
He Who Greet With Fire.

An icy chill settled over the space station, sending shivers down the spines of its occupants. The air crackled with tension as Bann's silent approach towards the Royal Chamber commanded attention, his every movement exuding an aura of authority.

People instinctively parted in his wake, their gazes cast downward in deference. Others watched him with wide-eyed apprehension, their breaths caught in their throats. The weight of his presence hung heavy in the air, suffocating any inclination towards conversation.

In the hushed stillness, Bann's eyes gleamed with an intensity that promised both danger and resolve. His muscles tensed beneath his clothing, a silent reminder of the power he wielded. No words were needed to convey the message: defiance would be met with swift and merciless retribution.

'...oh shit!...' The unspoken thought reverberated through the minds of those nearby, a silent acknowledgment of the palpable threat in their midst. Each heartbeat seemed to echo in the silence, the heavy atmosphere pressing down on them like a leaden weight.

No one dared to inquire about the source of Bann's evident ire, each person too wary to risk provoking his wrath.


A surge of telekinetic energy swept through the corridor, causing the very walls to quiver in response. The heavy doors of the Royal Chamber swung wide open, their movement echoing like a thunderous clap in the stillness of the station. The suddenness of the sound sent a ripple of fear through the occupants, as if a fearsome beast had awoken from its slumber.

Inside the Royal Chamber, Gannicus and his retinue were jolted from their reverie by the unexpected noise. Their eyes darted towards the source of the disturbance, finding only the imposing figure of Bann hovering before them, his expression inscrutable yet demanding answers.

'What have we done wrong?' Augusta couldn't help but ponder in terror as her heart clenched in a tight knot, her gaze fixated on Bann. Her mind raced, desperately trying to recall their actions in recent days.

Meanwhile, Gannicus wore a grimace of pain, his mind assaulted by a searing agony. His breaths came in short gasps, his heartbeat thundering in his ears as he stared at Bann with a mix of dread and defiance.

As Bann drew nearer, sweat began to bead on their skin, the luxurious off-world garments clinging uncomfortably to their bodies. The fine linen, coveted by nobles and obtained at great cost, now felt like a suffocating shroud. Their body temperatures rose, and the ornate necklines of their clothing seemed to constrict their throats.

Their sweaty palms fumbled to adjust their clothing, fingers working frantically to create some semblance of comfort. Veins bulged beneath their skin as their hearts raced, pumping adrenaline-fueled blood through their veins.

Pupils dilated, their gaze fixed on Bann as if the distance between them stretched into infinity. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, the moments elongating into eternity, trapping those in the room in a suspended state of apprehension. They stood frozen, their bodies trembling under the weight of Bann's predatory presence.

Gannicus, bearing the brunt of Bann's primal aura, swallowed hard, his mouth dry with fear. His once-protective armor, crafted from ceramite and other alloys, now felt like a suffocating cage, weighing him down with its oppressive bulk. His fingers hovered over the belt at his hips, a futile gesture of readiness until the realization of Bann's true power gave him pause.

The oppressive atmosphere created an unnatural sensation, thickening the air until it felt as dense as mud. Some succumbed to the overwhelming pressure, sinking to their knees in submission, while others gritted their teeth in defiance, refusing to yield to Bann's dominance.

Bann's gaze remained fixed on his objectives as he declared coldly, "I do not require lesser men to kneel before me. Show your strength of will and stand proudly in my presence."

Like a splash of icy water, his words elicited grunts of displeasure and simmering rage from more than one individual. Despite their inner turmoil, they attempted to comply with his directive.

As Bann's floating figure passed through the double doors, adorned with intricate designs that spoke of a storied lineage, he showed no outward interest. His deep, low voice cut through the deafening silence, "Imagine my surprise upon awakening today to find the corridors and rooms of this space station teeming with unfamiliar faces, moving what belongs to me without so much as a word."

His presence loomed over the Inquisitor and his retinue like a weighty sun, rendering them unable to meet his gaze directly. None remained untouched by the overwhelming pressure bearing down upon them.

"What was even more audacious, or perhaps more stupid I may say, was witnessing individuals using my own Chamber as they pleased in my absence. Tell me, Inquisitor, do you still believe you are within the Imperium's jurisdiction?" Bann's question hung in the air, his eyes daring Gannicus to respond.

Veins bulging visibly on the sides of his face, Gannicus attempted to answer, "I am aware that we are no longer within the Imperium, and I apologize for not seeking permission before undertaking repairs."

With a silent stare that seemed to stretch on for an eternity, Bann scoffed.

"I did not ask for an apology, Gannicus. As I fear my previous actions failed to earn your respect and thoroughness," Bann's figure tapped against the floor as he approached the Inquisitor.


Each of Bann's steps resounded like thunder, echoing through the station and reverberating in the ears of all who stood witness.


Bann's telekinetic powers seized Gannicus's body, rendering him unable to resist as Bann lifted his chin, forcing him to meet his gaze.


With one final step, Bann's face loomed inches from Gannicus's as he strained his neck downward, their eyes locked in a tense confrontation.

"Tell me, Gannicus, how does one earn the respect of an Inquisitor? In my eyes, respect is earned, at minimum, through decorum and mindfulness of one's circumstances." Bann's voice was low and commanding, his gaze like a black hole piercing as he briefly glanced towards Augusta.

