
Removing the mark

"Are you the Runecaster?"

As Adrian approached within arm's length of her, he repeated his question. He no longer had time to beat around the bush after hearing her comment about his fortune or misfortune.

"Yes, that's me, and you appear to be in quite a predicament," she affirmed her identity, then requested, "Show me the mark."

As the Runecaster, she examined Adrian closely, trying to discern any unique qualities that might explain why "She" had allowed him to live for an extended period despite marking him.

She was well aware that he had been marked for quite some time, as Chris had attempted to contact her months ago. Seeing him still alive and in good health, she found it rather baffling.

Adrian extended his palm, which momentarily halted her thoughts.

"Do you know what this is? Can you handle it?" Adrian inquired, regarding her with a steady gaze.

Attempting to articulate her thoughts, she explained, "This mark belongs to someone whose name should not be spoken lightly. Uttering her name could lead to dire consequences you may not even comprehend."

Taking a deep breath and observing Adrian, who remained remarkably composed throughout, she couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration, as most people in his position would have likely panicked.

"Does he not understand what I'm referring to, or is he genuinely unafraid?" she pondered silently.

"I understand that she's powerful, and I've heard that from many formidable beings, even mightier than yourself, refer to her as 'Her,' which has given me a fair notion of the situation," Adrian replied calmly.

Upon hearing Adrian's response, the Runecaster began to view him in a new light.

Her initial thought was whether he had significant support or had simply been unlucky to encounter numerous powerful entities, but ultimately, she didn't dwell on these considerations.

"Good that you're aware. Alright, I can resolve your issue, and 'She' won't hold me accountable for it, as it's you 'She's' after," she assured Adrian, which wasn't an assurance to him.

Without giving Adrian an opportunity to respond, she continued, "I still require all the details of how you got it and if you've had any further interactions with 'Her'."

As she completed her inquiries, Adrian shared the story of how he acquired the mark after killing a shadow manifestor, which brought a frown to her face, as Henry, the shadow manifestor, was still of her kind, and killing one was not too tasteful given their scarcity in this time and age.

Adrian omitted the part about how she had saved him from a formidable 9-core level lantern, which had nearly turned him into a human sculpture.

"You see, all of us shadow manifestors bear a mark from our mother. When you killed him, the mark shouldn't have transferred to you, and that's what I find perplexing," she explained.

The Runecaster expressed her confusion, as she too couldn't make sense of the unusual transfer that had occurred with Adrian.

Adrian took a moment to contemplate her words, unable to shake the thought of why he had received the mark in the first place.

"If what you're saying is accurate, then how did I come to possess it?" Adrian asked, seeking clarity on the enigmatic situation.

Hearing his question, to which she had no clear answer, she could only shrug in response.

"I can help you in removing it, but in return, you'll owe me a favor. This means that in the future, if I require your help, you'll assist me without any inquiries," she proposed to Adrian.

Saying this, she took his hand, which initially surprised Adrian. However, he soon felt something happening in his palm. Though her hand covered his, the distinct aura emanating from her conveyed several insights to him.

'She's a 4-core level core bearer.' 

Adrian remained baffled by how she could dispel the mark that her so-called mother had bestowed upon him. If the mark was as powerful as he'd heard, he couldn't fathom how she was able to remove it so effortlessly.

"I understand your thoughts. As a shadow manifestor, I possess the capability to perform this. Chris, on the other hand, couldn't do it because he lacks proficiency in our runes. A rune that has been engraved requires a matching kind of energy for any alterations, and in this case, it's me," she explained.

Adrian nodded in understanding, appreciating the explanation, but his primary concern was to get rid of the mark. Despite 'Her' assistance without any immediate request for a favor, he remained uneasy about the constant watchful gaze upon him.

He recognized that he could have harnessed this newfound power as a formidable resource, but he was wary of the potential hidden costs associated with it. Adrian's primary desire was to lead a quiet, uneventful life, free from the complexities of dealing with powerful, enigmatic entities.

Adrian initially felt a sensation in his palm, but he remained silent. Suddenly, the sensation escalated into a sharp pain.

"Is it supposed to hurt?" Adrian inquired, uncertain if the pain was part of the process or not.

Hearing his inquiry, the Runecaster furrowed her brow slightly, indicating that she was encountering some unexpected issues.

"It shouldn't be painful, and for some reason... it's not coming off," the Runecaster explained, visibly perplexed. Dark, tangible lines emerged from her hand and were drawn into Adrian's palm.

"That's quite the romantic gesture, in my opinion," Chris quipped, breaking his silence with a touch of humor.

Both Adrian and the Runecaster turned their gaze toward Chris, and his silence was a swift reminder that he shouldn't speak without due consideration.

"Is it working?" Adrian inquired, concerned by the creased brows on the Runecaster's face.

Adrian sensed that things weren't proceeding as smoothly as the Runecaster had anticipated, but he held onto hope that she could successfully remove the mark.

"You don't need to be concerned. It might take a bit of time, but I'm confident that I can remove it. You acquired this mark from killing a 3-core level core bearer, so it shouldn't be strong enough to withstand my efforts," the Runecaster reassured Adrian.

As if the mark had responded to her words, it began to absorb the dark lines more voraciously, prompting the Runecaster to grip Adrian's hand even more firmly.

In the grace of touch, a moment's calm,

Holding palms, a soothing, healing psalm.

A silent language of love and care,

In intertwined hands, we find solace rare.

samandridakucreators' thoughts
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