
Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Hiccup Pov:

I go back to the village and I let my father be for now. "Hello ma lady." I say, though Astrid says. "Very Funny Twins." To this they respond. "What are you talking about." "Yeah what are you talking about." Astrid says. "Then who's be-, Hiccup." And then she realizes that it's me.

Astrid hugs me as she asks. "How." I guess go with what I know. "Well, Toothless went into an alpha mode and went invisible. He took me to Viggo's ship since it was a safe place."

"Thank goodness but how is he alive?" Astrid asks. "Well he had a hunter who owed him their life and the blast from the Skrill was a stun. The hunters got fried and couldn't attack him." I said.

"Ok." Astrid says.

Narrator Pov:

The group meets up with Stoick and everything is resolved. I leave this to your imagination. Stoick retires and Hiccup becomes Chief, Play the Final scene of HTTYD but replace Stormfly with Luna. Stormfly died earlier on in this.

Hiccup Pov:

I decide to tell Everyone about the Warlords coming back. They don't like it and some yelling breaks out.

Narrator Pov:

The next year passes by and Stoick leaves to find a new berk without the village knowing. Reason being the village is starting to overpopulate the island and overuse the land for farming. Imagine berk as it was in HTTYD 2 but more houses. Nothing stacked because Stoick kept him from doing that.

Hiccup and Astrid decided that they wouldn't show their dragon forms for reasons unknown. The next scene happens Right before they leave BERK along with the other tribes.

Hiccup Pov:

I was telling the other chiefs that we needed to Disappear from the world when I heard from the door. "Sorry am I intruding?" Everyone got into a fighting stance and looked to the Door.

"Nightrider?" I say and he says. "Yes." And everyone gasps. He comes over and we have a chat in Dragonese. "We found an Island for the School and also one for berk in case you needed to leave." He says. "Well funnily enough we need to leave because someone snuck in and attacked me earlier." I say. "Can the berserkers and our allies come, it is big enough?" He asks. "Yes."

"What are you two talking about." Thuggory calls. "This is a friend of mine from the past who I sent with some other people to look for a new island in case we could no longer survive here. It was also to find a new location for the school I went to when I was younger. It was also to find nearby islands in case all our tribes needed to move."

Dagur comes up and hugs him after he takes off his mask and everyone gasps. It was Mutism. "Go and let them know that we are coming soon ok." I say. "Yeah." Is his response. Mutism walks out while some people follow me included.

He puts on his mask and runs off the cliff. I watch and everyone runs after him when he jumps off and see a giant Dragon flying away west. We finish and decide to leave in 3 days, 2 days before the Warlords arrive at the first island.

During the next days we get everything on ships at berk and Berserker island while all our other islands do the same but they are sailing. We plan on leading the ships with the dragons to get there faster.

It has been 2 days, and everything is packed. Everyone is at berk now and we set off with the Crimson Goregutter leading most of the ships. It took us 2 days since we were leading ships at a fast pace and the dragons would need to rest now and then.

When we arrived we saw a ship lift. It was the only way to get people and supplies up to the island. When we get up I see that Viggo arrived and say. "Good to see you again." And we hug. As we walk, he gives me a tour of the island.

After the tour I leave him to show everybody else. I go into the caves along the path Viggo showed me and found Scribbler's Library. He built it down here to keep it safe from fires. It had a vent as well to let out smoke from the torches.

"Hello." I call in the library and then from up above I hear. "Hiccup." I look up and see that the library is ginormous I could barely see the ceiling. I finally see Scribbler on what seems to be the office near the top carved into the rock.

I go up the staircase and find him and Patch. He was writing in a book and he got up and hugged me. "We sent Mutism by boat over a week ago, I was surprised when he got back saying you had to leave." He said.

"How long have you been working?" I asked. "For about 8 months to get to where we are. We did the boat lift first and then we did the main hall and other stuff. We did the library 4 months ago so we could store all the books possible." He responded.

To this I said. "Well, I think that we will overfill this with the amount that we brought. All the tribes came, we are going to divide up the island between them, so we are treading on each other's tails. They should be able to eat in the mead hall together, I noticed that it was in the middle of the Island." "Yeah." Scribbler said.

From there I went to see Askeladd and Bjørn. They had set up a school in the middle of the island for all the tribes. The island in a way was Gigantic, about 2 times the size of all the tribes' islands combined.

After that I went back to the harbor to help everyone get settled.

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