

John was about to go out and investigate to find out what the commotion was all about.Before he could step towards the door he heard people scream, followed b a sharp pain in his shoulder.John was not sure what the pain was but a picture of Bill popped in his mind  and he started to move faster.

While he was walking The System Chimed "Host Bill has been hurt" John thought 'Thank you I think i already felt that. As he had already  started running in the direction where he could feel Bill. 

Someone was already coming to get him to tell him what was going on when he ran passed.  When John got  Closer he saw a lot of people standing in the Hall blocking his path without slowing down his voice Boomed over everyone "MOVE!" everyone jumped and moved out of his way as he ran passed them. 

When he got with in seeing distance  he saw Bill on the ground and then he saw Susan standing over him. David was  still there trying to talk to distract her but she was ignoring him " Susan what is wrong with you have you lost your mind" 

David  who had seen John appear suddenly and  the expression on his face was not good " Susan this is not going to end well for you I would back off him if I were you" 

She who had not seen John come in yet " Why, what has it got to do with you?" It was that moment that John barreled past her and ran straight to Bill ignoring her existence entirely. 

Everyone could see the look on John face and Backed up even David took a step back Susan saw all this and look towards John.

John fell on the Ground  and with out think ripped his shirt off grabbed Bill and pressed his Shirt on his wound. " Baby you will be Okay, you have to be" He glared at Susan with so much anger.

David whispered "Someone has called for help and an ambulance. John Nodding "Thank you Brother" Susan who was watching their interaction was confused "Since When do you two Get along?"

  Both ignoring Susan, John went back to Paying attention to Bill " Please be okay, I will die if something happens to you," Bill Looking at John "Hunny I Love you" before he passed out from the pain.

Susan was getting angry at being ignored "Hey, I have a gun here, I have to get rid of him, it is all his fault, He has taken what should have been rightfully mine" John was still ignoring her.

  David shaking his head " What nonsense are you spewing woman, Bill didn't taken anything that belonged to"  Susan Looked at him and said " I am going to kill him, and there is nothing anyone can do about it, I am going to take what is mine" 

While she was talking John had gently put Bill down on the Ground and stood up in front of Bill.  He was radiating with rage " You want to kill him, Then kill me, you Crazy Psychotic Witch!!!"



Bill had just woken up again when heard what John had said , he spoke as loud as he could "Baby NO, Please"

John didn't take his eyes off Susan.

Susan glaring at them "Your actually willing to die for him" John and Bill replied in unison without even thinking about it "Yes, I will protect him with my life" Susan shaking her head " No why?, you belong to me, you should be spending your money on me not him"  That was when everyone including John and David realized she was only after John's Money. While she was ranting, John had picked up a metal ruler off the desk beside him and had it hiding behind his arm. 

David Saw it and was wondering what John was thinking, John replied " Why, He is my Husband you idiot!, He is worth more then any amount of Money or my Life!" 

He had been Slowly stepping forward while he was speaking. Then he suddenly moved his hand and hit Susan on the arm with the ruler and took the Gun from her. While she was crying in pain he disassembled it right in front of her, and dropped the pieces on the table.

He then turned away and walked back  over to Bill and Picked him up in his arms. Looking over at David he said "Restrain her and Bring her out  let get out of here. 

David nodded grabbed Susan's arms, Then they all started walking out of the room together.

  Everyone was clapping for them and booing Susan.



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