
Chapter 291: Oscar's

As they stepped out of the car, Martin reached back to assist Blake as nearby reporters swarmed to capture photographs.

Simultaneously, they strolled down the red carpet, with Martin and his charm rivaling any A-list celebrity. Martin was no longer an unknown actor.

Their pace on the red carpet was far from sluggish, although there were several pauses for Blake to strike poses for the photographers.

Midway down the red carpet, a voice called out, "Martin, this way! Over here!"

Martin guided Blake towards the enthusiastic cheers of Rachel, Phoebe, and his loyal fans. They took photos with fans and signed autographs, and Martin appreciated meeting these friends who had supported him before his fame.

Especially the autographed books he had received from them; they made him feel particularly good, as long as no one inquired about their contents. That would be awkward.

If he ever wrote a memoir or autobiography, this could be a notable chapter.

Coca-Cola was an essential element at this moment. Martin accepted two cans from Rachel, opening one for Blake. He raised his can to salute the fans, and the crowd on both sides of the red carpet collectively chanted, "Coke God Forever!"

As an advertising sponsor, the head of Coca-Cola's Los Angeles branch couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing the nearly unanimous cheers. He remarked to his deputy, "Martin is a spokesperson with an unwavering sense of responsibility. He never misses an opportunity to promote Coca-Cola."

The deputy concurred, "It's rare to find a celebrity spokesperson with such a strong work ethic."

Considering the consistent increase in sales data since the inception of the Coca-Cola cult, the head suggested, "Our headquarters should sign a longer contract with him!"

Reaching the media area, they went largely unnoticed by reporters due to the absence of nominations. Martin and Blake posed for photos in front of sponsor backdrops before proceeding into the Kodak Theater.

Blake remarked with emotion, "I've been starving for over a week, all for these few minutes. What a crazy game."

Martin chuckled, "Countless people are captivated by it."

As they arrived at the entrance of the theater hall, Blake pulled Martin aside and arranged his suit and tie, complimenting him, "You look so handsome, it's mesmerizing." Martin never attempted to alter Blake's female fans' mindset. He took her by the hand, and they entered the theater together.

The Kodak Theater was the embodiment of Vanity Fair and the Power List. The most popular and influential stars of the past year were predominantly seated in the first three rows.

Actors preferred by the Academy often occupied higher positions.

Without a nomination, Martin found himself in the third row, slightly to the left of center.

As he passed, he briefly crossed paths with Cate Blanchett. Their eyes met briefly before they instinctively looked away.

Blanchett emitted a disdainful snort, but Martin simply continued on his way, paying no heed.

Blake followed, seemingly pondering aloud, "Women sure have it tough as they age. Those lines on their faces are like stone after injections."

Blanchett appeared indifferent and remained seated.

Martin guided Blake to their seats on the left, and she said, "When she was interviewed, she attacked you, claiming you lacked courage. You're a man, so it's not easy to engage in a fight with a woman, but I can!" She glanced at Blanchett, vowing, "If she dares to slander you, I'll seize the opportunity to put her in her place."

Martin preferred that she not involve herself in unnecessary conflicts. "You can focus on your career, and I'll handle this minor matter."

Nicholson arrived at that moment, and his seat was in the second row. As he passed by Martin, he inquired, "Are you okay?"

Nicholson patted his chest and replied, "As strong as an ox."

Seeing his friend's well-being, Martin cheekily responded, "Yes, as slow as an ox, only moves when prodded with a stick."

Nicholson, a fellow scoundrel, understood the implications, leaning in and lowering his voice, "Want me to send Blake photos and videos?"

Martin remarked, "You're a real troublemaker, aren't you?"

Later, Leonardo and Kate Winslet approached.

Blake, who had been chatting with Amy Adams, stood up to greet them.

Kate shook hands with Martin and inquired, "When can we talk privately?"

Martin replied, "Anytime after tonight."

Kate made a gesture, "Wait for my call."

"Sure, anytime," Martin agreed.

The venue filled up with more attendees, and as a few others were now unable to stay, they dispersed to their respective seats.

Blake inquired with curiosity, "Are you acquainted with Kate?"

Martin had no significant connection with Kate, so he replied honestly, "I met Kate while I was in Atlanta, and we stayed in touch. Later, she provided me with help when I competed for the Saturn Award. She's a really talented actress and played a crucial role in me meeting Wes Craven."

