
Chapter 1: The Six Valkyries

The Heavenly Paradise was holding a party in the Dark Core Zone.

Vill warped me who knows where with her teleportation magic and dragged me by the arm all the way to a huge palace. VIPs from the whole world over were gathering there, every one of them dressed in luxurious finery. Some of them were glancing at me and murmuring to one another. Why?

"You're as popular as ever, Komari! I'll keep you safe. Can't let anyone get their filthy paws on you. Gimme your hand. And your arm. Let's chat by that tree over there."

"Get your grubby mitts off me!"

I shoved away the blond woman as I looked around. There were about thirty people from the Mulnite Empire there. The ones I recognized were the Empress, Vill, Sakuna, some high-ranking officials I didn't know really well, and the Empress's escorts.

"The other Crimson Lords weren't invited? It's just Sakuna and me?"

"Petrose is here, too. Though I suppose she's already stuffing her cheeks at the venue."

"The commander of the First Unit, huh… Now that you mention it, I've never actually met her."

"You have, actually. Regardless, you were the only Crimson Lord they specifically invited, yes. I chose everyone else. I figured you'd have more fun with Sakuna around."

I had no idea the Empress could be so considerate. I turned around and saw the silver girl. Sakuna Memoir smiled and waved at me. So cute. But anyhow.

"What do you mean they only invited me specifically? What makes me so special?"

"The Heavenly Paradise bigwigs wanted you here. You're a hugely popular Crimson Lord, so it should be no surprise."

"They should've invited Flöte or Helldeus instead…"

"Flöte did want to come, but we couldn't take so many Crimson Lords off duty at once. I asked her to watch over the country in your place."

You what? Oh, that's definitely getting me killed once I'm back. Guess the Empress is inconsiderate after all. Vill noticed me quivering in fear and smiled.

"Don't worry. I made sure to stop by to meet her before we left."

"Did you provoke her in any way?"

"I told her, 'Serves you right.'"


This maid only ever did what I didn't want her to do. I could already see a skewering in my future.

Speaking of Flöte, she'd been acting strangely ever since the whole Gerra-Aruka ordeal. She didn't quite look down on me like she had before; I mean, she still totally looked down on me, but there was also this air of caution about her. It was so weird and scary that I'd sworn to stay as far away from her as I could.

I stepped into the palace and felt all eyes fall on me.

Inside the splendid hall was a sort of reception area where you needed to write down your name. As I awkwardly held the brush and did my best to spell out Komari, the Empress suddenly started massaging my shoulders and rubbing her cheeks against me.

"Sorry to leave you, but I gotta go elsewhere. I have some work to do."

"Work? Now? And get off me, I can't write."

"An acquaintance asked me to do some recon. I'm sure you'll be sad without me, but you'll have to tough it out."

"I won't be sad."

"She will not, Your Majesty. She has me," Vill said.

"Don't hug me! Agh! You made me write Komarin!"

I screamed while trying to get the sicko maid and Empress off me. These clowns never understood how to discern what was and wasn't appropriate. Just then, Sakuna grabbed the hem of my clothes and said, "I-I'm here with you, too!" Please don't. I don't want you becoming a sicko as well.

"Anyhow. I'll see you later. You all enjoy the party. Make sure the Heavenly Paradise fellows give you a warm reception."

"By the way, where are you going, Your Majesty?"

"Don't worry, Villhaze. There won't be a problem if nothing happens. Later!"

She walked away while cackling. She sure has a lot of work for someone who doesn't look it, I thought, when suddenly I noticed someone staring at me from the other side of the reception table. It was a girl in a kimono. A Peace Spirit with striking rainbow-colored hair ornaments… Hmm? Hold on. Do I know her from somewhere?

"You are Lady Terakomari Gandesblood, correct?"

I nearly dropped the brush.

"Y-yes. And who is asking?"

"Excuse me. I am Karin Reigetsu. One of the Heavenly Paradise's Five Imperial Sabers."

The graceful tone of her voice was sharp as a blade. Like the looong blade she was carrying, in fact. I knew that being a warrior in the Heavenly Paradise came with a lot of social sway, so maybe she was one of those.

Karin Reigetsu, huh? I felt like I'd heard the name somewhere, but I couldn't place it. I had to be careful of what I said next. If I went with "Nice to meet you!" and then she replied with "We've met before, though?" I would have to snatch her blade and cut open my belly on the spot. Think. Who was she? Who?

As I racked my brains in search of an answer, Karin Reigetsu smiled in disappointment and said, "I was on the defense team during the siege of Faure. I did not achieve much, so it is no surprise you have forgotten…"

"A-ah! Right!" I finally remembered. That was when my maid had transported me, bed and all, over there. Karin had been among the commanders who had surrounded me. I think. "Sorry. It's rude of me not to remember a

comrade in arms."

"No, please don't worry about it. Compared to your bravery and accomplishments, I am but a cloud in the wind. In any case, I'm pleased to welcome you here. The purpose of this party is for all six nations to come together in our wish for peace. Let's forget about the fighting and have a pleasant time."

"R-right! Yes, let's forget about the fighting."

"Indeed." She smiled nobly.

Funny of her to say that while she was armed, but okay. Commanders were violent like that by default, and I was already used to it.

"But I was truly impressed by your display, Lady Gandesblood."

"Huh? Whatcha mean?"

"The Core Implosion that turned Aruka's Daydream Unit into gold."

That again?

The misinformation going around had everyone thinking I'd cloaked myself in some golden mana or whatever and gone on a rampage. At first, I thought it had just been Vill going crazy (I mean, I still thought she was), but then a lot of other people told me how amazing I was and how much they respected me and stuff, and it couldn't have been eerier. Still, I had to make use of that unnerving misinformation to survive.

"Yeah. I was awesome. And it was only one sixth of my true power."

"Hee-hee. I am green with envy. How bright the talented shine. I cannot help but feel small when I consider how many prodigies surround me. Right, Fuyao?" Karin Reigetsu turned to look at her side.

Then, for the first time, I noticed there was someone else there.

I couldn't believe my eyes for a moment. She had a big golden tail coming out of her butt. So fuzzy. So fluffy. The furry thing swung quietly from left to right. I wanted to touch it so bad. I needed it in my hands.

"Say hello to our guests, Fuyao," Karin Reigetsu said with a rough tone.

