
Chapter 21 ★ The blues

Hendrix POV

When I clatter off the bus, I'm already a human popsicle.

The snow is coming down hard. It's like a blizzard. I'm an absolute crazy person to be out today of all days. Maybe I am crazy. It wouldn't surprise me at this point. I've lost my mind.

Public transportation is my only feasible option. It's not like I can ride my bike when it's pouring snow everywhere you look, and I can't very well ask Miranda or Stacey for a ride. I'm still mad at them. Well, I'm not mad, but we aren't talking still so that would be a little weird. I have my pride.

Even though I don't look too prideful since I can hardly walk down the sidewalk. I'm bundled up like a marshmallow.

The only reason I'm out and about is because I'm in desperate need to see Cedric. The few days of not being near him have been too much for me to handle. They've taken their toll. I want to see him. Touch him. Kiss him.

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