
Chapter 11.4 House Stark Reaction

Ned Stark sat in his room staring at the ceiling. The solitude helped him to reflect. His wife, Catelyn Stark, spent nearly every waking hour locked in the sept of the Faith of the Seven built at Winterfell.

The woman originally from House Tully was still upset with Ned Stark for betrothing her son to Wylla Manderly, but Ned understood that it was the right thing to do. There was no initiative from him of course, Ned had no such mind for politics, but Maester Luwin who made the suggestion, and was quite insistent until he received a positive response. Roose Bolton, on a visit he made to Winterfell with his son Domeric, also made such a suggestion, so Ned thought it was a good idea.

However, before he could finish his break the door began to be banged loudly.

"Come in!" shouted the Northern man in annoyance; realizing that this was a matter of the utmost urgency.

"My lord!" said the newly revealed Maester Luwin. "Wyman Manderly and his son Ser Wendel have been slain! House Manderly and House Dustin are mobilizing their armies to invade the Three Sisters!"

"What?" was all Ned could whisper. Such news was too ridiculous that it was hard to process. It all seemed too sudden.

Silence reigned as Ned seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation, but horror was plastered on his face.

"Wyman..." he whispered, a hint of sadness permeating his voice. "Wendel" he repeated, his tone equally grave. "Who was it?"

"House Borrel, of the Three Sisters, but according to the news that has just reached Winterfell, it has been some time since the Dustin and the Manderly mobilized their forces and attacked. Apparently they also took many prisoners, who were taken to the Barrowlands."

"Prisoners?" murmured Ned, and his silence proceeded. "Prepare our men! We must act with cool heads, and we cannot let the trouble escalate so far. Send a letter to Jon Arryn as well. We must resolve the conflict before the Manderlys and Dustin do anything too drastic."

Little did Ned know... it was already too late.

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