The fox-eared girl sluggishly reached out her right hand, as though she had just woken up from a nap. But then, click. A switch flipped.

"Hello there! I'm Fuyao Meteorite! I'm Imperial Saber Karin Reigetsu's retainer! Nice to meet you!"

"Huh? U-uh, yeah." I was taken aback. "I'm Terakomari. Nice to meet you, too."

"Very nice! It really is an honor to be in your presence, Lady Terakomari!"

She held out her left hand, so I responded in kind.

Her palm was hard. Maybe swinging a sword all day made your hands feel like that.

Fuyao beamed broadly. Her smile was so pure it got me all flustered.

Come to think of it, this might have been my first time properly interacting with a beast-folk. Though I had experienced chimpanzees and giraffes trying to kill me. No, wait, I was forgetting about Bellius. Hmm, was he a wolf? Or a dog? I snapped back to reality once she pulled my arm, and I noticed I was still

gripping her hand.

Fuyao's shapely face was right in front of my eyes. I felt her sweet breath on my cheeks.

"Lady Terakomari! Beware!" Her fox ears twitched. I wanted to touch them so bad. "Lady Karin Reigetsu is not as nice as she seems!"


"I'm just saying nothing good will come out of getting involved with the Heavenly Paradise! The Goddess seems to be plotting something! You better be prepared to die before you stick your neck into it!"

"What are you murmuring about, Fuyao?"

"Nothing! Nothing, Lady Karin!"

Then Fuyao let go of me. I didn't understand a word she'd said. Why, you ask? Well, because I hadn't heard any of it. I was directing all my attention to her swaying golden tail. Maybe I'll ask if I can touch it later.

I was still holding in that urge when Karin Reigetsu smiled at me and said:

"Excuse my little fox. Anyhow, please enjoy the party. We have plenty of fun in store."


The venue was exceedingly luxurious.

Every single person there was overflowing with grace and elegance. The tables were chock-full of sumptuous food. Someone at the piano in the back was playing what I believe was classical music that was all the rage in the Haku-Goku Commonwealth as of late. It was a noble banquet in every respect.

This kind of crowded place wasn't my sort of thing, though. Plus, everyone in my vicinity was still looking at me and whispering at each other, so I really wanted to go home right away. However, Vill grabbed my hand to prevent my escape.

"Let me go."

"We can't have you getting lost."

"What am I, a kid?! No, I'm not running away at this point. I decided I'd come here by myself. I'll enjoy the party for once."

"Let's dance, then. I will lead."

"Gosh no, how embarrassing."

"Then how about we eat some dumplings, Ms. Komari?" Sakuna asked.

"Sounds good."

"Say ahh," she said as she held out a skewered dumpling covered in sweet soy sauce.

I took a bite and savored the sweet, springy treat. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say I had come here for the food.

I returned the favor by holding out skewered red bean dumplings to Sakuna. Just as she shyly opened her mouth to accept it, Vill suddenly got ahead of her.

"Nooo! That's not fair, Ms. Villhaze!"

The maid chewed it up and gulped it down before replying, "Let it be known you are the only thief here, Lady Memoir. I was about to trick…convince Komari into dancing when you got in the way."

"She said she didn't want to. You can't force her to do it."

"You really don't get it. Persuading her is as easy as telling her she would get a day off if she agreed."

"I would never fall for such an obvious trap," I said.

"Of course she wouldn't. She's a scholar and a genius," Sakuna added.

"That much is true. By the way, Lady Komari… I forgot to tell you that Her Majesty the Empress will concede you one week of vacation."

"Huh? Why…?"

"Labor reforms have been taking place, and after careful examination of your work hours, it's been found you have been working a bit too excessively."

"Don't think you need careful examination to realize how exploitative the conditions are, but okay."

"So you have to take a week off—otherwise, they would be breaking the law."

"Are you for real?!"

"You get to rest now. Isn't that great?"


"Don't you wanna dance with joy?"


"Very well, then allow me to lead you in this dance."


"It's a trap, Miss Komari! I haven't heard of any labor reforms, and you actually work the least out of all the Crimson Lords! She's lying!"

"Tch… I was so close…"

"You filthy LIAAAR!!"

I hit Vill with the full force of my feeble arms.

Stupid maid. Always raining on my parade!

And just as I was fuming inside…

"Komari! Long time no see."

…I heard my name and turned to find the source of the voice.

It was girl whose pink hair was pulled into pigtails. Nelia Cunningham, the president of the Aruka Republic. Behind her was Gertrude Rainsworth, looking at us with an uneasy expression.

"Nelia! Long ti—" I raised my right hand to wave at her, when the smiling Moonpeach Princess just hugged me out of the blue. She caught me totally off guard. Vill and Sakuna and Gertrude shrieked like birds.

"How are you? I'm doing great, by the way," she said.

"C-cool. That's nice. Could you let me go now?"

"I will if you're willing to become my maid. Then I'll never let you go."

"You're still going on about that? I told you, I can't be a maid."

"That's right, Lady Nelia! Terakomari is too clumsy to be one! She'll break five plates a day!" Gertrude exclaimed.

Hey! I can do the dishes just fine. Not that I've ever tried.

"I'm kidding," Nelia whispered into my ear before letting me go.

Vill and Sakuna glared at her as they stood beside me.

"Oh my. Don't give me that look. Remember, Komari and I are close friends. Close enough to exchange blood."

"Enough of your jesting, Lady Cunningham. I can't deny the fact that Lady Komari drank your blood, but there's no proof you drank hers. First of all, you Warblades can't even ingest other peoples' blood."

"Oh, but it's true. And we did it to deepen our bond."

Vill shrugged and sighed. "Preposterous. Don't let her off scot-free, Lady Komari. Have you ever heard of this scam where a stranger sends in a marriage registration form and has you married off without your consent? It's that sort of thing. She's up to no good."

"But it's true," I said.


Thunder struck. I had no idea why the mood had shifted, but I added:

"It happened beneath the Daydream Paradise. Nelia said she wasn't sure of herself…and stuff happened, so we exchanged blood. Either way, we were like sisters from the very beginning. I don't mean that we're related, but she was my mom's protégée."

"Fine, then drink my blood right now as well, or I'll lose my mind on the spot and stick my head into your skirt."

"Wh-what's the logic here?!"

