
[IDENTIFICATION]_1: raptures on the street/movement detected.

6:30 am

As the commander and 3 others explored the surface and made their way to the next street, Anis started to get the feeling that she was being watched.

Turning her head, she looked to see if anyone was in the area only to find no one there, "huh, that's weird."

"What is," the commander said as he looked at Anis who was scanning the area, "I don't know, it felt like someone or something was watching one of us, it could be a rapture."

Rapi nodded as she loaded her weapon, "If it is a rapture, we will shoot the target and eliminate it, as for the someone part." rapi paused and looked at the commander, "Nova was it a good idea for you to look at my ass during battle." Rapi asked as she looked at the commander who blushed.

"Uhh, s-sorry." Nova said.

"hehe, I knew it." Anis joked.

7 am

when they arrived at the next street, Neon saw the place crawling with raptures as she gave the commander a nod.

"OPEN FIRE." the commander said as he gave the word as the raptures reacted and started shooting back leading to a shootout on the streets.

as the raptures were pouring out of the empty building, Anis fired a grenade from her launcher as it exploded causing the car to blow up as well and kill the rapture instantly.

"Raptures on the right." the commander said as he shot and killed one leading to the area next to them as the source was in their view.

"There is a hell of a lot of them," the commander said as he fire's a few rounds at the raptures who fell one by one to his bullets.

As the counter-squad opened fire on the raptures, a gas tank started to ignite and blow up and kill the last remaining raptures as the front of the building collapsed and buried the dead raptures.

"huh, well that was easy... wait who is that." Neon said as she saw movement on her map making anis and rapi notice.

"DON'T LET IT GET AWAY." anis screamed as she and Rapi along with the commander and Neon gave chase.

The hooded figure took notice and started running as he did not want to get caught, hopping the fence he ran until they lost sight of him.

"crap, we lost him." the commander said as Rapi nods while Neon and Anis let out a frustrated sigh.

"that lucky person got away before we could see who he was." Rapi said as she was checking to see if he left or dropped something.

"it would be best if we continue our objective." the commander said as he looked at the waypoint on his map.

"Sure." Anis said as she looked at the fence and returned to the task at hand.

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