
Shrek vs Elephant Armored School

Gong Xi opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Finally, he shook his head.

Han Niansui continued, "Alright, let's just say this works. The probability of winning though is still low. But at least we have a chance."

The others nodded.

Bai Shanxin spoke up, "All we can do is try our best. Right now, we're undefeated. One loss won't be a detriment to us."

Fang Youyou smiled. "I believe in you guys. We'll give the Elephant Armored School a hard time."


The sun was shining high in the bright blue sky when Ru Shenqi woke up to see Liu Erlong sitting in a chair by her.

"Vice Dean Liu?"

"You're awake. That's good. The others have already left for the arena to compete against the Elephant Armored School."

"What?!" Ru Shenqi cried. "Vice Dean Liu, I have to go watch them!"

She tried sitting up and climbing out of bed, but Liu Erlong caught her shoulders.

Shaking her head, she said, "You need to rest. After facing the Shrek Seven Devils, your body hasn't fully healed yet. Don't worry. They'll come back and tell you all about it."

Ru Shenqi laid back down and sighed. The Elephant Armored School is quite opposite to us. I wonder how Shanxin is going to lead them today.


At the palace courtyard, the Shrek Battle Team approached the stage. On the other side, the Elephant Armored School Battle Team waited as well. The spectators watched as seven students in ugly, snot green uniforms and seven students in heavy, deep blue uniforms glared at each other.

The Elephant Armored School Battle Team sent their first member up. On the Shrek side, the first one to compete was Shu Jiaxiang.

Spectators watched and cried, "How do they think they're going to win against purely defensive spirit masters when their majority is Power Attack and Agility Attack?"

Flender turned to look at Yu Xiaogang. "Xiaogang, what advice did you give them?"

"Nothing. Whatever they're planning, only they know," Yu Xiaogang shrugged. "Let's just watch and see what they do."

Zhou Wuting flew down and raised the microphone to his lips. "Welcome everyone to the Ranking Rounds! Today, we'll see how Shrek Academy takes on the Armored Elephant School. Will Shrek be able to keep their undefeated streak?"

Some cheered for Shrek while others cheered for the Elephant Armored Tribe. As one of the Seven Great Sects, as designated by Spirit Empire, their influence was quite high.

Shu Jiaxiang's eyes narrowed. She took a deep breath.

Zhou Wuting declared, "First up, we have Shu Jiaxiang from Shrek Academy versus Huyan Yu(1). Let's see how they do! Both sides, release your spirits!"

Shu Jiaxiang's nails lengthened, and cheetah ears popped up on her head. Two yellow and two purple spirit rings descended around her. Huyan Yu released his Diamond Mammoth spirit. His body bulked up, and diamond horns grew from his head. Diamond armor cloaked his body. Two yellow and two purple spirit rings circled his feet. Shu Jiaxiang gulped.


Huyan Yu immediately launched his first and second spirit skills, enhancing his defense and strength attributes. Shu Jiaxiang launched her first spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Silence, and shot forward. As she got close, she activated her third spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Fog.

No matter how well the defense against physical attacks are, he's not invincible against poison.

Purple fog spread out from her. It fanned out across the stage, washing over Huyan Yu. His complexion paled, and his veins bulged. The diamond armor began to crack and his spirit retracted. The poison had taken effect. Shu Jiaxiang launched her second spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Claw, and swiped at him. Her nails attacked at a terrifying speed. Without his spirit to protect him, Huyan Yu fell prey to her. She quickly retreated, and he dropped to his knees. Blood dripped from cuts on his arms and chest. He gaped at her.

Shu Jiaxiang explained, "My third spirit skill releases a toxic poison that attacks spirits. For spirit masters equal to my spirit level or below, it makes them quiver until they're forced to retract their spirit. Your defense is good, but against poison, it's still lacking."

Just before he lost consciousness, Huyan Yu grounded out, "You've outsmarted me. I concede."

He pitched forward, and Shu Jiaxiang stood as the victor.

His teammates ran forward. "How do we get rid of the poison?"

She walked over to Huyan Yu. Her nails lengthened. "Only I can remove it. Let me."

She pricked his arm with her nails and took back the poison. His complexion began to return to normal. She stepped back.

"He'll be fine in an hour."

His teammates nodded. "Thank you."