Vill started moving suspiciously, while Sakuna stood in despair behind her, muttering, "She really did it…"

"Ah-ha-ha!" Nelia laughed, then grabbed my hand. "Looks like you're in high demand. But you should think seriously about how people around you feel."


"Maybe I'm not the best person to say this, but your self-assessment being off the mark can sometimes bring about conflict. You're better than you think you are."

"Considering I am a once-in-a-lifetime knockout beauty, that might be the case, yeah."

"Now that's way off the mark."

"Wha… I'm not??"

"That's not what I mean. Wait, don't start crying! I was just kidding! You are cute! You are a once-in-a-lifetime knockout beauty! There, there." Nelia started patting my head for some reason.

What's she even saying? No way I would start crying after getting told I wasn't actually a once-in-a-lifetime knockout beauty. Don't treat me like a child. I was just shocked a little, is all.

"Anyways." She changed the subject. "Setting aside that knockout stuff, let's enjoy the party. I see they have pudding over there. It's your favorite, right? Go get some to cheer you up."

"I'm not sad or anything, though. But I will gladly accept the pudding."

Nelia pulled my arm into the crowd. I let her take me with her. I'd come all the way to this party; why not enjoy it?

"So how are things going as president?" I casually asked while savoring the matcha pudding.

"Well," Nelia answered, pausing between bites of custard. "It's tough. Aruka's government is in shambles right now, so the first order of business is to reorganize everything. We're just extremely understaffed. I'll have to use Madhart's guys."

"Will that be okay? They did all sorts of awful things, didn't they?"

"I'll get the least dangerous ones. I can just beat up whoever tries to rebel anyways, so it'll be all right."

"You sure are confident, huh."

"Well, my approval rating is through the roof. Whoever goes against me goes against the will of the people. They already know what trying to launch a coup would get them, so even if they're plotting something, they can't lift a finger."

Nelia seemed to have matured since the last time I saw her. Or perhaps I should say she'd gotten more refined. Guess that's what becoming president did to you. I wonder if the Aruka Republic will become the Nelia-Aruka Republic.

That would be funny.

"She'll be fine!" Gertrude said with a smile. "I'll take care of anyone who dares oppose her!"

"Hee-hee. I'm counting on you, as one of the Eight Illustrious Generals spearheading our newly born Aruka Republic."

"Yes… Though it's only me right now, not eight."

"I guess I could get Abercrombie. Or how about Komari? Imagine that—the first Crimson Lord cum Illustrious General."

"That doesn't sound nice in the slightest! I have more than enough on my plate being a Crimson Lord."

"Too bad." Nelia grinned.

I couldn't wait to stop being a Crimson Lord. The only jobs I was actually fit for were novelist or philosopher.

"Anyways, that's how it's been for me. Madhart didn't leave anything of use after he just up and vanished, so we're swamped with work. Can't even fit in the time for a tea party."

"Wow. Sounds rough."

"Take note while you can, Lady Komari," Vill said after finishing her udon. "You are to become the Mulnite Empire's next Empress. Take Lady Cunningham's hardships as reference for what's to come."

"Don't listen to her, Nelia. This maid is a pro at spouting nonsense."

"I don't think what Villhaze is saying is nonsense." She grinned. I had a very bad feeling about this. "Komari, have you heard of the nickname the 'Six Valkyries'?"

"Yeah… Vill told me about it."

"I think some paper coined it. In short, it's a moniker for six girls who have made remarkable achievements as of late. In other words, they're the candidates for the next head of state for each of their countries. And you're in that group."

"That doesn't mean I'm becoming the next Empress."

"Sure enough… By the way, did you know that the Six Valkyries are here tonight? I think it would be worthwhile to go analyze them."

"I think observing people is rude…"

"Oh, come on." Nelia looked like she was having a blast.

Come to think of it, I may have seen a Six Nations News headline that went "President Cunningham's Pastime: Observing People." Supposedly, she was walking around the city looking for capable people to hire. It also said she had six times more maids working at the Executive Office now compared to Madhart's administration. Kinda scary. But considering my source was Six Nations News, it was likely all made up.

"Look at those guys from the Lapelico Kingdom over there. That's Leona Flatt, one of the Four Holy Beasts and one of the Six Valkyries." Nelia pointed with her eyes at a group of beast-folk.

At the center stood a girl with a cheerful smile. Cat ears sprouting from her head. Cat tail growing from her butt. Her fur was a pretty brown color.

"I've got a question," I said.

"What is it?"

"So there's beast-folk that look entirely like animals, like the chimpanzees and the giraffes, but then there's also girls like her who just have animal ears and tails. Why is that?"

"It's one of the universe's greatest mysteries."

It really was. I decided not to question it further.

Nelia grabbed a bite of her custard pudding before getting back on topic.

"The Lapelico Kingdom's citizens are like beasts—they just act out of instinct. But not Leona. She's quite the reasonable person and is working hard to make Lapelico more intellectual on the whole. They call her the Jungle's Only Straight Man."

"What's up with that name?"

"Weird, right? Anyways, getting close to her should prove productive. She's also strong on top of being reasonable. They say she's a shoo-in for Lapelico's next queen."

I tried stealing a glance at her.

She was squinting in joy as she munched on some beef stroganoff.

Out of nowhere, three capybara men ran up to her with a pale expression.

"Lady Leona, we've got trouble."

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"There are no bananas."

"Bananas? How about you go without them for once? Here, have some meat."

"It is unbelievable that they would invite guests from the Lapelico Kingdom and not have bananas. That's basically declaring war against us."

"He's right!" "Give us the bananas!" "The Heavenly Paradise won't get away with this!"

"S-settle down! The aim of this party is to promote peace!"

"They're the ones who've disturbed the peace. We have a just cause."

"You don't!! Look, there's grapes and apples, too. Just eat something else if you want a snack that bad."

"Bananas are not snacks!! They're the main dish!!"

"What are you, a kid?! Hey, stop chanting magic!!"

"We'll go take over the kitchen. Wait here for us, Lady Leona."

"Hold ooon!! This is why everyone calls us the Clown Kingdom!!"



…I find this relatable, actually. Gives me a strong sense of déjà vu.

And so began a game of tag between catgirl and capybaras.

"Lapelico's at it again." "They sure never get tired of it." Everyone around looked on with slight discomfort.

"Gee," Vill said as she shrugged. "So they're naught but beasts in the end. Always so quick to resort to violence."

