

After acquiring food, we decided to... Stretch our legs. Retreating to our guest room, I sat cross-legged.

"Just do what you did when you turned into a wolf... only be a cat." Leo casually stated, leaning against the wall facing the bed.

I opened an eye to peek at him and shushed him before concentrating again.

I pictured Sooty in my mind this time, and my body began to warm. It felt sickening, but it was not as painful. My muscles shrunk instead of ripping. Bones ached instead of snapping.

The morph was much calmer.

Opening my eyes, the room was much brighter and more prominent. Looking down, I saw furry white paws.

"Cute. Fluffy and white."

I stood and stretched, feeling the pull in my spine and legs. It felt good.

"I'm ready."


We huddled under the covers. The cold wintery morning air made the room chill.

"We need to give her a chance," I murmured, rolling over onto my stomach.

"Hm," Leo pinched his brows lightly, "After laying everything out, I'm wondering what else is pish."


He laughed lightly, "Rubbish, crap..."

My mind wandered to what Morgan and the crow lady said.



"...What if we can't fix it?"

"Then, we enjoy our time together."

"You wouldn't want to call it quits?"

Leo's eyes opened, looking down at me, "Would you?"


Was I Selfish?


"What past lives have you met so far?" Morgan asked, flicking through a small notepad.

"Only two. Anna, Edward and, more recently, Rose and William."

She nodded, looking through some notes.

"Well, without you two here, I found one more. To break a cycle, we have to find out what started it. As the necklace seems to be key, we must follow it through the lifetimes. Let's look back at one life you already know."

Morgan picked up an object cloaked in black velvet and settled onto the floor near the fire. She tapped the rug on either side of her.

"Have you scried before?"

"A few times. Fire, water, even a crystal ball..." I mentioned.

"Any luck?"

"Not really. The first time, we got something new. But then, nada." Leo answered.

"Well, this is a family heirloom. An obsidian scrying mirror."

Morgan pulled the black velvet off the object, revealing a smooth black surface reflecting everything within its structure. She pushed it in between Leo and I.

"Hold hands and lean in around it. Let's start with Anna and Edward."

We did as we were told. My hair brushed the polished surface. I quickly put it up in a bun before continuing.

"You can control what you see."

Morgan passed her hand between the mirror and us, and a grey mist overtook the polished surface.

"The hardest part is meditating and focusing on the same 'scene' if you will."

"The house," Leo murmured to me. I nodded.

Relaxing into our seated position, our foreheads touched, resting against one another. My eyes began to unfocus as my mind went quiet, thinking about nothing but the Victorian house Edward lived in.

Slowly, the image formed in the mist. We were in.


"Hello, Edward," Anna curtsied.

I squeezed my hand, feeling Leo's hand still in mine.

Back... where was the necklace before this?

I heard Morgans's voice. It was far away. I remember. Anna had seen it in a jewellery store.

I blinked slowly. I was seeing the front of a shop window. It was filled with rings, broaches, and necklaces. A small umbrella twirled in an absent mind. Unknowing the man who looked over her shoulder.

"See something Anna?"

She jumped, "Edward! Sorry, I was miles away."

"I could tell. Do you like it?"

Anna was taken aback, "Like what?"

"That necklace?" Edward gestured to the necklace that was at the centre of the window.

"Oh! Well, it is pretty and modern. I heard pearls are the fashion over in the Americas."

"That they are," Edward confirmed, watching the small smile grow on her face.

The necklace is laid on a faux neckline. The black is a stark contrast against the bright pearls. It looked beautiful. Anna's expression changed to one of hesitation.



"I must tell you. My aunt sent for me this morning," She worried, turning away from the display.

"How long until I see you again?" Edwards's voice was forlorn.

"A month." Anna looked down, upset.

"Then a month we wait," he reassured.

Edward held out his hand as a carriage pulled up at their side.

"My Lady."

Edward ensured she was sitting perfectly in the back. "See you soon."


Continue forward. Follow the necklace.

The necklace was removed from the window, and Edward stepped out after a few moments with a large square in his hands.

It was placed on a wooden table inside the house. It lay open until he gave it to her.

The carriage pulled up in front of the house. Anna all but rushed inside to greet him.


I tensed, seeing a crow land on the windowsill. That was new. The couple did not react to it at all.

Several times, we have seen this life. The crow never once appeared.

CAW! "Leave him."

I leapt back, pulling away from the meditation and Leo.

"What was that?" Morgan asked.

"That's not happened before," I muttered, "There has never been a crow there before."

"A crow?" Leo asked.

"You didn't see it? In the window? It was quite loud."

Leo's head shook slowly.

'Only I saw it?' I sighed in confusion.

"It said something to you. Didn't it?" Morgan speculated.

"I think... Can subconscious thoughts affect scrying?"

"Of course."

My hand covered my face, rubbing my eyes. I recalled the dream from the train and told them both of my nightmare. I felt tired just thinking about it.


"And you don't know who it was?" Morgan asked, noting the dream down in the notebook.

"No... I don't think so."

"Hm. It could have been subconscious. Do you think you can continue?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"You're sure?" Leo pipped in, holding up his hands.

