! Don't bother anyone." A drunk old man shouted but he wasn't angry. He saw my troubled expression and helped me.

"B-But, Big Brother looks so lonely? Even though we won!" The kids protested.

"Okay Okay." The old drunkard shrugged. He look at me and raised an eyebrow. He was trying to say, he did what he could.

Hey, come on old man, did you just give easily. Not knowing weither to cry or laugh, I just chuckled inwardly.

"Well, I think I still have time." looking at my watch. I reluctantly accepted their plead. How could I ignore such cute gesture!

"""Yey!!! Yohoo!"""

Hearing me accepted, they quickly grab my hand as they pulled me in the middle of the plaza where a bunch of people dancing and singing. The music of the ballad resounded through out the streets.

It was merry atmosphere that you can't help but get involved in.

After that... I don't know how long I stayed but I enjoyed it so far. Someone gave me delicious food and drinks, I couldn't decline. Helpless, I enjoyed it.

Looking back at my watch, the appointment time with Lisa is getting close. She said she wants to give me a surprise but what it is, I don't have a single clue.

Even Eula didn't have any idea what Lisa is concocting. Eula could only dismissed her annoyance at Lisa's tricks.

I'm looking forward at it.

The surprise that Lisa would show me later. I'm getting excited just by thinking over it. I mean what would it be? Is she going me that? Or that?

Just by imagining those things on her made blood rush to my lower body and my nose.

Ahem! That was intense.

Anyway, I should not get hard in this place. It would be weird and inappropriate. As I berated myself, I saw not in the far distance a small commotion is happening. I raised my eyebrow, slightly curious what is it all about.

"Wow they have skills!"

"Is this what they call fire dance? Isn't that dangerous?"

"Fool of course it is if you are not professional. These people clearly are professional! Look how they are able to spit fire without vision."

"If I didn't know better, I would have thought they are using visions."

"To be able to this kind of show, it would have taken years of practice. Although, Vision holders are amazing but it's limited."

I walk over and see some group of people showing a fire dance that I know of. However, the play was more interesting than in past life. After all, this world is different.

If someone is covered with fire bare, not to mention second degree burn it would be a miracle they wouldn't die. But in this world there is what we call alchemy. People who can transmute materials or make potions.

These fire dance group should be using a Puro resistant potion. Although, the potion should only have 20% resistance against fire but this is not a game world. But it doesn't matter as even with 20% resistant to fire, getting burned with normal flame would not burn you at all.

There is a difference between elemental Pyro and normal fire. One can increase it's heat and damage, while the other though you can control it's flame like the first one, you cannot use normal flame even 3000 celcuis to fight a elemental creature. It would be an another miracle if it do so.

Even I don't know the difference between them.

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