
35. New Territory & The Meeting With The Ruler Of The Youkai pt.1

After making Yubelluna my first queen of my Peerage it was time for the second meeting with the Youkai leader Moira. Location Change Kyoto: as we were sitting in a lavish room while 3 people sitting in front of us and they were the Youkai leader Moira and your two daughters Yasaka and Kunaboto.

Moira ( So you must be William Lusifuge and this is your Peerage)? She asks me with a smile on her beautiful face William ( yes ma'am also my mother and grandmother as well my aunt) Moira ( would you mind introducing everyone to me for I can know your names)? William ( of course this is Yubelluna which is my Queen Shuri Himejima is one of my Bishops, Kuroka is one of my Rooks and Yoruichi Shihouin is one of my knights and to my left is Druella Lusifuge which is my mother, Grayfia Lucifuge my aunt and last but not least Crystal Lusifuge which is my grandmother).

After I finished introducing everyone they all bowed to her to show their respect Moira ( well it's nice to meet everyone and by the way I can smell your eccences on them) she says with a suductive smile William ( well they're my mates after all and there's others) I responded with my own suductive smirk of my own.

While I was talking to the female Kitsune everyone was looking at our interaction with one of others in amusement. Moira ( Fufufu is that so but I did forget to introduce myself my name is Moira and these two lovely girls by me are my daughters Yasaka and Kunaboto) after she was done introducing herself and her daughters I got up from my seat and approached them.

When I reached the 3 lovely Kitsunes I kissed each of their hands which causes the two teenage Kitsunes blush as for the mother she just gave me a seductive smile. Druella ( that's enough flirting son) Grayfia ( that's correct) she says after she pulled me by my ear back to my previous spot. Moira ( You're absolutely right let's get to business. You're wanting to establish your territory on the broader of Kyoto and Koah is that correct lord Lusifuge)?

William ( that is correct Lady Moira and you can just call me William) Moira (ok then William you can just call me Moira so what would you offer me and my people for allowing you to let you use the boarder as the location as your territory)? As I was listening to her question I was coming up with the right answer for her.

Then it hit me on what I could offer her William ( I'll lend you my aid at anytime you'll need me as do missions for you at even given time) Moira ( ok I'll accept it on one condition you must)

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