
chapter 43 : THE BRUTALITY

The chapter contains torture and some disturbing scenes. So be advised.

And remember friends FK TAEJIN.

Recap: System had brutalized sameoul and sb ui. Beacuse of it. Jake who was about to action. Is stopped by medical genius. Which told jake to help him. Get the injured to the medical room.

Taejin who watched the guys who he thought will defend him. Leave this shocked him, Making him furious, And seeing how even when goo is fighting him.

He is in constant danger so, When he sees goo losing he turns to tom and promised him, The information about garpyoung death and the reason for jiyoung current condition.

Tom didn't belived it first but the mention of king of Seoul got him to accept. And he joined the fight. Taejin didn't wanted to take any chances to he gave goo a sword. Now lets start our finale

Story starts here :

System hearing the rob voice. And how it gave him time, Before he will be forcefully transferred back to the his universe.

So seeing taejin standing and goo begin a friend protecter. And tom also wanting smoke.

System made the desicion. Since they both want to catch hands. He will MAKE SURE THEY CATCH THEM HARD.

System looked at them. Goo with sword and tom lee making a fist and stressing his only hands fingers.

The aura released by him. Has already put them both on guard. System was about to say something.

But goo attacked. He blitz to system face. Performing a downward slash. Quick thinking.

System steps to the side to avoid. But goo expected it. So the downward slash. Changed it course to a cross slash. Aimed to sever the leg of his opponent.

Seeing this change system jumped to avoid, The slash he puts his other foot behind the balde.

Pushing it in the ground while goo was holding it. Making goo trip a bit forward. Aiming a quick upper cut at his face. But before it could connect.

Swissh stab.. drip drip.

Taejin pov __

I had everything. Power , money , respect. And most importantly. I had control over all of it.

Begin born in a village with people believing a god, Can get you many benefits. If you can play cards right.

His father played them like a champion. He wanted to do the same. But he knew as long as his father is alive.

He will have to wait to get them in his hands. So he did what anyone in his situation will do. He waited.

While waiting he learned Many things form his father. He learned how easily you can fool people into becoming your loyal minions.

While he learned it all. He also learned the vad habits.

He was 6 years old. As he saw what his father did with that female devote. His mind couldn't understand what was his father doing.

But later when he asked his father about it. The reply he recived. Was imprinted into his head permanently.

"Ask me why shouldn't i do it. They all are mine, The male the female. At my one order. If i ask someone to die they will die. But since your too young allow me to explain in easy words".

Getting in a crouching position. He places his hand over his head and spoke those golden words to him.

" Fools are always get taken advantage of, Remember it taejin. They are simply fools and i am their god. Your a son of god. Taejin. You are born to rule over them hahahahahhaha ".

That's right. He was a son of god born to rule. While taejin was on cloud 9 with such a secert his father forgot to tell him. One thing.

God killers are also a thing. But he will soon realize. The difference. The mouth call god vs the god slayer.

So fast forward to the night when he saw his god. Begin under someone feet. He felt he was lied to.

His father was not a god. He was a mortal pretending to be a god. But he taejin is the true god.

That night 83 people were killer. He many of them die. He saw how they took last breaths.

He also saw the guy who did it. So when he died with his father he was happy. But how could a god not avenge.

His father's defeat. And humiliation. So he wanted to inflicte the same to the people who were around him.

So when he heard about his sister. He drooled. Form his mouth. Imagining various unhealthy things. In his mind.

But his imagination remined only his imagination.

So to his surprise the guy who was dead. Is now standing infornt of him. He who was dead.

Came back and humiliated him. Taejin wondered why he didn't killed him. But his mind soon understood his plot.

The plot of making him live in shame knowing how he was done dirty. The thought made him furious.

Furious enough to damage his brain. Into digging his own grave.

He wanted to personally kill him. But he soon realized it was impossible. He was stronger and faster them.

His grip strength. His kudo his pride all were trampled on. He used the same moves to defeat him.

So mocking him and his dead sister to get back to him. Seemed a great plan to him.

So using goo and tom. He made sure the guy was dead. Or in a condition where he can personally kill him.

What he didn't know was gow wrong he was.

Pov end__

Happy. He was way to Happy, It was like the most happiest thing that ever happened in his life.

He felt this feeling was even more intoxicating then drug's.

Taejin can't describe the current feeling. Tom stabbed him. And goo taking opportunity landed a sword slash.

Taejin screamed mocking him. "HAHAHAHAA, How's thats how does it feel losing. You lost something prescious that day. Now you will lose your life also, Pretty end for something as disturbing as your".

Before he could finish the sentence. He saw tom expression change, Looking down tom saw.

His wrist grabbed. Stopping him form moving forward. Tom tired stabbing system in the side lf stomach. While he was busy stopping goo.

