
Chapter 422: The Prince Of Thieves

This art party was located just across from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and is among the many popular events leading up to METGALA in early May.

Martin made a special request for Mene to accompany him, and Daniel assisted in securing an additional METGALA ticket.

Upon arriving on Fifth Avenue and stepping into the front room of the private club hosting the party, Martin encountered Alexandra.

She wore a striking red one-shoulder evening dress that hugged her figure, exuding a sense of weightiness.

Next to Alexandra stood a younger girl, resembling her in appearance, height, and hair colour, but the difference in their bust sizes made it clear who the older and younger sisters were.

The age gap was evident, with Alexandra's younger sister at least two sizes smaller.

Alexandra introduced her sister Catherine to Martin, saying, "This is my sister Catherine. She also enjoys performing and came just to join the fun."

Catherine, lively and enthusiastic, grabbed Martin's arm, exclaiming, "Can we take a group photo?"

Martin nodded, replying, "No problem."

Catherine handed her phone to Alexandra, instructing, "Capture me looking more beautiful and Martin more handsome. Don't shoot us like you do with your parents, ten years older."

Alexandra shrugged, remarking, "I can't help it; that's just my style."

Mene joined in, offering, "How about I give it a try?"

Having practised photographing women in their forties and fifties, Mene suggested he could make them look several years younger.

Alexandra handed her phone to Mene, who squatted down and skillfully captured the shot from bottom to top, emphasizing long legs.

After a few pictures, Mene returned the phone to Catherine, who expressed delight, saying, "You take great pictures." Mene smiled and encouraged her to take more.

Catherine then turned her attention back to Martin, expressing her desire to show off the photo at school and assert her status among her peers.

Martin graciously replied, "The photo belongs to you; you can show it to anyone."

Alexandra signalled to move inside, and the party's artistic atmosphere unfolded with sculptures, abstract paintings, crafts, and clothing designs scattered around. Modern art filled the space as people sipped drinks, engaging in elegant conversations amidst diverse works of art.

Recognizing the age gap between the Alexandra sisters and himself, Mene sought to give Martin some private space, casually finding a reason to mingle with the older women in the art circle.

While conversing with the Daddario sisters, Martin led them into the areas of clothing design and art that piqued their interest.

Unexpectedly, they bumped into an acquaintance.

Angela Lindvall spotted Martin and approached to greet him. Martin introduced her to the Daddario sisters.

Aware of Martin's qualities from attending supermodel pre-wedding parties, Angela directly asked, "Is this your new girlfriend?"

Martin, unfazed, responded, "Alexandra is my friend in New York." Wanting to steer away from the topic, he inquired, "Don't you usually work with KK? Why didn't you see her?"

Angela revealed the news about KK's health issues, stating that Victoria's Secret had terminated her contract due to a thyroid-related illness causing weight gain.

Concerned about their friendship, Angela urged Martin to visit KK, who was in New York.

Rewrite this.

Angela smiled sheepishly: "It will take a few days before she comes to New York. I'll call you when the time comes."

Martin responded: "Okay."

Angela glanced at Alexandra and Catherine who took the initiative to stay away, and said: "I wish you a pleasant night."

Martin couldn't help laughing. : "I'm filming in Studio in Brooklyn. You are welcome to visit the studio. I will treat you to special food."

Angela thought of something and said: "It has been a long time since I tasted your special food. A student from New York University told me that according to her professor of biology said that the special food from. energetic people can help women to beautify and maintain their beauty."

Martin was surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

"We will have to experiment with it then." Angela quickly left here.

Martin returns to Alexandra.

The latter asked curiously: "Are you familiar with supermodels?"

Martin said to himself, more than familiar, he had talked about the depth of these supermodels who often participated in the Victoria's Secret catwalk many times, and they had also tried on the length many times.

"Leonardo and I are best friends." He always likes to tell the truth: "You should have heard that Leo is very familiar with the supermodel circle. I attended Heidi Klum and Alexander Ann with Leo. Brosio's pre-wedding party, I am also familiar with people like Victoria's Secret."   

Alexandra smiled, not knowing what she was thinking, and suddenly said: "Originally, I wanted to develop into the modelling industry, but I couldn't do it when I was fifteen."

Martin was very cooperative and asked: "Why? Your parents don't agree."

