
chapter 30 : Rescue and reunion

Without missing a beat, Calvin rushed towards Aiden, killing all the zombies in his path with his ax.

 "Mom...I'm hurt, mom..." Aiden moaned in pain while a dead woman had passed through the rubble to reach him, he was delirious and mistook the walker for Deanna but luckily for him, Calvin killed it.

He looked at Aiden and quickly examined his wounds, the decision came to him very quickly, Aiden told him he could leave him there but Calvin didn't care about his opinion.

 There was a certain space between Aiden's back and the rest of the rubble, Calvin saw the more and more walkers and with two quick and powerful blows of the ax, he cut the metal bars very cleanly under the Aiden's cries of pain.

He had to keep the pieces of metal in his body without moving them because if he removed them, there would be severe bleeding that would definitely kill Aiden.

 Calvin immediately carried him on his shoulders and looked at the back door closed by Nicolas and he knew what he had to do, force his way through.

 "Oh idiots, the other guy's injuries are more serious so I'll take him out first, don't answer so as not to attract them. My truck is not far away and I have equipment to keep him alive. I'll lure them out and you'll follow after, we have no choice." He warned the others, making noise to attract the dead and as he asked, none of them responded.

Calvin took his ax and looked at all the zombies in front of him before taking a deep breath, these monsters were slow and much more fragile than we thought and if people let themselves be dominated it was mainly because of fear .

It was impossible for them to stop a fast-moving object hitting them.

 Calvin had to be especially quick because Aiden was not safe from a bite in addition to the movements which would undoubtedly cause him pain.

In one quick movement, he gave a powerful front-kick to the debris that fell on the zombies before charging at them with his axe.

The basis of this forceful passage was simple, above all not to slow down and this is what Calvin applied by waving his ax in front of him to kill the zombies in his path.

It was simple and risky but very effective with Calvin's monstrous physical prowess which he had further increased with training.

 In the office, Tyrese saw Calvin sinking into the crowd of zombies like a hot knife through butter and thought this guy was crazy but in 11 seconds Calvin was already in front of the closed door which he opened by force with a push-kick and he quickly took out while the zombies followed him.

 Tyrese: (whispers to Glenn) What was that ?!

 Glenn: (whispers) Just Calvin saving our lives once again...

 (in King)

 "He's taking a while…" Duane complained as he manipulated his ice pick between his fingers.

 Sophia : Are you in a hurry to see your father again ?

 "Not really, it's good to know he's alive but after what we went through, alone in the cold and all that stuff...I just want to go back to Lincoln with Calvin and the others. I miss Dad but it's like it's not the same anymore…" Duane replied turning his face away. 

 Sophia : I miss my mother too but I always feel like I was abandoned. We've changed a lot, even Christina says we're growing up way too fast.

 "It's true that you speak like adults...I miss my dad and my mom too but I can't see them again..." Clementine said sadly while her eyes were blindfolded, she dismantled and reassembled an AK 45 and a Glock 17 to pass the time.

Her tone became sad when talking about her parents and the two came to apologize to comfort her when the door was opened from the outside with Calvin entering accompanied by Aiden.

He noticed the scene of the three children and looked at them.

 Calvin: We'll discuss who between you two made her cry later and you can believe it's going to get heated for the culprit. Right now, we have an emergency. (to Sophia) 10mg of morphine for him as well as a dose of adrenaline, Christina showed you how to do it...his heart rate drops dangerously.

 "Yes…yes, right away…" Sophia wasted no time and rushed to the task.

 Duane: Who is it? What happened?

 "No time, I'll be back with some people straight away..." He left, closing the door and there were noises outside, Clémentine looked out the window but he was no longer there, all that was she saw were several walkers permanently dead with their skulls almost exploded by his ax blows.

As promised, he returned right after carrying Tara and Tyrese had Eugene, they got into the vehicle while Glenn was hugely surprised to see the children, especially Duane and Sophia.

 When Calvin revealed the children's survival to Rick, he announced it to the group that evening. Obviously, their parents wanted to find Lincoln but Rick promised them that Calvin would bring them back very soon.

Carol in her stubbornness had wanted to insist so Dawn reminded her who Calvin was, that he didn't want them there and advised him not to challenge him so they waited. Everyone was now informed of the children's survival and was impatiently waiting for them but Glenn now had them in front of his eyes and didn't know what to tell them, it was a problem because if he didn't know what to tell them then who were going to tell them their parents ?

 Calvin drove off and they headed from there to Alexandria which luckily wasn't far away for Aiden. Arriving there, they didn't stay outside long because those responsible for monitoring the gate recognized King (it's a far from forgettable vehicle) and Glenn quickly came down to tell them that it was urgent and they had seriously injured.

The gate opened and they began to bring the injured down to take them to the infirmary, all this commotion brought people out of their homes but especially the Monroe family.

 Earlier, Nicolas came home alone and told them that everyone else was dead because he was convinced that they had no chance of escaping after drawing the attention of all the zombies to themselves by shooting Eugene . Deanna, Reg and Spencer had already started crying for Aiden when there was all the commotion and they were told that they were the wounded from this morning's expedition, they sprinted towards the infirmary with certain hopes.