But before his fingers stab any further then a single finger quarter. He felt his wirst grabbed. He felt he can't pull it back, he couldn't pull arm or push it.

His instincts flared warning him alot. Its like an alram blaring in his ears warning him, The danger was something that was beyond. He felt he would die.

But as tom accepted his end. Goo pulled katana back form under feet. Taking it out. Goo uses a spinning reverse downward slash.

Form shadow fight 2 one.

The slash connected, Drawing form soulder to tom fingers, But to his dismay tom frees his arm before, he could chop them off.

Taking a step back tom looked at goo, As sweat dripled form his face. Tom looked at goo and spoke in a grim tone

"Did you felt it, He is something else, He is beyond him. If we held back we will die. As much as i hate it, Working together will ensure we both live".

Goo knows many things about tom. And one of them is tom, Almost never lies. But seeing the look in his eyes. Goo knows its serious.

Goo looking at the masked guy feel, speaks without making eye contact with tom, "This is the only time, i will be working with you, Don't expect me to work sith you for a second time, old man. And also if I think you're holding me back. I will cut you".

Hearing goo' reply, Tom also fixes his gaze at the man who made him feel this threatened. So the teamwork starts between the 2 of them.

Tom was about to speak something, but is stopped, By an on coming attack. Goo looks at the movement.

He feels that they are sluggish and full of holes. Looking at system who's move set has changed completely form skilled to not so skilled.

Shocks tom. But tom will soon realize, How much strength has an impact on moves.

Tom attempts to block the sluggish, Upper cut. As it connects, boommmm

Like a explosion, Tom is sent flying away. The sluggish style fooled everyone, The style lf pure strength.

The style of a standing man. Hanyama kaoru.

One of the definitions of what pure strength is in Baki.

Tom the hand which was used to block, Is dangling down. Blood comes out of his mouth. The single Punch did that much damage.

The State of tom shocks goo to core, A single punch to do this much damage, goo now feels the situation much worse then expected.

One wrong move he will die. He ks confident in his durability, But he is not durable as tom. One punch did that much damage which was blocked. A straight one might kill him, Instantly

What goo didn't expect was, That was, He will be defeated at his own game.

This moment goo felt, He should have let gun handle it. But knowing he can't turn back time, He braces himself for the upcoming brawl.

Goo takes the stance, both hands near shoulder and katana pointing forward. Exhaling. Goo now fixes his eyes making sure, to not end up same as Tom.

Goo and system clashed, their clash produced dust,. Which obstructed taejin vision, He can't see what is happening up.

But he knows one thing, If goo lost he wont end up, In a single piece.

The answer lf his question came soon. As goo was thrown out of the dust clouds. With slash marks over Many place.

The cloud mysteriously cleared, As system held the sword, which had goo blood on, The secene is shocking for taejin.

He now regrets, Mocking him, System now fixes his eyes on him.

Slowly walking toward him, With a sword in his hand. Each step was like a drum beat in taejin ears.

Sweat falls form his head, each step system took taejin took one back. Now taejin back bumps in the wall.

Hiissss. Taejin feels his heart in his throat. So he did something to save him self.

Tears start to fall form his eyes. Getting on his knees he apologies. " I am Sorry pls forgive me, Let me live please, I promise to never do anything like it again".

System looks at him. His eyes showing no emotion. But crouching down, system speaks in a low claming tone.

" Shiissh don't worry, I won't kill you". Looking at the katana in his hand. He looks back at taejin. And continues

" I will just put this somewhere deep, While making sure you live. Making you Wish i killed you instantly".

Hearing this, taejin gets angry and wildly swings his arm at system. While screaming. "You you how dare you mock me once again".

But this attempt fails. Taejin feels something is wrong. And he feels a grip over his teeth.

Attempting to bite it. But feels something else in his mouth, He sees the katana in his mouth.

System speaks while clicking his tounge "Bad manners, For that wild attack krs gonna cost you a tooth".

System pulls down while grabbing taejin front upper tooth.

Riiiipppp, blood starts to pour out of it.

Pain assaulted his brain. He spins over the ground. While painfully screaming. System speaks once again "oohh shut up big baby, Just pulled a tooth out. Don't make such fuss. But tell me something, what do you think steel taste like, Even if your not curious you will find about it soon".

Grabbing the sword tip Breaking it.

Seeing such a secene taejin starts to back away trying to run. But fails.

Looking at this action. System speaks with a tone promising pain and suffering"What did you said before, A ripe peach. Right, Since i promised you a pain. I will keep my words. As i am a man of my words".

Taejin scream was heard in the whole building. With tearing and ripping sounds also begin heard in the building.

Story ends here.

Tell me what you think about the chapter. If you think i messed up. Tell me. And also if you like the story leave a comment.

It will help me be motivated. Thanks for all the stones and your support. I am thankful for your support.

Hope you keep supporting me like this. Have a good day or night peace. Author out.

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