
chapter 31 : Emergency Mission

*BLERGH* Amber threw up while Saeko asked Lucas why he did that.

 Lucas: Africans are very superstitious people, if people come across this, they will believe that it was a spirit or a genius of the savannah who punished these poachers but a single fact will not be enough. We need more like this for it to become a phenomenon that will deter all others who want to engage in poaching.

 Saeko: Oh yeah, great idea! I hadn't even thought about it but it's true that in the long term, it can be beneficial.

 Amber looked at them and wondered if she would end up looking like these two. Lucas took them and they left to patrol again and they later came across two more groups of poachers where Amber finally killed her first human with a headshot.

 She had killed 7 people that day but although she wasn't comfortable with it yet, she knew it was the right thing to do.

Of course, these guys had families but justice was blind and ruthless.

 They spent a total of two months in Africa before returning to Arlington at Lucas Manor.

 During their time there, Deborah had finally given this child a name and it was Oliver, her father's name.

 They hadn't even arrived at the estate yet when they received an alert from Cecil that Rampage, a villain in a large, super-strong golden armor resembling a massive metal golem was spreading terror in town.

 As he flew alongside his brother and Eve, Mark told them he was going to sort this out and hurried away. After only 43 seconds, he was already back with a little blood on his fists.

 Eve: Mark ?! Are you already finished?

 Mark: Yeah, it was really strong but not strong enough for me. I knocked him out with two blows to the head before coming back, this guy will sleep for a while.

 Lucas: Hum you see ? Our little training there is paying off, you have become even faster and stronger. If we continue like this then you will do really well against these Viltrum guys.

 Mark: I still can't understand why you won't help me deal with them.

 Lucas: That's what I'm doing though, I'm preparing you for battle.

 Mark: You know very well what I'm talking about Lucas, together we have a better chance of stopping them.

 Lucas: I want nothing to do with these people, neither as an ally nor as an enemy. You can settle this matter anywhere you want but forget Earth. If the blood of an innocent human is spilled they will have me in their way but for the rest, it's a problem between you, Oliver and them because you are the two sons of Nolan on earth.

 Eve: (sighs) You two are really exhausting. By the way, don't you think that Oliver is growing up too quickly ?!

 Mark: His birth mother's people age much faster than humans and so Oliver too.

 They finally arrived at the mansion and this time, it was Art who slipped away to go to his workshop by flying.

He had copied Mark's physical powers and they taught him how to use them in Africa.

 Mark had told them of one important thing that he had forgotten, it was Nolan's insistence on his books that Mark absolutely had to read and Art had all the copies at home so he didn't waste time and he quickly went to get them because it could be very important.

 He came back later with the books and Mark analyzed them with the others but Lucas didn't want to get involved, he had things to do and that was to try to build something big and secure for his family, a base with everything they need inside but for that, it'll take a lot of money and cutting-edge equipment.

 This time, Lucas was no longer going to rob the gangs to do so but was simply going to impose his request for funding to deliver materials as well as manpower to the government.

 The State had unfortunately had a glimpse of what a Viltrumite was capable of with Omni-man and Lucas knew that somewhere, they feared him even knowing that he and Mark were on the side of the humans so they would do nothing to upset them as long as they remain reasonable and allies.

 Two days later, an emergency was reported and Cecil summoned all of Arlington's strongest heroes because a gigantic spaceship from Mars was approaching.

 Robot, Monster girl, Eve, Black Samson, Invincible, Bullet proof, the shapesmith and to the surprise of almost everyone, FEAR was called too.

 This was quite surprising because he was not a hero and many of the heroes mentioned despised him because of his methods but even if they didn't like him, they could only keep their mouths shut in his presence. because in addition to his superior strength, Lucas was very intimidating with his scars.

 In fact, the situation was already tense before the arrival of Lucas, Mark and Eve because Shapesmith had confessed to Cecil that he was a Martian and that the approaching ship was certainly filled with sequid parasites which would invade Earth as they attempted to invade Mars but without success.

 He also confessed to them all how he had let one of the astronauts get attacked by the parasites to take his appearance, his place and return with all the rest of the crew escorted at the time by Eve and Invincible.

 The mission was simple, intercept the ship, stop the sequids and their hosts and save the human astronaut.

 A space shuttle was readied for the mission and they all boarded, all except Lucas who flew direction out of Earth's atmosphere in five seconds.

 Mark wanted to follow him but he had to stay for the safety of the others just in case because there was Eve with him but deep down, he knew Lucas and knew his methods.

 Knowing that the ship was full of parasites and that there was only one person to save, he had a bad feeling about Lucas' intervention.

 Between Earth and Mars, it was not difficult for FEAR to spot the alien ship because it was gigantic.

 Without even a moment's hesitation, FEAR rushed towards the ship and after a few hours of flight, he entered the ship's view .

 Immediately, five alien missiles were fired from the ship to attack it and this attempt made Lucas sneer for whom the missiles were agonizingly slow.

 One by one, FEAR grabbed the missiles and sent them back to hit the ship at high speed.

 "You guys attacked first" Lucas said to himself as he watched the missiles explode on the ship before rushing towards the spaceship at a tyrannical speed to start piercing the ship from everywhere like a meteor over and over causing damage. multiple explosions.

 Lucas didn't do all this for nothing because by piercing the ship like that, he observed the entire interior of the space ship at hyper speed.

 First, he saw the astronaut who was controlled by the parasites and served as their leader. He also observed Martians hiding in certain compartments of the ship, he was so fast that things and beings seemed static.

 Seeing that the ship was badly damaged, the Martians ran to get into the small battle shuttles and leave the mothership. Lucas ignored them and drove straight into the ship where the parasites were using his superior speed to get enough quickly so that the parasites do not notice its presence until it's too late.

 FEAR with all his strength slammed his left palm and right palm together and the result was a powerful sonic shockwave that scared away the parasites.

 It was the best type of attack to cause simultaneous damage to small but very numerous targets.

 During the mission briefing, Shapesmith told them that the Martians had discovered that sequids were vulnerable to powerful sonic attacks so he used it accordingly with his own abilities.

 Normally, he would also have been the victim of his own attack because the inner ear of Viltrumites is highly vulnerable to sonic attacks, but strangely, Lucas was not affected in any way.

 Lucas' sonic attack with full force was no joke, it was several times more powerful than the one generated by the robot weapon in the comics during the same mission.

 The attack was so powerful that even the parasites that were on the pilot immediately left their host and this was the opportunity Lucas had been waiting for.

 FEAR flew towards the pilot and took him with him to take him to the ship's last emergency shuttle, it looked like a space capsule.

 The pilot was unconscious so Lucas placed a breathing device created by Art on him. This device was originally made for emergency underwater diving and Lucas had taken it with him in case he encountered unforeseen circumstances which would prolong his stay in space because the Viltrumites could last up to two weeks without breathing.

 After ejecting the space capsule, Lucas also exited the ship and went to the rear of the ship to begin pushing it in a specific direction, toward the sun at a distance of more than 155 million kilometers.

 FEAR didn't want to take any risk with these extremely prolific parasites and decided to kill them all by crashing this ship into the sun itself to disintegrate it and kill all life inside.

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