

John put his Helmet on his Bike. Not paying attention to the people looking at him and not smiling either. His friends standing nearby noticed the look on John Face and looked at each other and sighed because they realized what was wrong. 

John was feeling like he did before when he was alone and feeling Abandoned. Feeling bad they all promised to cheer him up and let him know he was not alone.

Finally Paying attention to his surroundings he Noticed his Friends Group standing near the entrance and gave them a slight Smile, as he walked over.

The Group then walked in together grabbed a few drinks and sat at there normal table. Bill who had been promoted had to go fix a few things out back even though he wasn't working tonight. 

John phone went notification went off it was a message from Alex and Alice making sure he was alright after receiving a message earlier. He told them he was Fine and thanks for asking.

While John was answering his messages the others got up to dance as it was a really good song. 

Sighing John just sat there alone sipping on his drink. Two songs later John's friends looked towards their table and realized they left John by himself again.  Cursing at themselves. 

Not knowing what to do to fix this. Marcus looked over towards the Bar to See Bill talking to a staff member. Getting his attention and motioning towards John. Bill looked over and saw the look on John face and it was heart breaking. As he was walking over towards John,when he heard John Mutter to himself "Why did I even come here" while he was staring at his glass.

Hearing that Bill had tears in his eyes knowing it was worse then he thought. Quietly sending a Message to Alex and Alice, Telling them to come tonight as John was more depressed then he is letting on. They replied be there asap. 

The couple from earlier had seen John sitting alone and wondering why did he look so sad, and if he had Girlfriend. 

Watching they were surprised what they saw next.  Bill walked up behind John wrapped his arms around him and bent down close to his ears and whispered "Dance with me Hunny Bear". 

Snapping John out of his thoughts. Looking up at Bill smiling as he really did like that nickname and it made him feel better so he agreed.

Holding John's hand Tight Bill led him to the dance floor just as the song changed. Putting his hands around his Neck pulling him Closer causing Johns arms to go around Bill waist. 

  They danced in silence for awhile until Bill said " You are not alone, You will never be alone again, I promise" John looking into his eyes smiling realizing he was just stuck in his own thoughts and he was imagining things that are not there.

In Reply John wrapped his arms tighter. And they started Moving a little more seductively. Lost in what they were doing they didn't notice people watching them. 

Alex and Alice arrived while they were still dancing to their third song. Spotting Marcus and the others at the Table. Alex led Alice over and greeted everyone and introduced Alice sat down. Alex told them they got an SOS from Bill.

  Bill and John decided to go get a drink. Noticing Alex and Alice sitting at the table John smiled at them.  And took his seat. John was seated between Bill and Alex ,Talking Finally feeling a lot better. 

When Susan walked over and asked John if they could talk but before he could answer Alice recognizing her answered "No! You are not worthy of him. Go away" While grinning at her. Causing Susan to stomp off. 

John looked at Alice and Said "You are good Thank you"' " All Good she is a bitch anyway" Then she stood up and grabbed Johns Hands and Pulled him out of his seat and said  "Now let's go dance and show her whats she is missing". Looking and Bill and Alex " You guys don't mind do you, Because it is my turn" Laughing they both said "go for it, But don't wear him out just yet" 

The Four on the opposite side of the Table were a little curious as they had just met Alice and they thought she was Alex's Girl even though they new Alex has been with John.

Watching as the two made there way to the dance floor, they were not the only ones watching as two people who had seen him with Bill earlier now had there eyes on him again shocked to see him with a girl this time.

Wrapping their arms around each other they started to move in such away they looked like they were grinding on each other. 

The Scene was something to see. Bill and Alex looked at each other and grinned,  when the others saw this they didn't know what they were thinking. 

Until Both Boys stood up and walked towards the dance floor. Under the shocked gaze of a few people, Alex wrapped his arms around Alice and Bill wrapped his around John and the four of them started to move in sync with each other. 