Blake remarked, "Favor and debts can be quite troublesome."

Martin found himself in a different situation from Blake. Although Blake wasn't a top second-generation star, her producer father had the ability to organize projects.

He had to work hard to climb the ladder, which was why he cultivated close relationships, like the Bastard Trio he had today.

The awards ceremony commenced, and it turned out to be a night of diverse winners, with no single cast member emerging as the standout winner.

During the ceremony, Martin took the stage as the award presenter and presented the Best Documentary Award to "Diary of the Emperor Penguin."

The four major awards, Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress, went to four different films.

Reese Witherspoon, known for romantic comedies, surprisingly won the Best Actress award, sparking discussions.

Ang Lee received the Best Director award for "Brokeback Mountain," while "Crash," a film with a strong American and Los Angeles focus, was awarded Best Picture.

After the awards ceremony, Martin and Blake hurried to attend the Vanity Fair Oscar night party.

As they settled at their table, the delicious aroma of food wafted in the air, and Blake grabbed Martin's arm, exclaiming, "I'm starving! I want to eat something delicious!" Martin inquired, "What would you like to eat?"

After a week of austerity, Blake decided to indulge a bit, saying, "I just want a burger right now."

While Martin headed to the food area to get their meals, he encountered Heath Ledger, who was also attending the ceremony with his fiancée Michelle Williams.

Martin greeted him, saying, "Good evening."

Heath Ledger, seemingly tense, remained silent and quickly collected their food. As he walked away, he shot a brief glance back. Initially confident about being nominated for Best Actor, he was ultimately left off the list.

After investing so much and coming up empty-handed, it was natural for him to feel resentful.

Returning to their table, Michelle Williams savored a piece of cake, while Ang Lee happily took photos with others, holding his Best Director statuette.

Cate Blanchett approached, congratulating Ang Lee and producer Shamus before offering words of comfort to Heath Ledger: "It's alright; there will be opportunities in the future."

Heath Ledger responded, "I'm okay."

Blanchett added, "Christian Bale is a great guy. He put pressure on 'The Prestige' crew, and they have decided to chose Hugh Jackman over Martin Davis."

Heath Ledger began to feel a bit more at ease. "Thank you for letting me know."

Cate Blanchett said, "We're outsiders here, and only by sticking together, we can secure more resources."

Heath Ledger nodded in agreement.

"Don't rush it; take your time," Blanchett advised, patting him on the shoulder before walking away.

Heath Ledger turned to find Martin, who was engaged in a lively conversation with Leonardo and Nicholson. Their laughter filled the air as they shared a playful moment.

This group of American celebrities had a strong bond and was quite exclusive.

Meanwhile, Blake heartily enjoyed a large burger on the other side.

At this point in the party, most male celebrities were polite and engaged in networking.

In contrast, many of the female celebrities, who often maintained a carefully curated image, were indulging themselves.

This included the new Oscar-winning actress, who held a piece of pizza in each hand, setting her statuette aside.

No one mocked them for their choices.

A one-week diet, like Blake's, was often relatively short-lived.

After finishing one burger, Blake was about to get another, but Martin halted her, saying, "Take it easy. Give your stomach some time to adjust." Blake chuckled, "I must have looked terrible just now, didn't I?"

Martin assured her, "You enjoyed it, and that's what matters."

After a brief wait, seeing that Blake still wanted more, Martin retrieved another burger and they shared it.

It was a night of celebration, with stars enjoying both the food and indulging their physical desires.

For instance, the infamous elevator incident occurred on Oscar night.

Martin was a conscientious man, so at the end of the party, he took the initiative to take Blake home to spend their Oscar night.

After replenishing their calories, Blake, who had felt down due to her week of dieting, regained the energy of an eighteen-year-old.

Martin gave Bruce a day off, and he and Blake partied all night.

As Bruce drove away, he raised his middle finger at the surveillance camera and wandered outside, eventually entering Khloe Kardashian's house.

For some reason, Bruce felt that Khloe was a better fit for him than the flirtatious Kim.

Scoundrels always seek the next thrill, and the next is always the best.

The Oscars' popularity only lasted for two days. Before the rainbow flags could celebrate the victory of "Brokeback Mountain," another overwhelming piece of news overshadowed the Oscars.

Jennifer Aniston and WMA held a joint press conference to announce that she had successfully terminated her contract with CAA and switched to WMA, with her agent Steve following suit.

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