 With all the commotion, the community police also came and all but Michonne were acquaintances of Calvin. Rick, Shane, Michonne and Dawn dispersed the crowd to make way for the wounded.

As in canon, there were problems with Pete but the difference was that it wasn't Rick who arrested him for his domestic violence but Dawn with the help of Shane who gave him a violent beating ( Punisher Mode).

 Of course, Jessie had started a romance with Rick and that's how he understood that Pete was beating her. He really wanted to kill him but told his colleagues who arrested Pete.

Unfortunately for Jessie and Rick, he was the only doctor in the community so there was no question of leaving him locked up, Deanna condemned him to live very far from Jessie and the children in a house near the infirmary.

 Tyrese got off King with Aiden in his arms and although he was at death's door, Calvin followed him carrying the injured Eugene and Tara on his shoulders.

Seeing them like that, a commotion quickly created and people arrived to help them get to the infirmary. The present members of Rick's group wanted to get closer to Calvin when they saw Duane, Sophia and Clementine coming out of King, they looked at them in surprise and disbelief before running towards them, especially Carl.

 "SOPHIA ! DUANE…" Carl shouted as he ran towards them and they watched as their friend ran towards them before giving each other a three way hug.

Maggie and the other members of Rick's group from the farm were quick to come closer to see the kids too except Daryl and Morgan who went out to hunt.

Carol who was in the distance with Judith in her arms looked at her daughter and handed Judith to Jessie before walking towards Sophia, she didn't run but just walked towards her daughter as tears flowed from her eyes. Her daughter, her baby who she thought was dead was back and Sophia watched her mother come towards her in tears but couldn't help but run towards her mother who hugged her tightly.

 The young teenager would have liked to react differently to her mother who she thought had abandoned her but a mother's eyes didn't lie and she realized that what Calvin had told them was true, their parents had not abandoned them .

They cried in each other's arms, a scene which moved all the witnesses present. Clementine looked at them and couldn't help but think of her mother whom she will never see again. Duane looked at her and knew very well what she was thinking so he patted her on the head to tell her everything would be okay.

 "Kids, it's good to see you again," Rick said to them as he and his team approached.

 Duane: You left us behind...

 "We thought you had died on the farm, little one, everything that night made us believe that the walkers had you in the house. You can believe me, it wasn't easy…" Shane said.

 Dawn: We heard screams, your screams when they came in...

 "Patricia died to give us the opportunity to come out from behind, we screamed in horror as we watched her get devoured for us. When we came out we ran screaming for you to come and take us but you left anyway and we fled the horde on our side. We spent the winter outside and we were dying when Calvin found us, he saved us..." Duane said while the others remained silent.

 "Duane, we really thought that…(sighs) We searched for your bodies but Daryl and your parents held out hope and thought that you were still alive and if after days we gave up hope, they continued. They looked for you again and again but had to come to terms with the fact that you were dead so we could finally leave." Rick explained to him but the anger remained in Duane's eyes.

 Calvin and Tyrese found Denise in the infirmary, they carefully placed Aiden and the others on the beds when within moments, Deanna and her family were already there. They had been told that Aiden had been brought back alive and they had quickly come.

 "Aiden... " Deanna moved closer and looked in horror at her child whose body was still pierced by these metal bars. Reg and Spencer looked at Aiden in great shock but Calvin didn't have time for all that.

 "Get your surgeon here if you don't want your son to die, Deanna. We kept him alive as best we could but his life is still in serious danger." he said and they brought Pete to the infirmary who looked at the injured with a slight smile.

 Pete : Deanna, if I save them then I demand that I be returned to my family plus some extra privileges that-(interrupted)

 Before he finished his sentence, Calvin grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and gave him a hard slap that made his mouth bleed.

 "I have exactly 17 highly competent surgeons in my community. Do you think you are unique and so important? Go ahead, let them die and I'll cut your tendons and leave you to feed a small horde . I will send two of my surgeons here to replace you after you die like a dog so I'll advise you to do as you are asked to keep your current little privileges..." Calvin told him coldly and Pete nodded slightly head before getting to work with Denise, even he knew from the slap Calvin had just given him that this guy was no pushover.

Deanna and her husband thanked Calvin who looked at them and asked where the man named Nicholas was.

 Deanna and her husband looked at each other, Spencer asked Calvin to follow him to take him to the police station where they saw Nicholas in the cell built there in the basement.

 "When he was questioned and he said you were all dead, Dawn said he was lying and they locked him up here, his story had too many inconsistencies in her opinion and apparently she was right.

Rick was going to take a team to go investigate there but luckily you arrived." Spencer said and Calvin told him how Nicholas had put them in danger before cowardly abandoning them there, Spencer was angry and wanted to attack Nicholas but Calvin calmly asked him to bring Dawn or Rick who had the keys from the cell and he nodded before leaving.

 "You can start praying, Nigga you're done…" Calvin said calmly to Nicholas who had terror in his eyes.

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