
Training Part 2

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Another Week, Another Training.

Another one of his hobbies is sword training.

Because obviously, he has "nothing to do."

But he wanted to enter the Swordsmen competition again because last time he got a bronze medal. This time he wanted to get silver or maybe Gold.

This is his sword of choice. Shikomizue, Bokken, and sometimes it's a Naginata.

And note all of his swords are all black colored.

( Black colored Bokken. )

( Black colored Shikomizue. )

The reason why he picked the color black. "It's just looks cool."

But what they are made though is interesting.

A wood that can withstand a chainsaw.

Literally called Australian Buloke. He had bought more money because the one making and forging it priced it very high because of the wood.

The metal blade on the Shikomizue is made out of pure Tungsten steel.

So he can use the Shikomizue without even sheathing it because the wood can withstand a sword blow without even getting a scratch and if it got scratched it's easy.

And let's talk about Yamatomo's swordsmanship.

He was called "Left-handed righty" because when he uses a sword on his left arm it means he's just playing with you, the opponent is weak, or an easy opponent and they commonly see him holding swords left-handed.

But holding a sword in his right hand, means, the opponent is a strong, skilled, or worthy opponent who does not necessarily have to play around or do unnecessary sword moves. People rarely see him using his right hand and if he did, somebody's gonna go out bruised up.

Also considering everything he writes or carries always left-handed. So he is a left-handed dude *gasp* A Sinner!

Now going back

He knows that there's a place inside the Sakura Empires area where there is a building that specializes in Sword training. A Dojo.

But it's inside of Sakura Empire and of course. He is not welcome. Hell, any faction here on this damn island isn't welcoming to him.

Even though there are several incidents that he didn't do to offend them still he thinks they are still hostile to him.

Eh, no matter what they do, he is destined to die anyway.

So of course he packed his sword training stuff and went to the Sakura Empire.

Meanwhile at the entrance of Sakura Empire.

"Well if isn't, Tough Shikikan wants to visit Sakura Empire, again. What brings you here? I see you brought... A sword? Two swords?" Azuma said.

"I wanted to borrow your Dojo. Reason is that I don't have anything better to do but just train. I mean the swordsmen competition only starts next year in January." (Yamatomo)

"I see, you're a swordsman also. Fufu~ You keep surprising us with bizarre things." (Azuma)

"Well back at home it's normal for me to beat up others." (Yamatomo)

"Also can I, Azuma-san?"

"Well I'm not stopping you. Go over there, you'll see our Dojo over there." (Azuma)

"Thank you!"

Scene skip.

As he arrived at the Sakura Empire's Dojo and entered the building. He saw many of the Sakura Empire shipgirls who wield swords here. Of course, they too are training their swordsmanship.

But what Yamatomo's concerned and afraid of is that all of them, I mean most of them wield Nodachis. Japanese swords that reach a length of 150 cm above or 5 feet above. A sword that Yamatomo loved and hated.

I loved it because of how it makes the enemy not charge at him considering the length.

Hated it just vice versa, because he couldn't even get near Nodachi wielders. The same as polearm wielders like the Naginata that he mastered.

Though he got a counter with Nodachi wielders he still struggles.

Well, they seem to be not bothered by his presence unlike the Gym one last week.

There's a vacant dummy to beat up.

So he puts his things on the side and uses his Bokken to beat up the dummy while his Shikomizue is strapped on his right hip.

About 2 hours of beating the crap out of the Dummy.

As he was resting at the side he had an empty bottle so he left his things in the dojo to buy himself a drink.

As he was gone curious onlookers saw his equipment.

One of them got near to his equipment.

And when he said they aren't bothered by his presence they actually did see him go in or out as if he was some kind of ghost.

The one who got near to his equipment and picked up his Bokken was a ship named IJN Takao.

"What a fine textured wooden material." She then swung it around and tested the grip "Comfortable grip, very sturdy, and it's the same weight as my sword. Who could've owned this Bokken?" She thought to herself.

"What's the matter, Sister?" Her sister ship, IJN Atago asked Takao.

"Do you know who owns this Bokken? And this Shikomizue?" Takao asked.

"Mmm- Maybe Kawakaze? Or Maya? Those are the only two people I know that their swords are black colored." (Atago)

"Maybe. Look at this finely built Bokken. It might be able to stop a sword but that's impossible because it's made of wood." (Takao)

And then Yamatomo came back.

"Damn, there are no freshwater drinks here just flavored ones. *Sigh* at least strawberry is on the menu. Hmm?" He saw that his equipment was being minded.

"Hello, you two. What are you doing to my equipment?" Yamatomo asked.

"Wait, this is your Bokken? And Shikamizue?" Takao said.

"Uhuh. These two are actually mine. I mean there is a name at the bottom of the hilt that says "MoHashi". Yamato"Mo" Mazu"Hashi". If you didn't get it." (Yamatomo)

Takao checked the bottom of the hilt and there it was "MoHashi".

"Can you hive back please?" (Yamatomo)

Takao gave him back the Bokken but still, she observed his Shikamizue sword.

"If you're talking about the wooden design it is made by the hardest wood in the world. The Australian Buloke. I paid a very high price and it's worth it. The blade is also made from the strongest metal in the world. Tungsten with a mix of steel. Tungsten steel." He likes to show off sometimes. He is proud of it.

But for some reason, Takao had a better idea.

"Let's have a duel."

"Huh?" (Yamatomo)

"Nani?" (Atago)

And then the whole Dogo heard them.

"S-sister. I think that's not a good idea." Atago tried to defuse the situation but...

"No sister."

"B-but-" she was cut off by Yamatomo.

"No No, let me hear her what she's gonna say." (Yamatomo)

"Let's have a duel. If I win you'll leave this island."

