
CHAPTER 13 : meeting gun and school exam.

Story starts here.

With fraud arc ended, We see a beaten woojin and his other 2 lackeys walking around. With the girl who pfp was used to do the fraud with them. Woojin feelings are complicated, He is happy to get away form them and also angry on them, But he knows he cannot get revenge on them. 

While walking they encounter someone unexpected, Gun who saw the whole ordeal, and had yui informed him of the whole situation, Woojin seeing gun bows his head to show respect and says " I did not know you were in the area sir, if I had known the whole school had come to pay respect, I hope I don't offend ya by asking your reason for coming here, and we can help you with information or anything else".


Gun looks at woojin not understanding what he meant with a simple response " I have my own reasons to be here, and I am sure you would also not like to be involved in my matter. If your done with respects and shits scram, weak people don't interest me". 


Woojin still kept his head down even with gun calling him, he not dared to show anger, He saw someone form behind him walk to the side of gun, Woojin starts to sweat he can recognize these shoes and pants anywhere he see, many might be thinking why is woojin showing such reaction to shoes and pants. Cause the guy who defeated their 18 guys, all while keeping a smile on his face.


The man showed no signs of sweat or changed his face during the whole fight. Not daring to raise his head. He turns and leaves wanting for that monster to not notice him. But he did not needed to do anything like that, Cause the strong never pay any attention to weak.

System who was using Daniel second body opens the car door and sits in the cars back seat, Gun sits in the car drives off. While driving Gun asked "What's your answer about being my successor".

The response of the system said "Before I answer that I would like you to answer my question first, Who sorry my wrong way to ask, why did you asked yui to spy on me, I guess I deserve the title of the sharpest mind, Don't you think". 


Gun did not change face and answered "I just wanted to see if my upcoming successor has any link with illegal connections, You must have also understood by now. How serious I am about my successors links, I can make anyone my successor but if he starts dealing with dru** and other s***t, This just dragging my name in the mud". 

Hearing this system says "Not gonna lie but I thought you worked in d*** and other sh***s, You just refreshed my views about you. So since you answered that question it's only fair I answer your. With it begin". Taking a big dramatic pause.

Then system says "Being your successor is a title. which many will kill their close ones to take. But the hard part is Meeting Your requirements, as I am sure gun. You already disqualified them all your current running candidates".

  Gun after hearing Daniel response. Says " Being my successor is not about strength. It's also not about being a smart leader . And it's also not only making a crew. What I am looking in my successor. Is for him to have all qualities. Smart. Strong. Loyalty. Last but not least ruthless but not to the point he goes around killing any one he thinks is a problem to him".

Hearing gun states his requirements system sighs and  says " now that's is almost impossible. To find all of them in a single one. Heck even I am sure. Your already destined to not find any successor. But your lucky cause that's where came in the picture. With my over smarts and handsome looks. I am sure you don't want a simple successor. What you want is a monster ".  Then gun replies with single yes.

system thinks and says" I will become your successor. As I now have all qualities for your perfect monster. But I am currently not ready, now before you start to feel disappointed. To help me get ready you come in the play ".

with system thinking ' jakekim . sameoulseo . Elijhang . Johan,' . with system saying "what do you think. what will their reactions be when you will tell them. That their disqualified. What do you think about the hope you gave them all . Just go with your 3 words. Will they attack you, even if they did they will lose, so the next best thing will be to find a light or a way you can say".

As then guns after thinking a while a huge smiles comes on his face as he says "You want to become their new hope. You want my failed successor's. To become your loyal and strong crew members. isn't it right Daniel. And here i thought you were only good at fighting. But your also calculating. But i don't think it will work for everyone".

As then gun thinks of ' jakekim reasons . sameoul goals. and eli family. As he knows it might only work for Johan but not for everyone'.

After a while  daniel speaks " you are right gun_san. It might not work for everyone. but who said i need everyone. I only need some not all. as you know 4 tigers cannot be in  a single room unless they are kept in a cage or are well trained . As with all my confidence . I am sure to keep all four tigers. but even without those trained tigers . I am sure to rule all of seoul".  System was about to continue. He sees that he is near his house area. As he tells gun to stop. 

As daniel is about to leave he hears gun say to him "You are different form my current list of successor. unlike them you have no goal. Reasons. Or drive yet. Why you want to become my successor. So tell me Daniel park what reason you have to accept my offer to become my successor. Tell me". After daniel hearing what gun said to him. He replies with a smirk. " you will know time gun_san in time

As after saying this system using daniel second body leaves the car as he leaves gun thinks to himself  'How he become what he is today. With strength. status. or was it his Destiny to become. shiro oni. But he knows one thing. what ever is going inside big daniel head will shake the whole seoul '. As he drives away.

as then system enters the house seeing little daniel. He thinks about his goal. ' Was it to change little daniel fate to make it easy to reach his goal. Or was it to relive. as he was afraid what came after death. But he cannot think of any answer to settle on. But he knows one thing and that its time  to use zoe quest reward. As it will help both him and daniel to become strong '.

