

"Oh, so that's it..." said Luck, his question removed by Nikolay's explanation.

"Hahaha, every time I'm amazed at your ignorance, it's like you're from another world!"

Luck broke out in a cold sweat, focusing on the food in front of him, "Hahaha right? What an idiot I am..." 

Nikolai didn't even realize how close he was to the truth.

"You seem to like the food, hahaha, eat lots of it!"

Abyss chewed and swallowed the food he stuffed in his mouth and then said, "Yes, these vegetables and fruits are great! Can I have some?"

Nikolai was surprised by Luck's sudden question.

I realized that you like food, but do you really want vegetables and fruits from me?

And these are ordinary fruits and vegetables! Are you kidding me?

As surprised as Nikolai was, he kept his demeanor "Hahaha, as much as you want!"

Luck's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you serious?"

Nikolay suddenly became agitated by Luck's expression.

"Ye...yes...I guess."



Lying on his bed, examining the ring on his finger with interest, Luck couldn't help chuckling.

Now he had an item he thought only existed in fantasy books!

How magical, how incredible!

He couldn't imagine what would happen if the world knew he had such a thing!

Would the government come after him? Would they sneak him away in his sleep?

Luck dismissed these thoughts with a hasty shake of his head.

He mustn't let anyone know! Not just the ring! No one must know about the other things he had gotten from Gliese!

With a thought, he took a bite of a tomato he had pulled out of the space ring.

"I have never eaten such a delicious tomato before! It makes me want to eat tomatoes all the time!"

When he finished eating one tomato, another one appeared in his hand.

"Good thing I bought 5 cubic meters of food to use for the burgers we sell in the shop!"

Yes! Luck had bought about 5 tons of tomatoes, onions, potatoes and cabbage to eat himself and to use in the burgers he sold in his shop!

And all for free!

"My burger shop is already popular thanks to the star monster meat, I wonder what kind of impact these vegetables will have?"

Luck was excited by the possibilities when he heard the sound of the door opening.



Hearing his mother's angry voice, Luck didn't know what he was doing, but he knew he had angered her in some way.

Opening his door carefully, Luck said, "Yes, Mommy?"

Luck's mother squinted her eyes and looked at Luck frighteningly. 

"Where were you?"

"Where was I?"

Luck's mother took a breath, trying to calm down.

"Am I talking to you or Smart? Are you going to repeat what I said?"

"Smart! Tweet!" At the mention of his own name, the sultan parrot stirred with excitement.

But the poor bird's excitement lasted only a moment, because when the murderous gaze focused on him, he tilted his head and turned toward his mirror.

Scary! For a moment I thought he was going to pluck my feathers and eat me!

As soon as he heard the voice of Black Luck's mother, he was already hiding in a corner out of sight.

Smart...huh, live up to your name, you stupid bird! 

"Answer me! Where have you been?"

"Mommy, I..."

"You what? Tell me the truth!"

"I went out on business!"

His mother looked at Luck with derision.

"What are you doing in the warehouse with that Zack kid and a bunch of thug-looking guys!"

Luck looked at his mother blankly.

"Mom, how do you know?"

"Never mind how I know! Tell me what you were doing with Zack and those men!"

Luck bowed his head and said in a low voice, "For work, mom..."

Luck's mother said in disbelief, "Tell me what this job is!"

Luck went to his room with his head bowed "I'll show you..."

When he came back from his room, he had some bags in his hand.

Luck's mother looked at the bags in Luck's hands and asked suspiciously, "What are these?"

"I met with some fruit and vegetable vendors for the hamburger shop and I found some vegetables that will go very well with our hamburgers."

As Luck let go of the bags, various foods fell out of the bags on the floor, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cabbage....

Luck's mother looked at the various vegetables on the floor with suspicious eyes and said, "Are you going to trick me with this?"

"Trick you?" Luck sounded like he was going to cry at any moment.

Luck picked up a tomato and handed it to his mother.

"Please taste it mom, let's see if I'm fooling you." 

Seeing her son's tearful expression, Luck's mother had a moment of doubt.

Was I really being unfair to him?

Luck's mother decided to trust her son and took a bite of the tomato.

Luck's mother: (′ʘ⌄ʘ‵)

What is this taste! How can this be a tomato! If this is a tomato, what have I eaten before!

Watching his mother's expression change, Luck knew he had succeeded.

He didn't know how she had found out that he had met Zack at the warehouse, but somehow he had managed to fool her!

I survived my mother's anger! I thought I was going to see the gates of hell!

Luck's mom took the last bite of the tomato and looked at the other food on the floor.

Could this food be as delicious as the tomato?

 "Where did you get this tomato, Luck?"

"We found this food in a mountain village after our research, mom...Zack arranged for those thuggish looking men to transport the food here...those men are from a transport company..."

Hearing Luck's explanation, his mother hung her head in shame.

I should have talked to my son first instead of listening to others and getting angry with him.

Hugging Luck, his mother said, "Luck, I'm sorry...I should have listened to you first instead of getting angry with you."

Luck nodded his head in agreement.

When he spoke, Luck sounded like he was going to cry at any moment.

"It's okay, mom.

But anyone looking at Luck's face could see that he was trying hard not to grin despite his teary eyes.

After leaving his mother's arms, Luck looked at her with teary eyes and said, "Mom, how did you find out I met Zack?"

Luck's mother's usual confidence was gone.

Looking down at his feet in shame, his mother said, "Your Aunt Mia...she saw you and Zack side by side in a warehouse when she was passing by...she called me and asked if you had decided to become a punk."

Luck gritted his teeth, "Aunt Mia..."

A coworker at his mother's old workplace...she always liked to compare him to her son.

Her son was a cop, and Luck? An unemployed nerd! His son made a lot of money and Luck? He was a spender! His son had a girlfriend! And Luck? Luck could only look at his right hand!

But lately when Luck's mom suddenly quit her job, Aunt Mia got worried! Useless Luck had opened a burger shop and it was very popular and Luck's mom had become the manager!

Luck's mom patted Luck on the back and said, "Never mind, dear...it was my fault for getting angry without listening to you."

Luck hugged his mother again.

"No mom that bitch Aunt mia must have been jealous of us that's why she said those things to you!"


Luck felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.

"Watch your mouth! She's bigger than you no matter what! Keep your respect!"

"Okay, mom..."


"Yes, mom?"

"Is this other food you brought as delicious as the tomatoes?"

Luck nodded his head in agreement like a chicken.

"They're all delicious, mom!"


"How about making dinner? We can fry potatoes, make ketchup with these tomatoes, salad with cabbage...gulp..."

As his mother talked about food, mother and son's tummies rumbled.

"I'm hungry, mom, let's do it!"

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