


Sophia woke up with a headache, probably the consequence of last night's drinking. She pressed her palm on her forehead and released a sigh. She looked around with her blurry vision, "Ohh! My head!" She grunted as a large yawn escaped her mouth.

She stretched her arms and legs and got out of bed, the room was still somewhat dark due to the shutters blocking the sunlight. The dim night lamp was flickering as usual. Sophia walked toward the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her messy hair and smudged makeup made her grimace. She removed her clothes and stepped under the shower.

The cold water woke her up, she splashed the water on her face and washed her hair. After cleaning herself, she wrapped a towel around her head and walked out of the shower naked. Since she was living alone at the moment, she never bothered to wear clothes after a shower.

'Just how much did I drink yesterday? I remember asking Bruce Wayne to give me a life... Hahaha! Then, I... I...' Suddenly the hazy memories of yesterday's conversation came flooding back, causing her to blush uncontrollably.

"Haaa... I asked him to sleep with me?!" Sophia slapped her cheeks to confirm whether she was dreaming or not, but no, she was awake and her face stung from the slap. "Oh, God! What did I do? Did he accept my offer? No, he would never do something like that. I was drunk, of course, he wouldn't do that. And I even told him that I was a virgin! Shit! He must think of me as a desperate woman in heat, damn it!" She mumbled as she walked into her room after checking the door, which was safely locked.

She quickly put on the clothes she regularly wears in her bakery. A green apron dress that was with white flowers. She opened the nightstand drawer, took out her favorite perfume, sprayed a little bit on her neck and wrists, and checked her phone. "It's already 8 am?! How long did I sleep for?" Sophia exclaimed in shock. She quickly tied her hair up in a ponytail and wore her glasses.

Sophia rushed out of her apartment, her mind still reeling from the events of the previous night. The bakery was just a short walk away. She unlocked the door, flipped the sign to "Open," and began her morning preparations, trying to push aside the embarrassment she felt about Bruce Wayne. She made Muffins, buns & breads, and a couple of other items.

The bakery, "Sophia's Sweet Delights," was a cozy little shop with pastel-colored walls, wooden shelves lined with jars of cookies, and a glass display case filled with an array of cakes, tarts, and bread. It was still early, and she hoped to get everything ready before the morning rush.

She started by mixing dough for the first batch of croissants. As she worked, her thoughts kept drifting back to Bruce. She couldn't believe she had told him so much about her life. What must he think of her? But then again, he had been kind, hadn't he? He hadn't taken advantage of her vulnerability, and that kiss... it had felt more comforting than anything else.

Just as she was sliding a tray of croissants into the oven, the bell above the door jingled, signaling her first customer of the day. Sophia turned, putting on her best smile.

"Good morning! What can I get for you today?"

A middle-aged woman with a warm smile walked to the counter, "Morning, dear. I'll have a coffee and one of those blueberry muffins, please."

"Coming right up!" Sophia moved quickly, filling a cup with freshly brewed coffee and wrapping a muffin in parchment paper. She handed them over with a smile.

"Thank you. By the way, you are looking happy today. Keep smiling like that, Sophia," the woman said with a warm smile and turned to leave. She was one of her regulars.

"Thank you! Have a great day," Sophia replied, feeling a bit more at ease. 'I'm smiling! Well, hehe... I did something so stupid.'

As the morning progressed, more customers trickled in. Regulars and new faces alike filled the small space with chatter and the sounds of clinking cups. Sophia loved these moments, the busyness of the bakery a soothing rhythm that kept her grounded.

Around mid-morning, as she was frosting a batch of cupcakes, the bell rang again. This time, when she looked up, her heart skipped a beat. Bruce Wayne stood in the doorway, looking slightly out of place in his tailored suit amidst the hominess of the bakery.

Sophia wiped her hands on her apron and walked over to him, her pulse quickening, "Bru...Bruce! Wha...What are you doing here?" She stuttered. She wasn't expecting to see him in her shop at all.

Bruce smiled, a genuine, warm expression that made her feel more at ease, "I wanted to check on you and maybe get some breakfast. You mentioned you run a bakery, and I was curious to see it."

"Oh! Um, sure! What would you like?" Sophia swallowed hard, trying to calm her nerves. Bruce Wayne, in her bakery! It was almost surreal. But somehow, having him here felt right.

Bruce took a moment to glance around the bakery, appreciating the cozy atmosphere and the nice aroma of freshly baked goods that filled the air. His eyes settled back on Sophia, and he smiled warmly.

"I'll have whatever you recommend," he said, his tone gentle and sincere.