I nodded, taking a deep breath, "We got this."

I retook his hands, and his thumb soothed the back of my hand. I knew what he was thinking. Why didn't I tell him before?



We were right back into it. I could feel the tears building. No matter how many times I saw it, I felt it... It still affected me.

Can we follow the crooks?

Crooks? The two men? Slowly, the scene reversed to the carriage pulling around the corner. I could smell the burning tobacco.

"Here she is."

The man blew out the smoke from his mouth. As the carriage pulled closer, they murmured amongst themselves, forming a plan.

The realisation hit me at their words, 'They knew... They knew I would be here.'

"You take out the footman, no beating around the bush, just use the knife. I will get the girlie."

Putting out the cigarette, they freaked out the horses, forcing them to stop.

"Just what do you think you're doing-!" "Easy there, Gov."

The culprit held up his hands, coming around to the side of the carriage. He immediately pulled out the knife and climbed onto the front. Stabbing the footman.

Anna never screamed until she was touched by the other man reaching for her. They took everything: Money, jewels, and the necklace snapped.

"Boss said no survivors."

A quick stab to the side, and he twisted it upwards—a fatal puncture of a lung.


The two unknown men fled to the carriage and took it to get away from the scene.


A murder of crows flocked around, encircling the carriage.

I see them.

Morgan's voice allowed me reprieve. They circled tighter and tighter as we watched, obscuring the image. The two men unhooked the horses from the carriage and fled to the outskirts. We could see mouths move, but crows' cawing covered their speech.

My head ached, and my shoulders tensed, straining to hear and watch where the two men went.

The image went black.


I gazed at Leo's eyes linking mine. We were focusing on the wrong thing all this time.

"Beware the crow," Leo muttered, "Is there anything we can do to push through?"

Morgan hummed, "Unfortunately not unless we can return in time, which I don't recommend trying. You know as well as I that time travel is impossible for mortals like us. That power lies in souls and deities."

"At least no magic was reflected."

"What do you mean?" Leo asked, our hands still connected.

"With scrying, if someone knows you are looking at them or if protected by a spell,"-she gestured to the mirror, "Like so, they can give some nasty stuff to you."


"How are you both feeling?"

"Tired." We both chimed.

I couldn't help but a little laugh.

"'Tis expected and well done for a first deep dive. You have uncovered a bit more. Just be careful and vigilant tonight."

I looked at her confused, prompting her to continue, "In case you are pulled into the Astral. I am still unsure how you can both do it so easily..."

Leo and I shared a look of shock, "We thought that was you pulling us in...?"

"Me?" She laughed like tiny bells at Yule, "Goddess, no. It takes me a good month to recover. The two times I joined you in the astral was me pulling you in; the other times, I played no part."


"By the way..." Morgan trailed, setting down a bowl of vegetables on the table, "Little May told me her hamster has gone missing. She seems to think two cats had a late-night snack..."

She gave a knowing smile.

"I never saw a hamster," Leo said nonchalantly.

I kicked him lightly under the table. She laughed at the remark.

"Well, I never met two witches who could morph easily... Interesting."

"Lexi was admiring the neighbours' flowery herb garden." Leo nudged my elbow slightly.

"I was wondering how they managed to get basil to grow! I have been struggling for years." I exacerbated.

"Gordon's Garden... If you ask nicely, I'm sure he will let you take a cut... or even better, a small plant. I'll introduce you tomorrow."


Morgan was kind enough to provide more blankets for the colder nights. The cottage had a significant lack of heating besides an open fire and a coal bedpan.

"Geez, your feet are freezing!" Leo jumped and pulled away as I climbed into bed.

"Oh, come on! You're really warm! Please?" I pouted.

He rolled his eyes and grudgingly let me come closer. Pulling the many blankets over us, the cold didn't hit as badly.

"You are colder than a witch's tit..." Leo grunted yet pulled me closer.

I was in heaven. Although the house was older, the bed was soft, and the blankets were soft and fluffy.

"You didn't tell me about your nightmare..."

I took a breath before responding, "I-I have been burdening you with my nightmares too much recently... Plus, I didn't think much of it until-" "Lair," he said softly.

My eyebrows scrunched at his accusation. Before I could reply, he continued.

"Yesterday... you asked what would happen if we couldn't fix this... I know you, Lexi."

I sighed, Mr Right.

"Alright... Yes. It was on my mind... Morgan has a point, too; it would be more painful to-"

He pressed a finger to my lips, "Don't finish that."

"But Leo-" "Nope."

Annoyed at his constant interrupting, my voice raised slightly, "Just list-" "Shh, go to sleep."

This time, I sat up and made sure my anger was evident. I faced him only to be tackled onto the soft bed, "Leo!"

He kissed me.

"Sto-" kiss

"I'm trying-" kiss.

He held me gingerly and didn't pull back until I relaxed slightly.

"I am not leaving you," he stressed.

"What if you have to?" I said it all before he interrupted me with a kiss again.

"Over my dead body."

"Hilarious-" Kiss.

I grinned into this one.

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