
Chapter 50

"Not even Fate can locate a sorcerer within their Place of Power, at least one of their level."

Doctor Fate replied.

"Place of Power?"

She asked with confusion, and Dio answered that question.

"A Place of Power for a sorcerer or magician is like a domain just for them; in that place, their powers are enhanced, and they have total control over all parts within it."

Dio explained it briefly and simply for her to understand.

Dio can't even begin to try to make a Place of Power because it's too hard for him right now.

Also, the location is very important. Dio has no idea where to put it.

Dio could stay on the Titans' island, but he was not going to stay there forever, and moving a Place of Power is harder than making one from scratch.

"The apprentice summarized it well. All I can do at the moment is tell you what I know about the amulet.

Fate confirmed.

Fate moved his hands in front of his body, and a small golden ankh appeared in front of him.

It dissolved into a golden mist and took the form of the Amulet of Arion.

"The amulet is nothing more than a small piece of something much larger, the Black Diamond, which is located in the dimension of the Dark World. This small piece can open a connection with that gem, making it a conduit for the boundless energy of that plane, but only a qualified sorcerer could do that."

Fate explained.

With another movement of his hands, the golden mist and image dissipated.

"Is the amulet useless if it's not used by a master of the mystical arts?"

Diana asked to seek confirmation of what had been said.

"Not completely. There are some powers in the amulet that even a mediocre sorcerer can use, but it can't access the energy of the dark world."

"So anyway, whoever possesses it will certainly cause trouble,"

Diana said.

"Is there a way to locate it, Doctor Fate?"

Dio asked.

"Fate can try. There aren't many mystical artifacts from ancient Atlantis that can help us."

The entire room disappeared, leaving only the chairs they were sitting on.

They floated in a completely empty space until stars began to shine above their heads; hundreds of them formed constellations very clearly, but none of them reminded Dio of the ones on Earth.

Fate moved his hand as if the sky were a blackboard, and he was erasing it.

In the center of the sky, the stars broke their formation and regrouped to form the image of a world map, marking the position of the largest and brightest star in that group.

"The location is revealed!"

Fate said dramatically.

The guy seemed to love putting on a show. Dio didn't mind; it was quite surprising.

After that, the stars went dark and left everything in darkness.

The lights returned, and they were once again in the medieval room near the lit fireplace.

"Does this answer all your questions?"

Fate asked, and he already wanted to kick them out of his tower.

"Yes, thank you, Kent."

Diana replied and stood up.

It wasn't very subtle for her to call him Kent now.

Diana may have been interested in seeing how Fate would react and possibly getting back in touch with an old friend.

Kent Nelson might be Doctor Fate, but when he wears the helmet, it's the entity Nabu who controls his body.

"Kent Nelson is always pleased with your visits, Diana of Themyscira. He wanted you to know that."

Doctor Fate replied, also getting up and walking to the fireplace and facing them.

"I wish he could say that in person one day."

Diana tried once more.

"That day should be decided by him alone."

Doctor Fate raised his hand once more, and Dio knew he was about to teleport them, so he stood up and asked before he did so.

"One moment, Doctor Fate!"

Fate paused with his hand pointed at them and waited for Dio to continue.

"Do you have any advice to help me on my path?"

Zatanna is an amazing teacher, but she couldn't guide Dio on his own path, as there haven't been any demigod children of Hades or socerers connected to the underworld.

Dio had to take advantage of any chance he got to get advice from a mage with thousands of years of experience.

"Fate cannot guide you on your own path, apprentice. But consider this: How can you use energy from another dimension without knowing its source?"

Before Dio could say anything else, everything disappeared. They were back on the grass outside the tower until they could no longer see it.

"Dio, you are my apprentice, so promise me one thing."

Diana looked at me seriously.

"Of course, what is it?"

Dio asked with curiousity.

"In the future, as you grow as a sorcerer, don't start talking in codes like Fate; it really irritates me."

Diana said she was not obviously joking.

"I promise."

"Great, now let's head back to the Titans Tower."

Diana held Dio, and they flew back home.

While they were flying, Dio thought about Fate's words.

It wasn't a complicated message; he clearly meant that he should visit the underworld, and he's right.

How can he use the aspects of the underworld perfectly without even having seen them?

So, Dio was determined to put all his efforts into being able to visit the place where his father rules when this was over.

This will require a lot of preparation, as he was literally going to hell.

First, Dio has to create a portal that can be opened on Earth as well as in the underworld, so he can move more easily between the two planes.

This may be somewhat easy, as he had a strong connection with the underworld.

Then Dio needs to prepare some necessary items to survive against the enemies he will undoubtedly encounter.

The fact that his father rules over the underworld doesn't mean he will be safe there.

In fact, he was likely to be even more chased because he was his son, as many enemies of the gods were sent to the underworld as punishment.

He was still a little excited about the idea of going to the underground, even though he knew it was dangerous.

It seems like the right thing to do.

"We've arrived."

Diana said this and landed on the rooftop of the Titans Tower.

Dio spent the rest of the short journey thinking about what to do, so he didn't even notice the time.

They didn't see anyone waiting for us on the roof, and since it was night, those lazy people were probably either having dinner or in their rooms.

They both walked to the elevator.

"Come meet us in the computer room."

Batman's voice was heard through the console on the wall next to the rooftop elevator.

When the door opened, they entered, and Dio pressed the button for the floor below, where Robin's Cave is located.

The elevator door opened, and he saw Batman sitting in the chair in front of several screens displaying various data and documents in various languages.

Dio could recognize German, Italian, and Russian, but with his limited knowledge, he couldn't translate them perfectly.

"Did he help?"

Batman asked without even looking at them.

"Doctor Fate helped us more than expected. We even managed to locate the artifact."

Diana replied.

"Great, because we've found out who stole it."

Batman pressed a key on the keyboard, and all the screens changed to the same image.

The picture didn't show much of the room where it was taken; it was mostly about the people kneeling in front of it and worshipping something while dressed like blood-red medieval monks.

"A cult?"

Diana asked.

"They call themselves the Church of Blood."

Batman told her.

There are many, many secret organizations in the DC Universe.

The vast majority of them are like the Church of Blood, a bunch of fanatical lunatics.

At least Dio has to be thankful that he has some knowledge of them, or he wouldn't know the seriousness they represent.

"Are they on your radar?"

Diana asked.

"Yes, but I haven't obtained any proof connecting them to any criminal activity so far. In fact, they have a reputation for benevolence."

"That complicates things."

"Indeed, to make matters worse, they are a global organization with wide-reaching influence. A lot of their members have high-level positions in businesses, universities, governments, and the news media, but they all act quietly to hide this.

"As soon as we go after them, the public opinion will turn against us, and if their influence is as powerful as you say, they could make the government order us to leave their country."

Diana said.

The League of Justice doesn't work for any government or country, but they do obey their laws.

"That's why we'll go in stealthily,"

Batman said this while standing up and looking at Dio.

"You want us to infiltrate the cult as spies to steal the amulet, don't you?"

Dio asked and already understood where this was going.

"Robin and I have tracked all of the Church of Blood's transportation methods, including both legal and illegal ones. We've identified ten locations around the globe. With some research, we could narrow it down to four."

"Now that we know where the amulet is, we no longer need to split the team to investigate each one."

Diana deduced the rest.


Batman confirmed.

"Where's Robin?"

Dio asked.

"Informing the team and preparing them. You should do the same."

Dio's first official mission, and he has to deal with a cult full of fanatical lunatics to recover a magical artifact.



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