"You think that doesn't apply to us?" I countered.

In any case, I felt like I could get along with Leona, so I decided to go talk to her later.

"They're as funny as ever. And I think Lapelico will only get more interesting if that catgirl becomes queen. They would also become more prominent in the international community," Nelia said.

"It'd be better than the chimpanzee becoming king, that's for sure."

"Oh, look, Komari, there's the Immortals."

"Immortals…? Ah."

In the opposite direction was a group of people dressed in Eastern garments. I hadn't yet had much to do with the people of the utopia at the south, the Enchanted Lands. The one who stood out the most was the girl wearing a frilly peacock-like outfit.

Our eyes met.

I couldn't discern her expression as her eyes pierced into mine. I felt awkward and waved at her with a friendly smile. She waved back, albeit inexpressively.

"Is that girl also one of the Six Valkyries?"

"She is. Lingzi Ailan, one of the Three Draconic Meteors and the next Tianzi of the Enchanted Lands. They say she's so powerful she can burst the heart of whoever she locks eyes with."

"Ha-ha-ha. I'm going to the restroom."

"Relax, Lingzi's also known to be a true pacifist. She won't attack you."


"Really. By the way, the Enchanted Lands is a hereditary monarchy, so her title is guaranteed. We should make her acquaintance while we can. Maybe I'll gift her a maid outfit."

"I don't think anyone would want an acquaintance who does that."

I turned to look at Lingzi Ailan as I rebuked Nelia.

An unknown man was talking to her…and he wasn't an Immortal. He was tall, and he sported pure-white clothes and a pure-white beard—a Sapphire. Hmm. Who was he, again? I think I've seen him in the papers…

"Those guys are from the Haku-Goku Commonwealth. The one speaking with Lingzi Ailan is the secretary general."

"The secretary general?"

"Haku-Goku's head of state. Their equivalent to your Empress, or me, the President."

I stared at him in shock.

Sure enough, he had the poise of a leader. Though he didn't seem as imposing as the Mulnite Empress. Perhaps it was his soft smile that gave that impression… Then, Sakuna, standing right beside me like a loyal dog, whispered into my ear:

"Be careful, Ms. Komari. That guy joined hands with the Gerra-Aruka Republic to try and destroy Mulnite."

"Huh? He did?"

"Lady Memoir is correct." Vill started whispering into my other ear. "The Haku-Goku Commonwealth's secretary general is a known bellicist. And he has no qualms about resorting to even dirtier tricks than Madhart. Just looking at him will pollute your eyes, so stay away."

"I can't think like that when I don't even know the guy…" Feeling bad for the man, I glanced at him again.

Then he noticed me. He said goodbye to Lingzi Ailan and walked up to us with a smile on his face.

"Oh my. If it isn't Commander Terakomari Gandesblood. I am so lucky I get to meet the crimson vampire princess everyone's been talking about."

"Huh? Uh, n-nice to meet you."

"An honor to hear those words from your mouth. I'm the secretary general of the Communist Party of the Haku-Goku Commonwealth. It's a privilege to meet you, Commander Gandesblood."

He smiled and reached out his right hand.

I got nervous. Not so much because a young man was doing it, but because he was the ruler of a whole country. Any show of discourtesy could lead to war. I had to think of a compliment to make everything go by peacefully. Yo, that outfit is sick!! Yeah, sounds good.

"The honor is mine, Secretary Ge—"

"Could you please get your filthy hands away from Lady Komari, Secretary General?"

And slap. Vill smacked his hand away.

My eyes turned into dots, as did his. A second of silence passed, until Nelia broke it by chuckling, and I finally recovered my sense of reason.

"Y-you IDIOT! What are you thinking?!"

"This man also has a reputation for being a womanizer. I can't let him touch you."

"That's not the issue here! He's the big cheese of a big country! What if this turned to war?! I-I'm sorry, Secretary General. I'll tickle this maid to death later on, so please forgive us."

"Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! The Mulnite Empire sure has a sense of humor." He held his sides as he laughed.

Meanwhile, Vill had a kunai in hand and a scary expression on her face. Please stop it. Don't make it even worse. Even you, Sakuna? Put down that staff. Why are you all so wary? Is he really that bad?

"My, my. It seems I'm not liked here. I understand how you feel, though. Here, let's make some small talk to relax tensions."

"Yeah. Should we talk about pudding?"

"Pudding! Sounds great. One of my subordinates is a big pudding fan, actually. Her name's Prohellya. Are you acquainted?"

A question mark popped above my head, so Nelia spoke instead:

"Commander Butchersky, one of the Six Arctic Masters. I know about her. They say she destroyed Mulnite's fortress city in the war."

"I should have known that President Cunningham would be knowledgeable. Yes, Commander Butchersky butchered Faure during that affair. And she loves pudding. I'm sure she would be good friends with you, Commander Gandesblood."

"O-oh. And is this Prohellya here now?"

"Yes, she's gracing us with the background music."

Right then, I heard an off-key clang, like lightning had just struck. Everyone turned to look at the stage in shock. Standing before the piano was a pure-white girl, dressed in winter clothes as if she was about to march in the snow. It was she who had struck the keys like that.

"I'm sick of this! Why must I play the piano for these people?! I can't enjoy the party like this! I want pudding!"

"Calm down, Commander Butchersky. The secretary general wanted to hear you perform…"

"So he gave us this awful sheet?! This is what he likes?! You call this Moonlit Lake? No! The pitch is all messed up and there's this nonsensical phrase tacked on. And this fill? Why does it raise the tempo out of nowhere? This arrangement leaves no trace of the original piece! This is an example of everything that's wrong with the Haku-Goku Commonwealth and their obsession with destroying all tradition! I feel bad for the original piece playing this crude arrangement. That bastard…"

"Commander, the secretary general is right there, and he can hear you…"

Prohellya looked at us. She openly glared at her ruler.

"Secretary General! When can I be relieved? I'll get tendonitis if I keep going like this. Forced labor is inhumane."

"Sorry about that, Prohellya! However, the guests are enthralled by the beautiful timbre of your playing. A great show of Haku-Goku's art. And I want to keep listening to your wonderful performance."

"I don't want to perform for you."

"Then do it for everyone else. You are a representative of the people."

"…Fine. I suppose I can keep going if you insist. But I'll do it my way."