As after entering he speaks " I am home".  he sees little daniel running toward him. As looking at daniel face. system thinks what might be wrong. but his worries are soon eased as little daniel says "My exams in school are about to happen soon . And i have not studied anything",

As system says " So what. Go and start studying. so you get good grades". As then little daniel replies in a low voice. "I am bad at math". As this response tells me everything . I need to know. As I say "Well good luck with your exam". As then little daniel seeing system using second body sit down. He asks "system tell me does second body have a good brain. As its also good at fighting". 

System suing second body replies "No. You use second body as you take over the body. This body brain is in a good condition. But this body has no ability to move on it's own as we both takeover to move this body. So this body brain is the same as your first body". As little daniel is thinking the phone rings. As then seeing the caller both bodies get quite as then little daniel picks up the phone.

  as then he says "Hello mom how are you?". As then form other side hears mom say " I am fine son how are you. I heard your mid term exams are coming soon are you studying well". As then  both system and little daniel hear someone speaking to " Could you wipe this table".  As then mom says " i would call you later when i finish the work".

As then system using big daniel says " She is working in a restaurant. Well we cannot let the mom down now so get to studying now. with your stats we might have a advantage remembering some things. we can always asks duke. jay, and zoe for help with studying". as then after hearing system telling him. 

He replies "Yeah i have time before exams". As that night both daniel stayed awake studying. 

As the next morning. In school big daniel approaches jay. As he says "hello jay. i see you get top position. can you please help me study as i am weak in math's". As jay simply nods. As then system who was inside daniel head seeing jay just nod and daniel making words.

He thinks 'looks like daniel also has another talent to read minds. Now after exam using the quest reward will be helpful for both me and daniel. As those 2 rewards will surely boost us both '. As then system seeing two pending rewards form zoe quest.




Now as these 2 rewards will greatly boost me and daniel. As system thinks 'upgrade token can definitely upgrade me. I am thinking what kind of upgrade am i going to get. But the second reward is definitely important for us both '.

As then after thinking all the pros and cons of the rewards. system sees jay giving daniel notes and other helping guide. After school daniel goes with duke to study. As the duke and big daniel are studying. 

people looking at them thinks big daniel is helping. As they talk " Look at him. he is with his servant". As more and more random talk starts happening. big daniel thinks ' The eyes on duke. I also feel them. its like my little body. if i was in my little body will they look at me like that'

Daniel and system both of them were getting annoyed hears a sentence which pisses both daniel and system.  "look at that pig. he should commit suicide". As then without thinking daniel using big body uses "BLOODLUST".  As then everyone in library feels they are being suffocated. It's like someone is holding their neck. As then duke tells daniel to clam down.

After making such a fuss everyone is looking at daniel with fear in their eyes. As then daniel says "you should never joke about someone commenting a suicide". As then they leave. during night both bodies are studying with zoe.

As system using big body is doing a math problem. As they both are being guided by zoe. As she is more focusing on little daniel. As little daniel is getting distracted by zoe clothing. 

  zoe leaves little daniel looks at the system using big body says  " I think will ace tomorrow exam". As then the system using big body gives him a thumbs up and says" Definitely . You got this you studied hard .And i am sure you will get the top position. lets make mom proud together". 

After hearing what system said daniel feels his eyes getting wet. As he remembers how mom is working hard. after wiping his moist eyes with a stern look he says " I will definitely make mom proud. I will get first position tomorrow".


During exam daniel easily remembers all the  answers to most problems. As he thinks to him self 'I learned this problem with jay. this with duke. and this with zoe. and most of this questions were also practiced by me with system over looking me. i will definitely get top position '.

As the exam ends. daniel hears system telling him " Good work daniel . you worked hard during these days. no matter what ever is the result. just remember i am proud of you. but don't make this a habit being on top. The world does not like people sitting on the top for long. Work harder then before we need to stay on this top seat".

After a while of waiting to which daniel felt like were years. He sees everyone congratulating him. As then he sees class president crying. he thinks to himself. 'what is this feeling. is this real everyone is congratulating him. But he feels sad for class president '. As then he hears system telling him "don't worry about him. In this world some people are happy for someone success. while some are not happy. while some cry blaming their fate. while out of them all very less people try to change their self. Remember this daniel in this world. strength and a person will to change him self matters. Don't think about anyone else he is sad due to his low efforts. He thought he can easily keep his second position. So he did not work hard enough. Even if he worked hard. He never thought about changing him self. As this lead to his down fall".

As then daniel understanding a little nods to himself. As then after school ends . daniel calls his mom. After hearing the news daniel coming first in his exam his mother is very happy. After talking to her for a while daniel goes to home seeing his little body which system is using to cook.

As then daniel sets table for 2 people as then. both start eating. As then system speaks "You have a quest reward you forgot to receive". Little daniel confused and asked what were the rewards/

As then daniel sees the rewards 





As then daniel asks system "what should i do with this?." As then system replies "use upgrade token on me and after that use teacher token. As you know about your ability copy most fighting styles. just by looking at them at once. But what are you lacking is someone to teach you proper combat. you can beat anyone but without  experience you can easily be taken down. As you know one wrong move and your surrounded or worse knocked out by a sneak attack".

then little daniel realizing it all. Says to system "OK. i got it. After upgrading you use teacher token to get a powerful teacher to teach me combat knowledge".








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