Sophia nodded, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. She quickly put together a plate with an assortment of her best pastries: a croissant, a blueberry muffin, and a small slice of her famous chocolate cake. She also poured him a cup of the bakery's finest coffee.

"Here you go," she said as she placed the plate and cup on the table. "I hope you like it."

He took a seat at one of the small tables, and Sophia found herself watching him as he took his first bite. The way his eyes lit up brought a smile to her face.

"Wow, Sophia, you are really good at this," Bruce said after a moment. "You have a real talent." It's been a while since he had some cakes and muffins. He was so busy with work that all he ate was protein bars and sometimes late-night ramen.

"Thank you," she replied, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. "Baking was just a hobby in the past, but as you already know, I had to do something to get back on my feet. And it helps me forget about all the other stuff, you know?"

Bruce nodded, understandingly, "I get that. We all need something to keep us grounded."

The bell above the door jingled again, and Sophia turned to see a group of customers entering.

"Go on, I won't hold you back," He said with a smile.

She returned to the counter, taking their orders and serving them with her usual cheerful demeanor. But every now and then, she found her gaze drifting back to Bruce.

He stayed for a while, savoring each bite of his breakfast and sipping his coffee. As the morning rush began to slow down, Sophia found a moment to join him at the table.

"You know..." she said, taking a seat across from him. "I didn't expect to see you here. I mean, Bruce Wayne in my little shop. I don't know if I should be happy or fear that he might not like the food and, you know..."

"I wanted to see how you were doing," Bruce replied with a little chuckle after hearing the last part, "After last night, I was worried about you."

Sophia felt a lump form in her throat. She had been so vulnerable with him, sharing things she rarely talked about. And here he was, checking on her like a true friend.

"I'm doing better," she said softly. "Last night was... a lot. But it was also nice to have someone to talk to."

Sophia took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. The warmth of Bruce's concern melted away the residual tension from the previous night. She glanced around the bakery, which had settled into a gentle hum of conversation and clinking dishes.

"Thank you," she said quietly. "I appreciate you checking in on me. I didn't mean to unload all my problems on you last night."

Bruce shook his head, "It's alright. Sometimes we need to share our burdens with someone. And I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to do that with me. Wait! I should say drunk enough, right?" He chuckled.

"Hehe... Forget all that nonsense babble from last night, will you? You've no idea how embarrassed I'm right now," Sophia giggled, feeling a bit more at ease. She watched as Bruce took another sip of his second cup of coffee, his demeanor calm and attentive.

"So, how's your mother doing?" He asked, his voice gentle yet serious.

Sophia sighed, her expression turning grim, "Not great. Doctors said her kidneys are failing, and she needs a transplant. We're on the waiting list, but you know how it is? It's taking forever, and her condition is worsening."

Bruce leaned forward, his gaze intense yet kind, "Have you considered other options?"

She shook her head, "I don't have the money for private treatment. We're just trying to manage with what we have."

Bruce paused for a moment as if weighing his words carefully, "Sophia, I might be able to help. Wayne Enterprises has advanced medical technology. Just a word from you and I'll shift her to our private ward. We might be able to..."

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise and uncertainty, "I can't accept that. It's too much. I don't want to take advantage of your kindness. I know, you are right and powerful and you've no idea how glad I'm to hear you say that, but... I... It doesn't feel right. I do want to see her get out of the hospital as soon as possible... But... I... Why help me?"

Bruce reached across the table and gently took her hand, "I want to help, Sophia. And you won't be taking advantage of me. Consider it a loan if that makes you feel better. You can pay me back gradually, without any pressure. As for why I'm doing this, I really don't know. It's just that you look beautiful when you smile, but that sad face... I can't see you sad. Yeah, I know we met just last night, but you know... It's just that, I can't get you out of my head. Or maybe I can't see others in pain. I don't know."

Sophia stared at him, her emotions a mix of gratitude and hesitation, "I don't know what to say... It's just so overwhelming."

Bruce squeezed her hand reassuringly, "Just say you'll think about it. Your mother's health is important, you know that, right? Do everything you can, grasp every opportunity so that in the end, you won't have any regrets."

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she nodded, "Thank you. I'll talk to my mom about it. I can't tell you how much this means to me."

Bruce smiled softly, "You're welcome. Now, tell me about your brother's case."

Sophia wiped her eyes and took a deep breath, "My brother's drug case... It's a mess, and I don't know how to handle it."

'Drug case, huh? It's been a while since I heard about drugs in Metropolis. A new gang, maybe?' He wondered.

Bruce's expression turned serious, "Tell me everything. Maybe I can help with that too."


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Next, Ch: 169: A new cartel

Ch: 170: Jacob

Ch: 171: Raid

Ch: 172: Bruce meets Hippolyta

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