  A few songs In Alice excused herself to go to the Bathroom Kissing John and Alex.  Shocking everyone again and she left. All the on lookers thought the scene would stop but no. The Boys didn't end the dancing Alex just moved closer to John and Took Alice's Place. The three of them kept moving and it was getting rather heated.

John, Bill and Alex decided to stop  and go back to the table before they ended up going at it on the dance floor. Alice noticed them adjusting themselves when they sat down. 

Giggling she lent over and whispered in Alex's ear. Shrugging his shoulders he replied "It happens". 

As the night went on John's Mood seemed to have improved. He looked a lot happier. 

The night came to an end and John and his friends walked out together saying good night Marcus and Sophia, Joshua and Jack said they will catch up soon.

Alex and Alice Made John promise to come by the shop but they had to get up early to accept a delivery.

So they gave John a quick kiss and Left. Leaving only Bill who wanted to keep cheering John up. So he climbed on the Back of John's Bike. As they were Riding home John could feel Bill blowing on the back of his neck and he was starting to get hot, So he sped up and got to the mansion in record time.

They stepped into the Mansion and went to make a drink at the Bar and they sat down to talk. Bill Started. " John are you alright?, I was worried by what I heard you say at the club", " It was nothing" Bill shook his head and said " It was not nothing, If you ever feel like that again call or text one of us, even if we are busy we will find time for you, you just have to tell us how your feeling Okay" 

John nodded and did not say anything "You know it was not till we were waiting at the club tonight that we found out none of us had seen you, we thought you were spending time with Jasmine after everything that happened" John replied "NO she Left and so did Ruby everyone else was busy with there own thing so I just stayed here, then I got the Bike so I went for a ride"

Unknown to John tears started rolling down his face. Everything just came crashing down on him at once. "Sorry I should be stronger then this" Bill put his Drink down and Pulled John into his arms "What are you saying, even Hot tough guys are allowed to have emotions you know, You don't need to be strong with me, you can cry all you like"

" Even though there are a few special Friends in our little family, You and I seem to have a stronger more special connection I can't explain it" John Nodded "I have felt that too, it feels more, I don't know, I figured we could just go with it and see what it is"

" You know, We got quite the Harem forming around us, even though we lost a couple recently there are still more" John chuckling still in Bills arms "Yes, I can't wait to see what the future holds.' Lifting his head Looking at Bill and said " Thank you I needed this." 

Bill suddenly crashed his lips against against Johns. It was not a rushed one, it was slow and gentle holding all the emotions that were over flowing from them"

  They stayed like that for what seemed like hours until they decided to go to bed. Going up to the bed room stripping out of there clothes and hopping under the blankets and holding each other and kissing, Until they fell asleep in each other arms.

When they woke up the next morning. Their Movements were not as gentle as the night before. John crashed his lips down on to Bills  with so much passion their tongues down each other throats. 

Roaming their hands all over until they Both needed a release. Wrapping  their hands around and rubbing each other until they Both exploded with a loud Moan. 

Laying back down as today was the last day before classes started back up. So They spent the day christening almost all of John's mansion except the Guest Rooms.

By the time Bill left to head home it was late at night. John was feeling really good and relaxed tonight. He went for a shower and hoped into bed he didn't even bother to put anything on he Just laid there naked. With lots of thoughts going through his head.

Thinking about why the feelings he gets around Bill are different from anyone else. He is attracted and has feelings for them all but Bill feels more I don't understand what I am feeling'

Right at that Moment the System spoke "Host even though you do have feelings for every member of your Harem. Bill is your hearts other half like soul mates. The other members will come and go but He will never leave you. John thought Really I did not expect that. So it is love that I am feeling. I don't think I have ever felt that before maybe that is why I didn't recognize it when I felt it. How come I didn't feel this from him before. In the past you suppressed that half of yourself, so you didn't really feel true love with Susan, As soon as you opened yourself up you heart was released"

Thank you system my life would not have improved so much if it was not for you Thank you"

" Your Most Welcome, soon you will not need the Harem System,as it is designed to open up your heart. So as the host Changes so will the system"

After that John fell asleep with his heart fuller then it has ever been in his life.

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