Shocked expression spread throughout the Dojo.

"And if I win?"

As the same for USS Alabama, she didn't think about that.

Well, the cleaning win is out of the idea.

"Hmm... No win condition for me? Well then, if I win, help me cut... 500 logs. Yeah, that seems suitable. And also I heard you are considered the "strongest" so cutting 500 logs is already enough for you."

"Challenge accepted!"

"Great, the match starts in an hour. Let me first get something back at my office."

Then they agreed that their duel would start in an hour.

And of course, the news spread like wildfire.

The gym incident about Alabama challenging Yamatomo in a weightlifting competition. Only 20 people arrived.

But when a duel between Yamatomo and the Sakura Empire's "strongest" swordsman is a big deal. They are gonna fight with swords.

And the number of people attending number over..... Let's say a hundred. All sitting on the sides of the Dojo and many more standing near the entrances of the Dojo.

As for Yamatomo who came back wearing black gloves?

Kaga also heard the commotion but wanted to watch. She actually wanted to make Yamatomo be in his own place.

But he is curious why he is wearing gloves.

As he walked passed her. This is what the gloves look like.


Somehow as he passes her. There is a visible smile on his face.

"This is your first debut gloves. Don't disappoint me." Yamatomo thought.

Blade Resistant Gloves. First widely used for not getting cut by kitchen knives. Now it has become a fighting glove that repels enemy blade attacks but the problem is that it's not good against "stabbing".

First, it was impossible to do because when he requested to make this, the one making it thought it was for design and looks but oh boy he was wrong that it actually worked.

Honestly, the design literally suits his description.

"A Glove that repels swords, not knives."

Reasons why he wanted this because he wanted to move to Hand-to-Hand combat and because he didn't want his palms to be bruised up they needed protection and this was the solution.

And now Yamatomo is on the other side of his box while Takao is on the other.

Well, Kaga wanted to be a referee so.

"If any of you are unable to fight lose and the winner is the last person standing. Players, please sheath your swords."

Takao unsheathes her Sword as it rises high and proudly in the air.

"Your turn."

Yamatomo wasn't impressed when he unsheathed his sword.

No I mean he actually picked the fucking wooden sword to fight her.

"Hey, what is the meaning of this?" Takao asked.

Yamatomo then holds the Bokken in his left hand.

"You see, I'm not a beast that goes all out when hunting a scared- little- rabbit."

"I mean, Unfortunately, I don't carry smaller sharper instruments than this one that is on my right hip."

"But anyways I'm that "unimpressive" when starting fights."

"And also, by the way, don't go easy on me." (Yamatomo)

"As you wish to be humiliated. So be it." (Takao)

As Takao and Yamatomo readied themselves. Kaga raised her hand.

"You two ready?"

"Yes." (Takao)

"Certainly." (Yamato)

"OK. Get set-"

*Takao grips her sword tightly*

*Yamatomo didn't move an inch"


In a flash, Takao was the first to strike.


As she was about to strike down upon Yamatomo.

*Steps back slightly*



Her sword only stabbed the wooden floor.

"M-Masaka!?" (Impossible)

"What? Did you miss-aim?"

"Hmph! The second time the charm!"


*Yamatomo steps aside slightly*

"Grrr! Stop moving!"





The Bokken blocked Takao's vertical strike.

"What? I thought you were the "strongest" here. Well, this is unimpressive. Just like the beggi-"

"Shut up!"




Well, Takao is struggling to find a way to hit him but everything is unsuccessful.

But for Yamatomo he is just.

"This girl is like those competitors below me. Her moves are predictable, with no creative moves. All of it is unnecessary." 


"Could you stop blocking?!" (Takao)

"Could you stop talking?!" (Yamatomo)



As Yamatomo saw a window of opportunity he forcefully kicked her in the stomach to back her off.

"*Body Language* See."


Yamatomo blocked 3 major strikes.

Yamatomo wanted to play with her for a bit.

So as she swings down on him he effortlessly dodges her attack and taps the floor next to her legs.

As she moved slightly she almost tripped over.

"Ohoh my fucking God she almost tripped over. Why is it fucking funny?" That smile of his only makes Takao more pissed.

For him, it is like fighting the Amateurs back at Sapporo. But the spectators, are shocked as if a master swordsman is getting beaten by an unknown opponent who challenged her.

He did tap many parts of her body and as he counted. Over 68 taps. That's literally below average for the amateurs having more than 75 taps.

As he was having none of it.


Yamatomo quickly grabbed her wrist, threw his Bokken away, and immediately sheathed his Shikamizue. Pointing literally to her abdomen.

"I think this is my win."

*Pushes Takao to the ground."

"I win."

Everyone is in utter disbelief.

"Th-the winner is- Mazuhashi!" Kaga announced.

Well nobody actually supported Yamatomo from the beginning but the fight was very cool so they cheered.

Well, he didn't use gloves yet because he wasn't that confident but...

*Reaches his hand to Takao*

"Get up, Miss Takao. You'll still have many things to learn from the sword."

Takao meanwhile didn't know what to do but just blushed lightly.

Sure she can just slap his hand away so that she can get up by herself but with this humiliation, she cannot even get up properly.

But she grabbed his hand anyway. Two gloves, black and white touched. Yamatomo helped Takao on her feet.

"Thanks." She said.

"You're welcome. I'm a good sportsman so I don't usually humiliate people that much." (Yamatomo)


"Well, you're an exception so I wanted to teach you your place." He smiled.


"Ahh, well. I'm hungry. So see you later."

As he was packing up his stuff. He then left.

This new Commander kept surprising them more and more. To the point, maybe they can give him a second chance.


To be continued.

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