She tipped her head in acknowledgement. Huyan Yu was carried to their team's side. One spirit master stood on stage facing off against Shu Jiaxiang.

Both released their spirits. Two yellow and one purple spirit rings descended around this next spirit master.

On the Shrek side, Liao Suyin asked, "Does the Elephant Armored School only have one Spirit Ancestor?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded. "That's correct. The rest are Spirit Elders above the thirty seventh rank."

On the stage, Shu Jiaxiang stood waiting for the next round to begin. Meanwhile, the Elephant Armored school students turned towards their teacher.

"Jiaoshi (2), that Agility Attack beat Huyan Yu! What are we supposed to do now?!"

"Wear her out. Don't let her use that third spirit ability again."

They nodded, and the next student climbed up onto the stage.

Despite their efforts, Shu Jiaxiang defeated the three following spirit masters. Finally worn down with depleted spirit power, she admitted defeat. To take on the last three spirit masters, Gong Xi, stepped up onto the stage.

Zhou Wuting announced, "Release your spirits!"

The Diamond Mammoth spirit released from the Elephant Armored School student. Gong Xi's Shining Citrine Cobra appeared. His body became covered in golden scales, and his eyes narrowed to slits.

Three spirit rings, one white, and two yellow descended around his opponent. Since they had seen him battle in the preliminaries, the Elephant Armored School knew Shrek was sending out their Spirit Ancestors. Two yellow and two purple spirit rings danced around Gong Xi's feet.

"Begin!" Zhou Wuting cried.

Without warning, Gong Xi launched his second spirit skill, Citrine Cobra Lunge. He got close to his opponent and smirked.

"Fourth spirit skill, Citrine Cobra Gu!"

Many tiny balls exploded from his mouth. They hit against the diamond shield that the other spirit master had put up to protect himself. But with each explosion of the tiny balls, poison was released. Soon the Elephant Armored student began to sway on his feet. His eyelids fluttered, and he collapsed as his spirit retracted.

"Shrek Academy wins!"

Gong Xi easily took care of the last two spirit masters, earning Shrek Academy a complete and total win. As he returned to his teammates, they all clapped him on the back.

"Good job!"

"We won!"


Flender and Yu Xiaogang looked on, pleased.

"They knew poison could get past the Diamond Mammoth shield. So they sent out Jiaxiang and Gong Xi," Flender breathed in realization.

Yu Xiaogang nodded. "These kids are astute. They figured out the Elephant Armored School's weakness so quickly. They really are tyrants of their generation."


When everyone returned to their tent, Shu Jiaxiang and the others raced to check up on Ru Shenqi. They burst into her tent, giddy with excitement.

"Xiao Shen, we won!"

Shu Jiaxiang explained, "We figured out that poison could penetrate their defense. No physical attacks could, but gaseous poisons could."

Ru Shenqi's eyes brightened. "I knew you guys would figure something out. That's good. The other teams will continue to fear Shrek Academy. We will show them the strength of the Shrek students!"

Nine head nodded in agreement.

"SHREK!" they all cheered.

"Shanxin," Ru Shenqi addressed. "Who do you fight tomorrow?"

Bai Shanxin took a deep breath and explained, "On our way back, Grandmaster told us that we'll be battling Feng Changzhi and the others from the School of Four Elements tomorrow."

Ru Shenqi bit her lip. "To battle the elemental spirit masters alone will be difficult. I'm sure Grandmaster will come up with a suitable lineup."

"Xiao Shen, what do you think we should do?" Ming Yong asked.

She shrugged. "I think it depends on the School of Four Elements' lineup. I'm sure they'll use my cousin first, since he's a Spirit Ancestor. Then the two Lei Ting students, since they're also Spirit Ancestors. I suppose the Chi Huo students would be next based on their spirit power level, then Tian Shui since they're the weakest."

"If we have to go against that Double-Headed Storm Wolf," Bai Shanxin began. "Then should Yong be up first?"

Ru Shenqi shook her head. "Yong, we don't want to have to reveal you unless we have to. Though the other schools know you're a Spirit Ancestor with the Seven String Dragon Qin spirit, that's all they know. I don't like the idea of showing that we fear the School of Four Elements."

Fang Youyou questioned, "Then who do you suggest goes up against your cousin?"


1. 呼延玉 - given name meaning "Jade"

2. 教师 - Teacher (more like a normal teacher than a Master-Student relationship)

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