"So you're playing the original piece? It lacks flair."

"I won't say the original arrangement is the only way to make a piece shine. I'm not so hardheaded. But I just don't like your arrangement. It ruins everything that's good about the piece. Art should be about creation rather than destruction. So I'll give a cute twist of my own to Moonlit Lake."

Prohellya took a bite out of the pudding her subordinate had brought her before sitting back down at the piano.

Soon, graceful yet powerful classical music echoed throughout the hall. Despite my lack of musical knowledge, I immediately recognized her abilities. Her barrage of sixteenth notes shook me to the bone. I didn't quite get it, but it was amazing.

"What do you think? She's our pride and joy," the secretary general said.

"Well, she's…incredible, in many ways," I answered.

"Indeed she is. I don't think Prohellya would lose to you, Commander Gandesblood."

Vill and Sakuna raised their guard for some reason. Nelia grinned. Meanwhile, Gertrude (don't forget about her) was drifting off while standing. Hey!

The secretary general smiled and crossed his arms.

"By the way, have you met Commander Karla Amatsu or Commander Karin Reigetsu yet?"

"Huh? Well…I haven't seen Karla yet today, but I did meet Ms. Karin Reigetsu."

"I see, I see. Then you must have noticed already."

No, I haven't. Noticed what?

"This party is but an overture to the carnival that awaits. Let's see who gets the upper hand. The Mulnite Empire…or the Haku-Goku Commonwealth."

What is he saying? Why do all the bigshots like speaking in riddles? Whatever, just put away that kunai, Vill. There's no reason to glare at him like that, right?

"Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!" He gave a hearty chuckle. "Please don't scowl at me that way. I'm kidding. Just playing around."

The secretary general then turned and waved at us as he walked away. He headed to a group of people from the Lapelico Kingdom. Quite the sociable man.

Nelia twirled her pasta around as she said, "He's got to be plotting something. Be careful."

"I will. I'll throw a pizza at the back of his head," Vill said.

"Stop it! Don't waste food!" I said.

"He's not the only person you should be wary of here, by the way. The aim of this party may be to achieve peace, but who knows how many people here earnestly believe in that goal. You should learn everyone's names and faces, Komari. Look, over there is Lapelico's…"

"No. I mean, I would love to, but I think trying to memorize so many new characters would make my head go boom."

It hadn't been long since I got there, and I'd already met so many new people. Samurai girl Karin Reigetsu and her subordinate Fuyao Meteorite. Catgirl commander Leona Flatt. Lingzi Ailan from the Enchanted Lands. The Haku-Goku Commonwealth's secretary general and Prohellya Butchersky. I may have possessed a rare scholarly intellect, but there was a limit to how many people I could remember at once.

I got tired of talking, so I decided to get some pasta, too.

But when I looked across the table, I saw a face I did recognize. Her pretty black hair resembled the damp wings of a crow, and she was dressed in a kimono. Karla Amatsu.

She seemed different from when I'd first met her, though. She was ranting at her ninja, face red as they stood at a corner of the venue. Karla was on edge. Desperate. Something was off. Was there anything troubling her?

I walked up to Karla, plate of pasta in hand. It wasn't trying to be nosy, I just thought I should say hi. But then…

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming here."

…a graceful voice echoed through the venue.

Everyone hushed, even the piano. A woman in a kimono had already taken the stage, using loudspeaker magic to make an announcement.

"I am the Goddess of the Heavenly Paradise. Long have I waited for the day when we all could finally join together in this feast. Tonight, we wish for peace between nations. Please, enjoy yourselves."

That woman had an aura that screamed "ruler." Her kimono was of fine quality. In her lustrous black hair was a sun ornament hairpin. Her quiet voice and gentle poise soothed everyone who laid eyes on her. But there was one thing about her that threw me off (if you'll excuse my impudence)—the entirety of her face was covered by a paper charm.

What's that? Fashion? I think there's a specter or something from the Enchanted Lands that looks just like this… What was it again? Jiang… Jiang-something. Yeah.

All the Peace Spirits in the venue started clapping and cheering.

"Long live our Goddess!" "Long live our Goddess!"

The Goddess quieted them with a smile.

"As you are all aware, the Six Nations have been in danger as of late. The Six Nations War that transpired recently was but the tip of the iceberg. Espionage is on the rise, as is violence and crime. Terrorist forces have been expanding. We must join hands to confront these issues."

Then she went on about some complicated stuff. I listened while eating my pasta, but I couldn't understand a word of it. Which is why I went to look for more snacks once I cleaned my plate. I looked around and saw a table with Eastern-style confections. This was a party hosted by the Heavenly Paradise, after all. How could I not give them a try?

Just as I reached out for some youkan, someone grabbed my arm out of nowhere.

A ninja girl was standing right beside me. Staring at me.

"Uh, you're…with Karla, right?"

"Yes. I'm Koharu Minenaga, leader of the Kidoshu of the Heavenly Paradise's Fifth Unit."

"I'm Terakomari. Nice to meet you."


She shook my hand. Weird girl.

"Terakomari. Come over here. Lady Karla is in trouble."

"Hmm? Okay, but can I eat this youkan first?"

"Yes. Eat." She held out a piece of youkan on a toothpick.

I chomped it and then followed her…or rather, she pulled me along with her. Why was she in such a hurry?

Karla was panicking by the wall.

"Ah!" she exclaimed once she saw me, suddenly becoming all calm and collected.

Huh? Was I seeing things or something?

"Oh my, Ms. Gandesblood. It's been a while."

"It has. You doing okay?"

"Yes, I am doing more than okay. By the way, if I may ask…you do love massacres, correct?"

I didn't know what to say. That came out of nowhere.

The next moment, however, I turned on my commander switch.

"Of course I do! There's no one out there who loves bloodshed more than I do!"

"R-right! Though I wouldn't lose against you. And, um, can I ask another question?"

"What is it?"

"Will you have some time to spare in the next few days?"

"What?" What's this all about?

Then I heard the Goddess's strong voice again:

"The Heavenly Paradise has been working hard to solve these issues. However, our organization is too stiff to move as needed. It is a harsh thing to say as its ruler, but our country has always been constricted by tradition—we are a nation in decline. We need a breath of fresh air. And for this purpose, I've decided to leave the future of the Heavenly Paradise in the hands of our next leader."