Alexandra looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, and made a gesture to support her breasts: "People in the fashion industry don't want me."

Catherine was straightforward: "People in model training institutions don't want her. Her breasts are too big."

Martin didn't know how to answer for a while.

Catherine added: "Those ignorant fools don't think about it. Alexandra's body is very strong. It can hold up any kind of clothes hanging on her." Alexandra pretended to be annoyed: "That's enough

"Shut up."

Catherine curled her lips and stopped talking.

Another person came over to say hello to Martin. There was nothing we could do about it. He was now famous, highly recognizable, and had great commercial value.

While Martin was walking away to talk to someone, Alexandra said to Catherine: "You are too direct."

"I'm assisting you, idiot!" Catherine looked like she was thinking about her sister: "I'm telling you Martin, what is your greatest advantage? Let him pay attention to your advantages! No matter how proud the boy is in the school, he will be tempted when he sees someone as big as you."

Alexandra was quite helpless: "When filming, I directly pressed on his body and arms, but he didn't react at all."

Catherine said: "You are stupid, be simple and direct, if you want to sleep with him, just sleep with him! For a high-quality man like him, wait until he leaves New York It will be difficult for you to meet again."

She is not a light-saving lamp: "If you don't want to sleep, just make some time, don't occupy it, don't get in the way."

Alexandra rolled her eyes in anger: " You are only 16 years old, 16 years old!"

Catherine disagreed: "What happened to 16 years old? Do you have no freedom and human rights at 16 years old?" On the

other side, the person who came to greet Martin was a producer who often collaborates with Scorsese Lanham-King.

Martin had just collaborated with him on "The Departed" and was relatively familiar with him.

Graham also introduced a middle-aged man to Martin and said: "This is Chuck Hogan, a novelist from Boston."

He looked at Martin again: "I don't need to introduce Martin, right?"

Chuck Hogan stepped forward to shake Martin's hand and said, "You did an outstanding job in The Departed. As a Bostonian, I felt like you were a native Bostonian after watching it." Because of Graham, Martin was quite polite

"Because I have experienced life in Boston for a long time, I realized that it is a city with a long tradition, and many touching stories are happening in the city." Graham said with a smile: "You two don't have to be so polite,

Assistant Director Seth is a good friend of ours."

Martin asked: "I heard that preparations for a new project directed by Scorsese are about to begin?" "

"Yes, your good brother, Leo, will come to New York soon ." Graham simply said: "I'll come over first to make preparations. Director Scorsese is very demanding this time. The preparations may last for a year. That guy Leo is going to be unlucky. He may have to enter a mental hospital. To experience life."

Upon hearing the news, Martin's face lit up. "I'll give Leo a call when I get back to boost his spirits."

Graham chuckled, steering the conversation back to Chuck Hogan. "Are you selling a novel? The person in front of you can promote adaptation."

He then turned to Martin, praising Chuck. "Although Chuck isn't widely known, he possesses outstanding talent. In literary circles, some of his works are even compared to Stephen King."

Chuck modestly dismissed it, saying, "It's just a joke among friends, can't be taken seriously."

Seeing Martin's perplexed expression, Graham explained, "In the next few years, I have to oversee a new film project for Director Scorsese and assist him in filming an HBO drama about Prohibition. I don't have time." Chuck, undeterred, appealed to Martin, "If you have time, could you read my novel? It's a story about Boston."

Most novelists dream of adapting their works. Even if the film or TV adaptation falls through, the novel's sales typically see a significant boost, not to mention potential copyright income.

Though Martin hadn't heard of Chuck's reputation, considering Chuck's work "Limitless" uncovered by "Dark Areas," he responded seriously, "I've experienced life in Boston and am very interested in the story of Boston."

Graham patted Chuck on the back, saying, "Have someone bring the book over here."

Chuck waved, and a man approached with a bag, presenting the book. It was evident this person came well-prepared for the cultural and art party, ready to recommend the book at any opportune moment.

You might carry the book with you, ready to recommend it to the right person anytime, anywhere.

Chuck handed the novel to Martin, along with a personal business card containing contact information and the studio address.

Martin pocketed the card and then examined the novel's cover, titled "The Prince of Thieves."

He briefly recalled but couldn't immediately place a movie associated with that title.

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