"People had done more than enough for me to spare your life, yet you always find a way to not only act against any sense of rationality, but even you are bold by showcasing openly your disrespect for my image," Gannicus, proud of the training he received to become who he was today and what he represented—an Inquisitor from the Imperium of Mankind— had never shunned adversity nor succumbed to his primal senses.

Yet for the first time, he saw in the cold face of a Xenos the palpable reality of doom. His body shuddered, not out of fear, but in defiance against the icy grip of death.

The chill drained the color from his face, causing his eyes to quiver. His mouth remained tightly shut, unable to even let out a squeak as he could only listen to the Xeno's words.

"It is evident that your circumstances are dire if you dare to proceed without seeking my permission to repair your vessels and rearm your arsenal," Bann's voice was measured as he circled around Gannicus, his words dripping with implication. "But what is even clearer to me, Gannicus, is that you are in no position to repay what you have taken. And I am one from which your luck has run dry. How do you propose we proceed?"

Gannicus swallowed hard, feeling the weight of the threat pressing down on him, compelling him to respond.

"We have aided in the defense of this system, and if you desire us to vacate your territory, then our actions were necessary," Gannicus replied urgently, his words tinged with desperation.

Something which clearly displeased Bann, who simply smiled while saying, "Your fate was intertwined with this system; your survival is a testament to it. I care not about your safety, Inquisitor; you took what is mine. Now, how are you going to repay me?" His gaze was once again fixed on the man after circling him once.

Gannicus's mind went into overdrive. 'It is clear that he is looking for something with all of this, but what exactly will suffice to quench his folly?' With the unknown unspoken and time passing by, Gannicus answered him, "I can obtain almost anything you wish, Xeno. But that can only apply in the Imperium, not here."

Hearing his response made one of Bann's eyebrows raise, while his mind couldn't help but wonder, 'Are Inquisitors supposed to be this... dumb? Anyways, his worth lies in what he could deliver to the Imperium rather than dead.' A sincere smile suddenly perched upon Bann's lips.

From one simple notion, 'Life seems to favor this man.' There was always something that seemed to appear preventing him from killing the man. He was someone whom destiny took a liking to.

"Your life holds little value, Inquisitor, as do any promises you can offer," Bann remarked with a deliberate tone, his hand suddenly seizing Gannicus's most precious possession, the Inquisitorial Rosette. "Yet this, my friend, hoho~, this is an entirely different matter."

Gannicus desperately attempted to resist Bann's telekinetic grip, but he found himself frozen and powerless as he watched Bann toy with his rosette.

"This is the only measure of your worth, Inquisitor, aside from your intellect. However, the latter seems broken and unworthy, from what I can discern," Bann continued, his words carrying an insightful weight that escaped the desperate man and the fearful cadres.

Only Augusta managed to fully grasp the significance of his words.

"The mess that your Empire has become is utterly useless when it comes to defending a system. Your ignorance and foolishness have proven to be detrimental to each world. Technology and knowledge that should have been available for ten thousand years are now lost, thanks to the likes of you who pursue lost causes in their shadows and ignore the persistent dangers that thrive within the galaxy," Bann's words escaped his mouth with increasing intensity, his ki flaring up and his veins bulging threateningly.

His black orbs now blazed with the heat of white suns as memories of Faradras and his plans flooded his mind.

"Instead of purging the rot that corrupts your Empire, you waste resources on lost causes. Even now, I'm sure someone has been sent to deal with us," he continued, crushing the rosette in his hand as if it were made of clay, while Gannicus remained rooted in place, motionless, staring at his hand.

"You'll prove useful once in your life, Inquisitor," Bann declared, his eyes locked onto Gannicus, who could barely register his words. "You'll repay your sorry excuse of a self by bringing food and other resources into my system. Otherwise, your name shall echo through the depths of the galaxy as I lay waste to each of the Imperium's worlds to obtain what you owe me."

With a scoff, Bann turned away, releasing his telekinetic grasp on Gannicus, whose ragged breath echoed through the chamber. Bann walked toward the table and poured himself a drink from a crystal cup.

His gaze then shifted towards Augusta, who regarded him with a myriad of thoughts swirling in her mind. Her face, a canvas for the most astute of detectives to decipher her emotions.

"Ms. Sterna," Bann addressed her, gesturing with his cup towards the vast window overlooking Faradras, "Your duty beside that man has been completed. Your place now lies within this station, and that planet." His eyes gleamed with amusement as he observed the emotions flickering across the Psyker's face.

Her cheeks flushed, and her body trembled slightly. Though her eyes could easily mask any emotion with dread, Bann's keen senses detected something more.

'I will truly stay here.' The realization of her worst fear ignited a whirlwind of emotions within Augusta, leaving her unable to tear her gaze away from Bann. A sensation gripped her neck and breath, not from any physical force, but from the feeling of something tightening around her throat.

The connection between her and Bann.

With eyes that spoke about trouble, Bann finally settled into his throne while he said to the presents, "Now, shall we delve deeper into details?"


15 chapters in advance on my Patreon.


What's an Inquisitor without his rossette?

And what's more, what's an Inquisitor that let his rosette being destroyed?

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts
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