"…Next leader? What's she talking about, Karla?"

"P-please just answer me! Do you have the time?! Like about a week?!"

"What?! I wish I did, you know, but my maid will find new ways to get me busy…"

"In short, I will be stepping down as Goddess soon. For that to go smoothly, it is time to choose who will follow in my steps. In other words, I hereby announce that we're kicking off the Heavenly Ball tonight!"

Commotion and cheers all over.

Hmm? Did she just say she's retiring? Why? As I stood there, bewildered, Karla grabbed my hand tight.

"That's what she's talking about! The festival to decide the next Goddess is about to begin! That's why…that's why I need you to help me. Please, Ms. Gandesblood!"

"Wait, I don't see the thread of what you're saying. And hold on. You're a candidate?"

"The candidates have already been decided. Imperial Saber Karin Reigetsu and Imperial Saber Karla Amatsu. They already represent our country as commanders. Both of you, please come up onstage."

An armed samurai girl did as she ordered and rose to the stage. It was the Peace Spirit I'd met at the reception—Karin Reigetsu.

She glanced across the venue with full confidence and, loudspeaker in hand, announced:

"I am Karin Reigetsu! I will do my best as Goddess candidate! I will work for the good of the Heavenly Paradise and for peace between the Six Nations!"

"Wooooo! Long live Lady Karin!" they cheered, to which Karin responded with a wave and a smile.

"As you all know, the Heavenly Ball is not only a sacred ritual to choose the next Goddess, but also a show involving the entire nation. A battle to the death between the two candidates will take place on the last day of the festival. I hope all six nations enjoy it. Ms. Karin, your statement, please."

"I will take down Lady Karla Amatsu with a single slash!"

"Wooooo! Long live Lady Karin!" they cheered again.

"You're not going?" I asked Karla.

"I'm not going," she replied.

"But you have to," Koharu said.

"NOOO!! Please, Koharu!! I'll be participating for sure if I go over!! And then Karin's gonna kill me!! I'm gonna…"

"Wait, but aren't you the strongest ever?" I asked.

"I'm gonna cut Ms. Karin Reigetsu up in a million pieces and turn her into flour! Let's go, Koharu! Ms. Gandesblood!"

"Wait, why me? Hey!" Karla dragged me along.

I couldn't for the life of me understand what was going on. Am I getting dragged into some vexing stuff once again? Alarms were blaring in my head. But I couldn't fight back against Karla's strength.

And then we were up onstage.

Karin Reigetsu was looking at us all like, So you're finally here.

I didn't see Fuyao anywhere, though. Not that it mattered.

"Karla. The time has come to settle the score."

"R-right! And it will be me becoming Goddess!"

Her instigation had everyone cheering even louder. Not just people from the Heavenly Paradise—everyone watching on with excitement.

Vill's not even looking my way! She's eating sushi rolls! That good-for-nothing!

"It appears Karla is all fired up as well. Things are looking interesting."

I sensed the Goddess's smile under the charm covering her face.

Calm down, Terakomari. Let's sum things up.

So I get that the Goddess of the Heavenly Paradise wants to choose her successor. And I get that they're holding this "Heavenly Ball" in order to do that. I also get that this so-called ball is just another uncivilized event that will end in murder.

The question is: What in the world am I doing here right now? Isn't this just Karla and Karin's problem?

"It's good to have both candidates here now, but let's not forget that the Heavenly Ball is also meant to be entertaining. It wouldn't be very fun to let all of you go without getting a taste, don't you think?"

I have a very bad feeling about this. I glanced at Karla, and she glanced back at me, a cramped smile on her face.

"In light of our goal to foster harmony between the Six Nations, people from all over the world will be able to participate in the Heavenly Ball this time around. I've notified your nations' leaders that we will have each country submit one of their commanders to join either Karla Amatsu or Karin Reigetsu in their struggle for the title."

Yup, my gut never misses.

I looked down from the stage at Vill. She shot me a thumbs-up, a blank look on her face. Oh, you knew about this, didn't you? Goddamn it, I wanna go home.

"Will the two commanders joining Karin Reigetsu's side please step up?"

The next moment, a thunderous glissando echoed throughout the venue. Widening my eyes in shock, I looked around and witnessed a girl jumping over the grand piano to land gracefully on the stage. Her white mana turned cold as it emanated out of her.

It was a Sapphire clad in military uniform—Prohellya Butchersky.

"Wah-ha-ha-ha! The strongest of all Six Arctic Masters of the Haku-Goku Commonwealth, Prohellya Butchersky, joins the fray! War with the purpose of creating value?! That's art, folks! This Heavenly Paradise that will carve a path to a new era—so let's usher it in and dance to its joyful melody! I'm not against taking up arms for the sake of the people!"

What the heck is she talking about?

"Lady Prohellyaaa!" The Sapphires in the venue were beyond delighted, though.

I'm gonna wind up dead if I stay here. Gotta bounce… Just as that thought crossed my mind, however, something whizzed past me, almost making me fall on my butt.

The shadow skidded to a halt beside Prohellya.

"I'm Leona Flatt of the Lapelico Kingdom! I'll show you all what beast-folk are really capable of! You're in for a rude awakening if you think we only care about bananas. I'll personally take out anyone who truly believes that!"

The catgirl struck a cool pose as she threatened slaughter. The beast-folk started howling in response, the capybaras going crazy all across the venue.

The enemy faction's gathering… No. Wait. Enemy? What am I thinking? I'm not gonna battle Karin, so they're not my opponents. Not my allies, either. They're of absolutely no concern to me. What's really of concern, on the other hand, is getting a nice plate of omelet rice. Time to go on a journey to find the best version of the dish out there.

"Wait, Terakomari." The ninja Koharu stopped me in my tracks. "Karla needs help."

"Sorry, but I already swore my fealty to omelet rice…"

"Please," she begged, glancing up at me.

Don't do that. Don't look at me like that. I just recently realized I can't turn down people who look at me like that, and this is a serious life-or-death matter. Avert your eyes, Komari! Ignore that girl, no matter how cruel it may be! I tried to dash my way out of there, when…

"Wait, Lady Komari."

…my maid stopped me in my tracks.

…Huh? What's your problem?

"Lady Karla needs help."

"No, she doesn't."


"I don't care how damp or low your eyes are, no is no! Don't hug me! Why didn't you tell me about this from the beginning?! You knew all about this Ball, didn't you?!"

