
Chapter 65




Of course, those who are controlled didn't feel a thing about his entrance and started shooting.

Naturally, Dio was prepared. He put his shield in front of his body, protecting himself from the shots.

Dio stayed like that for a few seconds until he made a sudden move, with his shield raised, and found himself in front of the first shooter, who was at the front of the group.

Dio moved his shield, hit his body from the side, and sent him flying to the left. The enemy fell down the stairs and rolled down, and Dio continued his attack.

As Dio lowered his shield, he was vulnerable, but he could clearly see a bullet coming from a shotgun fired by a blonde woman right in front of his eyes.

Dio moved his face to the side, and the bullet grazed his cheek.

Dio advanced, grabbed the shotgun from the woman's hands, and then tripped her, which made her fall down the stairs as well.


Dio shielded himself from the sound he despised in the middle of the rain of bullets fired at him—the sound of a .12-gauge shotgun.

It fires a bunch of small metal balls that fly apart, which is different from other ammunition.

They are not like other bullets that are easy to avoid, deflect, or defend against. The ones Dio hated being taught to avoid the most were the 12-gauge ones.

Seeing the tiny bullets coming his way, he used the shadow movement to appear in front of the chubby man who had just fired the shot.

Dio made him fall to the ground unconscious when he slapped him in the face to calm him down a bit.

The average person is not as strong as a being with superpowers. Dio was really holding back as much as he could. They still get thrown around every time Dio hits them.

It's always a concern when fighting ordinary humans.

They fly far away if Dio hits even a little harder than he is now, so he needs to calculate where and how they'll land.

They will definitely die or get seriously hurt if they hit their heads.


Dio shouted again for the show to continue.

From Dio's point of view, his actions may have seemed a little slow, but to ordinary people who didn't have powers, he moved very quickly.

As a result of their different views of time, it took them a moment to realize that Dio was no longer in front of them but higher up on the left side of the staircase.

When they refocused on him, Dio jumped and landed right in the center of the small group, then punched the ground.


Dio's strength created a small shockwave that shattered the ground and made them tumble.

A lot of people fell down the stairs, and some of them were left dazed on the ground.

"Wonder Woman, where are you?"

Dio shouted as he got up.


Suddenly, the glass doors of the town hall swung open abruptly, and another group of controlled people rushed towards him.

This group wasn't armed; most of them were holding pieces of wood and iron.

Before they could get closer, Dio threw his gray shield at them.

The shield spun and hit several of them in the head before breaking through the glass doors and disappearing into the building.

Then Dio teleported into the group of those still standing without his shield.

Dio knocked on all of them with quick, controlled blows, targeting their legs, ears, chest, and nose.

The blows were all quick and accurate, and twenty people were left on the ground around him.




Those who remained on the stairs opened fire on Dio again.

He quickly drew his sword and used it to split all the bullets in half and redirect others with small movements of his arm.

"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού koʊˈsaɪtəs!"

(I Summon the Cold of the River Cocytus)

A black mist emanated from his sword and quickly filled the area.

The people who were being controlled lost control of everything metal, especially weapons.

Their hands froze so hard that they fell to the ground in pain.

"I overdid it,"

Dio spoke aloud and looked at the frozen scene.


"What in the fuck noise is this!"

A man shouted from the third floor of the town hall.

It was impossible for Dio to see him, but he could hear him.

He began floating out of the window and slowly approached him. The reason he hadn't seen him was because the man was so small that he was hidden.

The man was wearing an all-black suit with a blue tie and was slightly over a meter tall. His fine black hair was loose and looked like a lion's mane.

He had a thin goatee around his mouth and black eyes. His head was slightly larger than his body, and on top of it was a peculiar-looking silver tiara.

"Who the heck dares to interrupt my slumber!"

The man shouted again and looked at the scattered confusion on the ground.

Dio conjured his shield back and held it in his free hand, with his sword already in his other hand.

"Hey, shorty, where's Wonder Woman?"

Dio asked and taunted him.

"A little insult from a little sidekick."

The man responded and looked at him with disdain.

This really lowered the bar.

Dio never fought alongside Diana, but after his invasion debut, he knows a lot of people view him as her sidekick.

It might seem silly, but it bothers him when someone calls him that, even though he has never been her actual partner.

"Where's Wonder Woman?"

Dio asked again and tried to pretend to be as concerned as he could.

"Do you believe that I would be going to all this trouble to find you, you idiot, if I were carrying her with me?"

"You took your sweet time; I was waiting for you, you freak."

The man continued.


Dio asked in confusion.

"How should I describe a mind like yours? If your mind weren't an endless black hole, I wouldn't have had so much trouble bringing you here without being controlled. In fact, the original plan was to bring all of you Titans under my control."

The man explained his plan.

'Do all telepaths see my mind in the same way?'

"Doesn't matter; I'll do it the old-fashioned way and capture you by force, then the princess won't have a choice but to come to your rescue, and I'll capture her too while tying her up with that beautiful shiny lasso of hers."

'Is he serious?'

"I know I'll regret asking, but why all this interest in Wonder Woman? I know you've never met before."

Dio asked.

"I will be the emperor of the world, and everyone will be under my control, and a future emperor should have a woman worthy of him at his feet. That's where she belongs."

The man replied without showing any shame in what he said.

'Is this guy really serious?'

"It deeply irritates me to always see her all powerful on TV, so now that I have the chance, I'm going to put her where every woman should be, at the feet of a powerful man."

The man continued.

'My first supervillain, and he's a misogynist.'

'Why couldn't it have been the Joker? He's a much bigger idiot, but at least he says this kind of thing out loud.'

"I'm really trying not to get annoyed with what you just said; I'll just capture you."

Dio decided.

As the man said, Dio's mind was a black hole even from this distance, so he didn't need to be cautious about being controlled.

Diana will be the secret weapon, and Dio will go all out right from the start.

"Another child who doesn't understand the superiority of being born as a man."

The man continued spewing nonsense.

"Seriously, dude, shut up!"

Dio shouted and jumped towards him with his sword raised.

Dio aimed for his shoulder.

'I know this is harsh to do right away, but he's stupid.'

But when the sword was about to hit, Dio's body froze in mid-air.

"This lovely contraption on my head not only enhances my telepathy but also adds a bit of telekinesis to the mix."

The man said this while moving his hand, and Dio was thrown down again.

Dio rolled on the ground and got up just in time to see a bullet heading towards his chest.

Dio raised his sword, with the blade sideways, and changed the bullet's course, sending it high to his left.

He forgot that there were still civilians being controlled nearby while he was talking, and more of them started coming from the city.

The good news is that on the rooftop of the town hall, Dio saw a glint of light that caught my attention; it was the signal.

Diana was in position and ready to attack at his signal.



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