"I knew you wouldn't want to come if I told you."

"And you were right! But you would've dragged me here anyways!"

Wait. That means I never had any chance of avoiding this, doesn't it?

"Karin Reigetsu's team is complete. As for Karla Amatsu's… Karla, where is your squad? You did send letters to the Enchanted Lands and the Mulnite Empire, correct?"

"Yes, I did send them, but it seems Miss Lingzi Ailan cannot join us, and the other Draconic Meteors are busy as well."

I tried my hardest to free myself from Vill's grip, when the smell of apricot tickled my nose. Lingzi Ailan was standing right beside us before I knew it.

She bowed in regret.

"I have to make arrangements for my wedding, so…"

Wedding? This girl's getting married?

"You heard her, My Goddess. The Enchanted Lands won't be able to participate."

"I see. Nothing we can do about that, then. Also…the Aruka Republic won't be participating either, correct, President Nelia Cunningham?"

"No, we are too tied up with our internal affairs. Unfortunately, we'll have to pass on the opportunity," Nelia answered, gracefully swaying her glass of wine.

Curses. I should've accepted Nelia's offer to become an Illustrious General. And wait, she also knew about this? Why didn't anybody tell me?

"Very well. Now then, what about the Mulnite Empire?"

Everyone in the venue turned to look at me.

Karla walked up to me with a huge smile on her face. She then placed a hand on my shoulder. I heard the sound of her bell next to my ear.

And so the kimono commander threw me to the wolves.

"I spoke with her just now! Crimson Lord Terakomari Gandesblood will be joining my team!"

The next moment…

"HAIIILLL!!!" The crowd went wild. Please, the only thing going wild in the world should be animals… Though I guess some of you are. Hmm. Obviously, I'd never accepted her invitation to join. She hadn't even told me about this thing.

People had all sorts of reactions to the announcement.

"I see…" Karin Reigetsu narrowed her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Lingzi Ailan apologized for some reason.

"Finally, a worthy opponent!" Prohellya looked confident.

"We'll win!" Leona looked excited.

As for me?

"H-hold up! I'm busy, actually."

"Oh, you are? Busy with what?"

"I uh… I… I have a, uh…w-wedding!"

Silence fell. I realized I messed up but there was no turning back now. Don't think about the consequences or you'll die! You can't stop now!

"Yeah, just like Ms. Lingzi Ailan, I'm having a wedding, so I can't join you, sadly."

"What in the world are you talking about, Lady Komari? Who are you marrying, even?"

"Well, um…you know! You! I'm marrying you, Vill!"

"Excuse me? I have absolutely no intention of getting married."


But you always say you want to marry me and stuff like that! And NOW you decide to take the path of treason?! You impertinent little… I'm shocked, really! Now I really am NEVER marrying you! Not that I was ever going to!

"So Commander Gandesblood will be joining Karla Amatsu's team, then. There's a slight disparity in numbers, but there should be no problem as far as actual power goes."

"Huh? What do you mean by that, Goddess?"

"Apologies, Commander Butchersky. In order to eliminate the handicap, I will allow Commander Gandesblood to call for support. Is that okay with you, Commander Gandesblood?"

None of this was okay, but oh well.

I escaped from Vill's grasp and pulled Karla away to the wall, pinning her against it. She started babbling in confusion.

"Karla! Could you explain what's going on?!"

"I'm sorry please don't kill me please I don't want to turn into ketchup!"

"What are you talking about?! I'm asking about why I need to participate in this thing!"

"W-well…that's because I needed your power." She looked extremely frail and feeble for some reason. "I mean! Not that I couldn't defeat them by myself. I am strong enough. But you know, Karin gets two people on her side, so going all there by myself…"

"The poor girl has no friends."

"Koharu! Don't say that! Gosh! I have no one left to turn to. Nelia is busy, and Ms. Lingzi Ailan turned me down, too… You're the only one I have, Ms. Gandesblood."

I never thought I would see her like this. Now I wanted to help her out! But it was my life on the line we were talking about, so I couldn't just say ye—

"I'm not asking you to do it for free." She looked me straight in the eye. "Once we survive the Heavenly Ball, I will grant you one wish."

"What am I supposed to wish for?"

"How about…helping you publish Twilight Triangle?"

"?!" It felt like I'd been struck by lightning.

Twilight Triangle was the title of my novel, the one that sicko maid had shown Karla without permission.

"My family also runs a publisher. I could talk to their director and easily get you a publishing deal…but that's only something I came up with on the spot. You could ask me for anything else."

"Hold on. You really…could get it published?"

"Yes, of course. Considering the story at hand, perhaps they'll even agree to it with great enthusiasm."


This was truly out of left field. Perhaps the biggest choice I would get to make in my life.

I could land my authorial debut. But I could also wind up dying in the Heavenly Ball. And I didn't want to give up the ghost, obviously. But…could I let this chance slip?

"Don't think on it any further, Lady Komari."


Vill was standing by my side before I knew it. Please don't do that.

"Supreme Commander Karla Amatsu has the power to destroy the universe. She only wants you to join her because she doesn't want to be alone."

"So what? That doesn't change the fact I'd have to participate in a battle to the death."

"True, but please understand she's not expecting you to do anything."

"…Huh? What do you mean?"

"I'm saying that you'll be safe and sound so long as you let Lady Amatsu take care of everything."


Oh, I see. I see, I see. Yes, that makes total sense. I don't have to fight in that silly ball. Karla can use her universe-destroying power to get rid of the opposition in one fell swoop. Yeah, so there's no chance of me dying. That

leaves us with only one choice!

"Got it! I'll help you out, and you'll get my novel published!"

"R-really?! Thank you so much!"

I pulled Karla by the arm back to the stage.

The commanders looked at us with puzzled expressions, but I had nothing to fear. I had the strongest commander in the universe on my side.

"Kept you waiting, huh?" I turned my Commander Mode knob all the way up. "I, Terakomari Gandesblood, will join Karla Amatsu's side for the Heavenly Ball! Karla's victory has been assured from the very moment it was announced! Now, tremble in fear, Karin Reigetsu and her supporting commanders! With but a slight wave of my pinky finger, I'll mash you up into filling for the greatest omelet rice the world has ever known! Kneel here and now if you value your


There was one moment of silence before…


…the crowd went wild again. I didn't mind their rowdiness this time around. After all, our victory was assured! Karla would defeat our enemies by just swaying her pinky finger!

…Or so I thought back then. Unaware of the fact that the Heavenly Ball wasn't any simple war. That villains were scheming their evil deeds behind the scenes.


"Haaah. So I am participating after all…"

Karla Amatsu sighed as she sat in a chair in a palace courtyard gazebo.

The party continued even after the announcement of the Heavenly Ball. Everyone at the venue was dancing while she worried about her chances of survival.

"There was no changing it. You can't run away from your grandmother," said Koharu indifferently, eating the sweets she swiped from the venue. How could she act like that while her master was up against the wall?

Karla heaved another sigh.

"My Goddess is also out of her mind. There's no way I could take after her."

"You will, no matter what, if you defeat Karin Reigetsu."

"That's terrible! Why do they choose a successor by having us kill each other?! Since when did the Heavenly Paradise become as barbaric as the Mulnite Empire?!"

"I thought it was always like this."

"They're sick! I heard my grandmother's abdication was peaceful!"

"That was because she had no opposition."

"Huh? Is that true?"

"The current Goddess didn't have to go through a Heavenly Ball."

"That's not fair. Then why does Karin have to oppose me?"

"Don't worry, Lady Karla. Terakomari is on your side now."

"…I suppose. Yeah."

Their teams had been decided one week earlier, when the rules for the Heavenly Ball were announced. Karla and Karin had drawn lots to determine who would get to ask which country for help.

Karla had received the right to ask the Aruka Republic, the Enchanted Lands, and the Mulnite Empire. However, Aruka turned her down for the wholly justified reason of them being busy, as did the Enchanted Lands, which were busy with Lingzi Ailan's wedding. Mulnite just gave a vague response, saying they would "ask Lady Komari."

Meanwhile, Karin had gotten nothing but positive responses.

Karla panicked. She felt like dying. She managed to (forcefully) get Terakomari on her side, but if she had turned her down, too…how could she have hoped to go up against those monsters? From that angle, Terakomari really

was her savior.

That Vampire Princess had turned Aruka into ice and the Dark Core Zone into gold. Karin Reigetsu was no match against her full might. There was a fair chance Terakomari really could defeat her using her pinky finger alone. She wasn't the strongest commander in the universe for nothing.

"…Yeah, I'm starting to feel at ease."

"It's gonna be a piece of cake."

"Yeah. Terakomari will get us that win!"

Karla clenched her fist with hope.

But she was unaware that Terakomari was relying on her just as much.

The next moment, Karla's Correspondence Crystal started glowing inside her kimono. It was her direct line with the Goddess. Wondering why she didn't just go see her in person, she poured mana into it and answered:

"Karla speaking. Is something the matter?"

"My job here is done, so I was thinking of saying good-bye."

"You mean the announcement? I'm not very grateful about it, but okay."

"That too, yes, but I just had some contact with a terrorist in the venue."

"A terrorist…?" Karla opened her eyes wide. "Are you okay?"

"No need to worry. The Mulnite Empress lent me her aid, so everything went according to plan. They attacked me out of nowhere and I almost died, though."

"You were attacked?! Are you really doing okay?!"

"My wounds have already healed, so it's fine."


What could she even say to that? And what were the guards even doing?

Well, if the Goddess said she was fine, then she was. Karla didn't want to be told to go take out the terrorist, either, so she decided to pretend she hadn't heard this.

"By the way…" The Goddess changed the subject. "Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Heavenly Ball."

"I mean…it's not like I had any choice."

She could clearly picture her grandmother's nasty smile. It was nothing short of irritating to think everything was playing out according to her desires.

"I know you'll be fine. Although Karin is quite strong herself. I wouldn't be surprised either way. Take care."

"Whose side are you on?"

"I'm on the side of the Heavenly Paradise and whoever can make its future brighter. Also, I have a favor to ask, Karla."

"What is it? I'm not doing anything barbaric."

"It's quite simple. I'll be occupied during the Heavenly Ball and won't have much time for you. Keep this in mind."


"And if you happen to see me around, don't talk to me without precaution. Your life could be at risk."


"She's finally lost it. She's starting to sound like an edgy teenager."

"Don't say that, Koharu!"

"Just keep that in mind and you'll be fine. Get along with Ms. Terakomari Gandesblood and good luck. I know you can do it."

"I don't think I can."

"Despite what you think, the people around you have high hopes for you. Stay strong even when I'm not around. Good-bye."

The Goddess hung up.

It didn't make a lick of sense to Karla, but she did understand some of the things her superior had been getting at. Basically, she couldn't expect any help from the Goddess this time. She'd gotten some advice through her "eyes" during the Six Nations War, but now she would have to manage on her own.

"I guess I'll be fine. I have Terakomari on my side."

"I think you should try putting her in a good mood. You could give her all your sweets, for example."

"Yeah, maybe I should… Koharu! You've been having too many snacks."

How was she supposed to have a proper dinner now?

Karla snatched the dorayaki from her hands, and the ninja puffed her cheeks.

"…They're all just so much tastier than yours."

"Really? Actually, I happened to provide some food for this event as pâtissier. All those pastries you see on the tables? I made them."

"…" Koharu got up and turned away from Karla. She was red all the way up to her ears.

Karla held back a laugh.

"Anyways, we need to make a plan to survive the Heavenly Ball."

"You know that I'm a contrarian."

"We've got to think about how to surrender. Perhaps if I grovel before they attack…"

"When I say something is tasty, I actually mean it isn't. So if I say it's bad, it means it's good."

"So when you say my sweets are bad all the time, you actually mean they're good. Got it."


"I was already moving on from that. Why did you have to go and dig your own grave?"

"Shut up!" Koharu shouted as she ran away to the palace.

Karla let out a heavy sigh as she watched her go.

The thing to truly fret over was the battle that awaited her.

Even with Terakomari on her side, she couldn't banish all of her anxiety. Karin Reigetsu had seen her as a rival ever since they were little. That was how Karla knew she wouldn't shy away from resorting to the pettiest of methods to come out on top, despite her honorable, samurai-like facade.

"My main objective is to avoid death." Dying would hurt.

With that unambitious goal in mind, Karla stretched her arms and looked up at the sky.

She could hear the approaching steps of autumn in that tall, boundless view.

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